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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(43)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Miranda seemed so excited and seeing her happy made my night. She may have been gigantic, but inside of that huge belly was two little boys that we made out of our love for each other. They were planned and loved before we even knew they existed. I watched her holding her belly with her feet propped up on a chair. Her ankles were swelling up something fierce and with the doctors saying that twins delivered early, we were all on high alert.

After literally putting things together until my fingers bled, us guys retreated to a pool table I had set up in the old barn. All it had in it was a refrigerator full of beer, the pool table and a stereo with an IPOD docking station. Conner used the rec room a lot more than me, considering I liked spending most of my time with Miranda. She and I had joined a billiards league, but we took off for a whole session on account of her being so pregnant. Conner had joined the team and he enjoyed practicing and playing with Harvey on some nights. In addition, it gave him a place to go to get away from us for a little while.

Colt was leaning over to take a shot when I put my stick in front of his face. “I think we should make a wager.”

“You waited until I was about to sink this shot to tell me that? Fine, what’s the bet?”

I got a huge smile on my face and crossed my arms. “If you miss and I win, you have to strip down naked and run in my parents’ house.”

Colt shook his head and gave me a dirty look. “Fuck that. We ain’t kids anymore.”

“No shit! That makes it even funnier.”

Conner tossed his beer into the trash and shook his head. “This is gonna be good.”

“And if I make the shot?” Colt was still asking, which meant he was considering. He cocked his eyebrow at Conner. “Stay out of it.”

Conner laughed at him anyway, causing Colt to get pissed.

I broke their stare. “You pick what I have to do. Nothing life threatening though. I have to be in once piece when Miranda goes into labor.”

Colt looked from me to Conner and smiled with an evil grin.

Not going to be good…

“Fine, if I sink this shot, you two ass**les have to kiss each other, open mouthed!” He stared at us all straight faced.

Before I could say anything, Conner started flipping out. “Fuck you both, I ain’t in this shit!”

“Yes, you are. Get your ass in here.” He looked toward me. “Ty, you good with my terms?”

I crossed my arms and imagined Colt stripping down to nothing and walking into my house. Laughter overcame me and I bent over to contain myself. “Hell yeah, I’d agree to kiss anyone to have you agree to walk naked in front of my mom.”

“Your f**king mouth isn’t getting anywhere near my lips, you freak.” Conner walked to the other side of the barn and leaned against the wall. “Keep that shit between you two. Kiss each other. You ain’t touching me.”

Colt laughed, but leaned over to take his shot. “I’m takin’ pictures.”

His shot wasn’t easy. He had to bank the ball back to him and the angle was pretty tough, but I knew even if he missed I would be left at the opposite end of the table. The last thing I wanted to do was kiss Conner, so as Colt was shooting, I yelled across the room. “I bet your lips are as soft as your sisters.”

Colt missed the shot by five good inches. I couldn’t help but laugh while he shook his head. “You have to cheat to win, I see.”

“Suck my dick, man. I ain’t kissing that prick.” I leaned down and looked at my shot. It wasn’t straight in, but I had a good enough angle on it to be able to make it. I took some deep breaths and looked at the shot again. There was no way I was going to kiss Conner.

“Take the shot already. I ain’t got all damn day.” Colt joked.

I purposely took my time, making him more aggravated by the second. I think it helped my ego, which in turn helped with the shot. I was too positive as I drew back and then suddenly made contact with the cue ball, but as the eight ball went into my called pocket, I stood up and pointed to Colt.

Conner was laughing his ass off.

“Strip, Dude. Take off all of your shit and get moving.”

“You have got to be kiddin’ me right now. There ain’t no way I am doin’ that.” Colt put his hands across his chest.

“A bet is a bet, Cuz.” Conner tapped him on the shoulder as he came to slap me five. We both laughed even harder as Colt rolled his eyes.

“There ain’t no way my wife is goin’ to be okay with this shit. I ain’t doin’ nothin’ until you clear this with her.”

The best part of this was that Colt truly believed, without a doubt, that Van was going to side with him. Me and Conner ran to the carriage house, as Colt trailed behind us. We caused quite a commotion as we all three entered the house.

“What’s goin’ on?” Miranda stood up wondering what the fuss was all about.

I looked right at Van and waited for Colt to have the balls to explain. When he said nothing, I couldn’t contain myself. “Your hubby lost a bet and now he is using you to get out of it.” I walked toward Van and leaned into her ear. “He is supposed to strip down naked and run into my parent’s house in front of them. Now, I know how much you want to pay my mother back for all those years she treated you like shit. This is your chance. Side with me and we can make it happen.” I pulled away from her ear and caught Colt giving me a dirty look.

“You can’t sweet talk my wife into agreeing to this. I ain’t doin’ it.”

Van moved toward Colt and was laughing the whole time. She took his hands into hers and gave him that smile that made him obey her every order. “Please, just do it. It’s five minutes of your life, Babe.”

“Savanna, you can’t expect me to do this.” Colt looked amazed. He shot me another dirty look. “You’re an ass**le.”

“We’ve already established that years ago. Now, quit stalling. Drop your drawers and get your ass moving. The darker it gets outside the harder it will be to film.”

“You ain’t filmin’ shit.” He turned to Miranda. “Don’t you dare let him video record me.”

She giggled and I threw her a wink. I was totally going to record it. This shit needed to be watched by everyone in the family.

Colt walked out the door shaking his head. He slammed the storm door shut and we all followed him anyway. The kids came running out behind us, but we had to send them back in. There was no way I wanted my daughter seeing Colt’s alleged elephant penis.
