Read Books Novel

Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(42)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He refused to talk about the trial on account of what he might have to tell Bella someday. It broke my heart to even think about that conversation, but I was positive she would always love him as her daddy.

After my husband’s begging, I finally stopped working in my eighth month of pregnancy. The doctors were convinced I was going to deliver early and the family was all on standby in case it started. Since I had to deliver Bella in the back of a car, Ty was determined to get me to the hospital in time. Having twins could be complicated and we wanted to be prepared. I’d packed my overnight bag and Ty had gotten the whole room ready for the boys.

One Sunday after church, we came home to a house full of people yelling ‘surprise’. Since Bella was my first child, I really didn’t expect to have a shower, but my family loved to party and they just looked for reasons. Ty had kept the secret and managed to get Amy involved. She’d invited some of my favorite clients and I was so happy they could attend.

It was great seeing Van and Colt and little Christian was just the cutest little thing. She was already trying to stand herself up and had two front teeth. Noah and Bella immediately went running into her room together. She was so excited to see him that she didn’t even care about all of the presents I needed help opening.

Ty smiled the whole day and I caught him looking at me with such passion throughout the party. As much as I loved my whole family being there, I kind of wanted to be alone with him more. With me being so huge and all of the stress of the upcoming trial, to say we were becoming distant would have been an understatement.

I loved Ty for being the faithful man that I needed him to be, but since his failed attempt at obtaining the documents, something had changed in him. He still joked, but it wasn’t the same. I felt like he always had his guard up.

Our late night conversations became non-existent and some nights he would fall asleep on the couch and not come to bed until I was already asleep. I patched it up to my pregnancy. Maybe I was too hard to sleep with. I did toss and turn all night long, but I missed him. Even though we were together all of the time, I missed him terribly.

After all of my friends left and my mom and aunt went to Ty’s parents, Colt and Van hung out with us. It was great having them over and I loved spending time with Christian. Her little smile was so contagious. Ty loved being her Godfather. It was so funny watching him talk to her like he was a baby. I had no doubt that he was going to be such a good dad to our twins. He’d already proven that with Bella.

Colt and Ty went into the living room, while Van and I sat in the kitchen. We could hear them talking about hunting, and both rolled our eyes, knowing they would be bickering shortly. I heard Conner come in and then the voices got even louder as he joined in on the conversation.

“Nothing ever changes does it?” Van giggled.

“Nope.” I rubbed my giant tummy to try and settle the boys. They were moving up a storm and I was often very uncomfortable.

Van took a drink of her tea and looked at my belly. “You look like you’re ready to pop.”

“I feel like I am too. I tell ya, I can’t wait to deliver so I can try and get some kind of body back. Ty and I still have sex, but I miss feeling attractive.”

She smiled. “I know for a fact that your husband loves the way you look. He tells me all the time, even more than I would ever want to hear.”

I laughed. “He tells me too. I don’t know. I feel distant from him. I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is, but somethin’ is different about our relationship.”

“Maybe you’re just getting settled. After a while the newness fades away.” Van picked at her fingernails as she talked.

“I guess it could be that. I don’t know.”

Ty came walking into the kitchen, while still yelling something about a goose. He looked from me to Van and shook his head. “Is she talking about my meat again?”

Van rolled her eyes. “Since I know there isn’t that much to talk about, it would be pointless.”

She and I both knew that she was lying about that. Ty wasn’t gigantic, but it was big enough to hurt me every single time. She’d once told me Colt was huge, not that I wanted to know at all. I guess it was only fair, but still.

Ty leaned over and kissed my cheek. “My Baby never complains about my meat.”

“Aww, she just doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. That’s why we have girl talk.”

He stood up and put his hands on his hips. After shaking his head, but saying nothing, he turned to grab something out of the cabinet.

“Van, can you help me? I can’t seem to find my pickles.” I couldn’t see him, but Van winced when she looked in his direction. I turned around to see what was so startling and saw my husband’s entire ass hanging out. He was reaching in the top of the cabinet and had pushed his pants down, revealing his whole ass. Luckily, he kept his front covered, but continued to keep them down until he walked out of the room.

“You’re sick!” Van yelled.

“Bite me!”

She rolled her eyes and turned around. Of course, I was in hysterics. “He is never going to grow up.”

“I know.” The truth was, I didn’t really want that part of him to ever go away. I loved that every day he made me laugh.

Chapter 16


Lying to Miranda was hard enough, but keeping up with that lie was worse than I could have ever imagined. I thought as time went by I could get over what had happened, but as Miranda’s pregnancy was coming to an end, I felt more and more guilty.

It didn’t help that she’d caught me crying several times in the middle of the night. I’d turned into a pu**y, unable to deal with my own actions. Every second I looked into my wife’s beautiful blue eyes, I was reminded of waking up naked next to Heather.

I hated myself.

The only thing keeping me from just telling Miranda the truth was my kids. Conner had pretty much threatened me to just forget what had happened and be with my family, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I could live with myself.

Savanna and Colt coming to visit, helped distract me. In fact, I felt like myself for the first time in a month. Miranda and I got so many gifts for the boys. It was funny getting two of everything, although I was sure that the people buying them hated that part.

Of course, my wife was so excited about all of the gifts that she made Conner, Colt and myself spend two nights putting all of the shit together. By the end of the weekend, the girls had made us a shitload of food and the boy’s room was filled up with every kind of toy and gadget they needed.
