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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(37)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“Come again?” Conner’s one eyebrow raised as he stood there with his arms folded waiting for me to explain.

“I need you to hit me, preferably in the jaw so it leaves a mark.”

In all of the f**king times that this guy had wanted to kill me, he just stood there expecting me to explain why I wanted him to do it. Looking at his face, it would have been easier to run into a door myself.

“Why am I doin’ this?”

“Because me and Miranda need it to look like she kicked me out and you beat me up. We can’t get those papers unless that bitch Heather takes the bait.”

He pointed to me. “Let me get this straight. My sister is now in on this scheme? She actually wants you to go see this Heather person?”

I held my hands up in the air. “Look, man, Miranda sent Heather this text message, basically causing the girl to refuse to help us get those papers. I don’t blame her for it at all, but now we’re desperate. I just think she would be more forgiving if she really thought me and Miranda were on the outs. If you don’t believe me, you can go ask her yourself. This was her idea. I told her no, but she insisted.”

“So, what are ya plannin’ to do when you get there?” I could tell he was getting defensive and I needed him to be.

“Not that! I would never do what you’re thinking. Look, I know everyone thinks I am this big cheater, but Van and I were kids when we got together. We were more friends than anything. Yeah, we had a physical relationship, but it was just going through the motions of it all. I loved her dearly, but neither of us were in love. She knew that as soon as she got with Colt. You can think whatever you want, but your sister is the only woman I have ever truly loved. I’d die for her, Dude. I’d do anything for her to be happy.”

“Nah, I believe you. Living with you two makes it easy to see how happy you are. I’ll admit, it was hard to accept, but they both love you and I know you return those feelin’s. Miranda’s a tough girl, but I know this has got to be killin’ her inside. If you’re doin’ this, then I want to help. Bella’s my niece and it’s important to me too.”

Conner drew back and hit me on the side of my jaw, before I could see it coming. He was shaking his hand as I turned around to look at him. My hand was already on my bleeding mouth. “What the f**k?”

“If I told you when I was doin’ it, you would have instinctively moved out of the way. I think you got what you wanted there.”

“Jesus Christ, this f**king hurts.” Conner stayed with me as I explained from the beginning what had happened. He seemed to really want to help and I was going to need it. Something told me this wasn’t going to go as planned. Heather was a lot of things, but she wasn’t stupid. She was going to know I was bluffing if I didn’t do a hell of a job convincing her otherwise. The thought made me sick.

I didn’t go back into the house and kiss Miranda goodbye. Instead, Conner went in his truck and grabbed me a duffle bag. “What’s this?”

“It’s got a change of clothes in it. I’ve kinda been seein’ someone and I never know if I need a change of clothes.”

“Who are you seeing?”

He held his hands up and shook his head. “It’s not what you’re thinkin’. It’s not really a booty call kind of thing. We’re just gettin’ to know each other, I reckon’.”

“Okay, Mr. Secretive.”

“Whatever. You got your shit together? You down with the plan?” Conner handed me his truck keys. He was changing the subject.

“Yeah, I have to pretend that my wife, that I love more than anything in the world, kicked me out and I need a place to crash where her brother can’t find me and beat my ass.”

He slapped me on the back as I climbed in the truck. “Go save your daughter, Ty.”

“This is f**ked up in so many ways, you know that right?” I hated this.

“Yeah, but you’ve run out of options and I’d sell my soul to the devil before I let anyone from Tucker Chase’s family lay a hand on my niece. If this is what you have to do, then do it.”

I looked back at my carriage house, which had doubled in size now. All of the countless hours spent making it a home for my family rushed into my mind. The hours that I’d spent with Miranda drawing out the design of every single room. The nights we worked until the sun came up. Izzy seeing her room for the first time. Taking our first bath in the new Jacuzzi tub; planning out the room for the twins; having our first meal when the house was all finished.

All of those beautiful memories together and I was driving to do something I said I would never do again. The thought made me sick. I didn’t know how in the hell, if it came to touching Heather, I could go through with it, not when my beautiful wife was sitting at home worrying herself sick.

I waved to Conner and I pulled out of the driveway and headed for Heather’s place. Her mother worked weird hours at the hospital and there was no telling if she would be there when I arrived. I kind of hoped that she would be, because I didn’t want to be alone with Heather.

I sat out front of her house and thought about any other way that I could save my daughter from that woman. Did I have the balls to hire a hit man? Could I go through with something that evil for my daughter? What would something like that even cost? Miranda and I weren’t hurting for money, but I was certain something like that didn’t come easy.

Finally, I got to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed my phone and set the plan into motion.

I’m here. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Start sending the messages and stick to the plan. This is for Isabella. This is for our family.

I deleted the message and with shaking hands, awaiting what Miranda and I had planned on saying.

I hate you for what you’ve done to our family. Rot in hell Ty. You will never touch me again.- M

Even though I knew it was a lie, to read the words coming from my wife ripped my heart out. I never wanted to feel this way. I leaned over the steering wheel and tried to get my shit together, but the more I thought about those messages, the more upset I became. Soon, I had tears falling down my eyes and I was dialing my wife.


Baby, I can’t do this.

I could hear her crying on the other end of the phone and I just lost it. Tears wet my cheeks and I listened to her pain.

I love you so much, Ty. I know you can do this for Bella, for your Izzy.

I can’t lose you to save her. I can’t choose.
