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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(44)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Colt stood in between my house and my parents. He wouldn’t look at us, but had already removed his shirt. His big ass Mitchell tattoo was going to be the last image my mother saw as he was running away from her house.

“Drop the jeans. Let it all hang out, Dude.” Conner whistled in between laughs.

Colt shook his head and dropped his jeans to the ground. The best part was that he never turned around.

Savanna and Miranda were in front of us. Both hunched over laughing so hard they were crying. As Colt began to walk toward my parent’s house, Savanna started whistling. He turned around and lifted up his arms, displaying the full front of his body. I cringed my face up from that first second his junk hit my eyes, they began to burn with the image.

I turned around and waited until I heard my parent’s porch door slamming shut. Like little kids, the four of us went running toward the house. I went further, running up to the living room window, just to verify he was doing what he agreed. A naked Colt went running in front of the television that my parents were watching. He was holding his junk in one hand and he got their attention with his other. My poor mother threw her hands over her face and moved her face toward the wall.

A humiliated Colt came running out of the house seconds later, followed by my father, cussing the whole way.

We all ran away from the angry old man and huddled in my kitchen, just waiting for him to hunt us down. I looked out the window and saw him heading back in the house. We all just started bursting into laughter again. “I think he went back inside.”

“Probably to get his gun.” Colt joked.

“Most likely.” I stated before laughing again.

Colt and Savanna left the following day. We missed them as soon as they pulled out of the driveway. Even Izzy had a hard time saying goodbye to Noah. We spent the first day cleaning up the house from all of our company, and the next week getting back to our normal routine.

The first hearing with Tucker’s mother got reschedule for another two months away. The lawyer had called and I gave him the run around about the test, claiming I just hadn’t sent it to his office yet. I knew there was no test to send, but keeping his hopes alive that I was Izzy’s father, made me feel better.

That following Tuesday, I had gone to work like every other weekday, but couldn’t stop thinking about that old witch hugging and getting to know my child. It got so bad throughout the day that I clocked out and found myself driving to Heather’s house.

Of course once I got there, I had no idea what the f**k I was doing. She’d ruined my life and taken the only way I could keep my daughter safe. What turned into giving her a piece of my mind ended up being the complete opposite. She flung open the door and her eyes lit up. “Look what the cat drug in.”

“Spare me the jokes Heather. We need to talk.”

“I have nothing to say to you, Ty. I pretty much figured out how you felt when you ran out of my house that night.” She walked in front of me up the steps, shaking her ass like it would somehow turn me on.

“I know you drugged me, Heather. How could you f**king do that to me?”

She put her hands on her hips and got up in my face. “How could I do that to you? How dare you ask me that. You made me think you came here for me, but it was all a ploy. You got what you deserved.”

“So you drugged me?”

“Fuck you, Ty. Why are you even here? Why now? It’s been weeks. What do you want now?” She wasn’t backing down and it was pissing me off every second I was near her.

“I want the papers. Just give them to me, Heather. They are of no use to you. Do something descent. Save a little girl from having her heart broken.”

“Screw you Tyler Mitchell. I’m not giving you shit! Get off my property before I really make your life miserable.”

I got up in her face and started pointing my finger. “Don’t you dare threaten me, you f**king cunt. I never would have touched your slutty ass that night. You make me f**king sick. You’re a pathetic excuse for a human being. I never wanted you that way because all you were was a f**k. There is nothing about you that ever turned my head. All you were was a decent blowjob and someone to bide my time when I got bored. You never meant anything to me. Rot in Hell you pathetic little bitch.”

She stood there speechless for just a second before I turned around to walk out the door. I felt objects hitting me and my Jeep as I climbed in and peeled wheels off of her street.


That wasn’t how I wanted things to go, but at least she knew I f**king hated her. She ruined my promises that I’d made to my wife and I would never forget that. I hated the bitch and if she got hit by a f**king car, I wouldn’t care.

Instead of going home, I stopped at the bar. Conner ended up meeting me and I filled him in on my f**ked up afternoon. As much as I expected him to say something smart, he sat there and listened.

“This is all f**ked to Hell, Man. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this secret from her. It’s ripping me apart inside.”

Conner had told Miranda he was meeting me, but it didn’t stop her from texting me.

Is everything okay? – M

Just a bad day at work, Baby. Will be home soon. I love you. – Ty

“Ty, I don’t know what to tell you. That bitch took advantage of you and whatever happened wasn’t because you wanted it to. You need to remember that. You didn’t willingly cheat on Randa. I don’t believe that for a second.”

I appreciated his trust, but it still killed me knowing what did happen.

After a few more beers, I called it a night, while Conner insisted he was staying out for a little while longer. I thought back to that night where he had called me Amy. “Are you seeing Miranda’s boss?”

He cleared his throat, shocked that I just came out and asked. “Why would you say that?”

“You know my darkest secret. Just spill.”

“It’s complicated. As much as I would like to say that I am, I can’t. Am I spending time with her? Well, yeah, I am, but it’s hard to explain.”

I finished my beer and shook my head. “Whatever, Man. Don’t let Miranda know. She will flip out on your ass. That woman, Amy, has problems. Her old man is a drunk.”

“I know all about him. Don’t worry about me.”

We shook hands and I left him in the bar. I appreciated his friendship after everything and there was no way in hell I was going to tell my wife about him and Amy.

When I got home the lights were already turned out. The reflection of the television screen caught my eye as I walked in the door. Miranda was sprawled out on the couch, sound asleep. Even though it was quite difficult, I lifted her up and carried her to bed. About halfway, she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I left you dinner in the microwave. Are you mad at me?”
