Read Books Novel

Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(4)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Amy gave us a welcomed smile. “Is something wrong?” She seemed truly concerned, which I appreciated since she and I were so close.

“Not unless having TWINS is a big deal.”

Even the clients having their hair done gave us congratulatory comments.

“So, I was thinking she should take the day off and relax, in fact, I was hoping that she could start working a few hours a day instead of eight. Would that be alright? She keeps getting tired and I need her to be taken care of. She could be carrying the next Peyton and Eli Manning.”

I rolled my eyes, wondering if my husband was more concerned about my well being or his potential football star sons. At any rate, the room filled with laughter. Of course it did…we were talking about Ty.

“I don’t see why we can’t arrange for that to happen. It will take us about a week to get the schedule straight. I can take her afternoon appointments today if that’s alright?”

Once we got that all situated, Ty called his boss and told him he wasn’t coming back. They exchanged a few inside jokes before finally hanging up. We both had the coolest bosses and were lucky about that.

Bella was in school for a little while longer, so Ty took us to a restaurant outside of town. We sat down and he grabbed my hands. “Have I told you how much I love you today?”

“Not in the past hour.” I didn’t keep track, but I never forgot when he said those words to me. They still melted my heart.

“Forever, Baby, I love you forever. God, I can’t wait to tell Iz.”

We ordered our food and when the waitress left, I grabbed his hands again. Well, actually he stuck both hands on the table with his palms up and motioned for me to hold them. “Are you scared about having two instead of one?”

“Baby, I am having twin sons. We already have the most perfect daughter. As long as I have you, I know we can handle two little Ty’s.”

“So is that the name you want? Tyler?”

He grinned a kind of half smile. “Nope. Actually, I have an idea that I want to run by you.”

I was still focused on his grin. Sometimes it was hard for even me to tell whether Ty was being serious or not. “Lay it on me.”

“What about Jackson and Jacob? We can call them Jax and Jake for short and they are both strong football names. I can hear it now. ‘Starting quarterbacks Jax and Jake Mitchell’.

Oh, for the love of God, help me.

After I laughed at him, he seemed to get his serious face back on. The truth was, I loved the names and the fact that he had picked one of my favorites. “I love them, both of them. They’re perfect, Babe.”

He pulled both of my hands to his mouth and kissed them. “Perfect just like their mother.”

Chapter 2


After finding out our news, we planned a surprise trip to Kentucky. I could hardly wait to celebrate with the family in person. Miranda seemed to be just as excited as I was. Conner even seemed excited. He opted to stay at our place since we had a shipment of cattle that had just arrived. He needed to make sure the fences were secure and everything was in order. If something were to happen, my father and Harvey wouldn’t be able to handle things themselves.

We packed up my Jeep and got on the road early on a Friday night. Izzy was so excited to tell Noah about having two brothers instead of one. I was surprised she hadn’t asked to video chat with him before we left. Savanna and Miranda had this schedule where they cooked dinner at the same times every night during the week. They would get the kids set up on the computers and they would chat with each other while the women could cook without being disturbed.

I’d usually help out Conner and my dad when I got home from the shop at night. Miranda hated it, but once dinner was ready, I never went out and took away from our family time together.

Living with Conner was tough. I suppose living with anyone would be, but he and I just bumped heads too much. He had a problem with me wanting to be with my girls all of the time. I don’t know if he was just jealous, or a total douche bag in general.

Our last few visits to the ranch were full of drama. Between Conner being out of control and the kids being lost in the worst storm Kentucky had seen in years, then Savanna going into labor, I wasn’t looking forward to going back for a while.

Things had really changed for Miranda and me at home and we liked being there. Our house went from being a tiny box, to a pretty nice size. My father, Colt, Conner and me had turned the old part of the carriage house into three more bedrooms and a bathroom. We raised the ceilings in the original house part and even rearranged the original floor plan.

Last year, during the construction, we had to move in with my parents. Just living under the same roof as them made me work even harder to get our place done. Miranda got all weird about sleeping with me in my parents’ house. She refused to even get a shower while we were in the bathroom together. I tried to explain that we were married and they really didn’t care, but she wouldn’t listen.

After three months of living in my parents’ house, we were able to move back into half of the house, until the rest was complete.

Since we finished, Izzy had her own wing that consisted of a bedroom, playroom and bathroom. She didn’t seem to mind her uncle Conner living with us, but was a bit more upset about losing her playroom to two little baby brothers. We had added three bedrooms, so eventually the kids would all have their own rooms, for the time being, the twins were going to share a room.

At any rate, visiting Kentucky just made me miss being at our house, comfortable and together.

Miranda was getting big quick, due to carrying two babies instead of one. To me, it didn’t matter how big she got, I found her to still be the sexiest woman on the planet. She wore little dresses with leggings on most days, since they were so comfortable.

Every night I would rub her back, her feet, or whatever else she complained were hurting. During our very long car ride, she complained of being stiff. We stopped three times for her to adjust and pee. I didn’t know what she was going to do when she got further along. Her bladder had gone to shit. In fact, one night we were watching television and she was sitting on my lap. She sneezed and peed all over me.

I thought it was hysterical, but she got all bent out of shape over it. I wish she knew that I could never love her any less. My little boys were growing inside of her. I would never make fun of her for that.

We got about twenty minutes away from the ranch and Izzy was pitching a fit for something to eat. It was hard to tell a four year old that we needed to wait thirty minutes. She just didn’t understand time yet.
