Read Books Novel

Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(47)
Author: Jennifer Foor

The more I thought about Ty touching another woman, the more I couldn’t see to drive. I had to calm myself down. I had other lives to think about. My phone was ringing, so I pulled over and lied to Conner, saying that I just ran out to go to the store. He bought it and hung up without letting him ask any more questions. I was afraid he had seen the pictures, but he must have just seen me pulling out of the farm.

The farm was my home. It’s where I wanted to raise my children. It hurt to know that I was never going to go back there again. What was I going to tell my daughter. I couldn’t keep her from Ty, even if I wanted to. She would hate me for it.

He may have done me wrong, but he never failed that little girl. Ty was a good father. What was I going to do?

“Mommy, why are you crying?”

“It’s nothing. I’m just having one of my pregnant moments. You know it happens sometimes.”

Bella didn’t believe me. “Are you sad about something?”

“I’ll be fine. I just miss my mother, I think.” That was lame. I needed to be more creative. The questions were never going to end.

“Well, I already miss my Daddy. Why can’t he come with us? Who’s going to tuck me in?”

“Sweetie, Daddy couldn’t come this time. I will tuck you in. You’ll be fine.”

I heard her starting to cry and it was like I was being stabbed a million times. I pulled the car over again and turned to look at my daughter. “Bella, why are you crying?”

“I want my Daddy.” Of course, she wanted him. Whenever I got upset, he would take her and keep her mind off of things. This was her natural reaction.

I was too big to turn all the way around, so I reached my hand to touch her leg. “Bella, I promise that I will tuck you in and keep you safe. Everything will be okay.” I was lying to my child. It was never going to be okay. She was not going to be okay with being so many hours away from the only father she ever knew.

She continued to cry in the backseat. “Please let me call him.”

“My phone is dead. We can call when we get there.” I lied. I didn’t know what to do. I hadn’t taken the time to figure out what to say or what I was doing, I just left.

What was the family going to say when they found out? What were they going to do to Ty?

They’d never forgive him for this.

His family would sever ties and never speak.

Why had he done this to us?

To our children?

How could he choose his dick over his family?

Why did Heather choose today to show up and ruin my life? Did she get off on making me suffer? Did Ty say he wanted her? Was this his plan to get rid of me?

I hate him!

Chapter 18


My day at work was busy as shit. As much as I wanted to call and check in on Miranda, I never even got to break for lunch. By the time I clocked out, I had ten minutes to get to Izzy’s school. As I hopped in my Jeep, I grabbed my phone and dialed Miranda.

It rang three times and went to voicemail, so I hung up and called again, only to get the same result. Since Miranda was all I could think about all day, I decided to leave her a special message. Sometimes she took weeks to listen to them, so she would really get a kick out of it.

Hey, Baby, it’s me, your totally awesome, madly in love, husband. I was calling to hear your pretty voice and your southern twang, but got your voicemail instead. Miranda, I love you so much. I can’t even explain how happy you make me. You’ve given me more than I could have ever asked for. There isn’t a second out of the day, where I am not grateful for the life we have. I love you with all of my heart. I love the family we’ve made and look forward to our beautiful future together.

Can’t you just see it? Can’t you see us with gray hair, sitting at those late night football games. I’ll be the dad with one eye on my football playing sons, and the other on our daughter, who if she looks anything like you, I will need to carry a gun to fight off all of those horny teenage boys.

God, I am so glad I have you, Baby. I’m almost to Izzy’s school, so I gotta go. I missed you today and I can’t wait to kiss those lips and see your pretty smile.

I love you.

I pulled into the school and found a parking spot. In order to get the best spot, you had to arrive at the school forty minutes before it let out. I climbed out and leaned against the Jeep, waiting to see my pretty little girl spot me for the first time, and come running into my arms.

Izzy’s class was usually the first to exit, so when I saw some of her friends, but didn’t see her, I started to worry. After a few more classes came out and found their designated rides, I headed into the school. Her teacher was in her classroom and I knocked before I walked in.

“Mr. Mitchell. Did Bella forget something?”

“She never came out of the school.” I started to panic. Could someone have taken my daughter. I’d seen it happen on movies. Kidnappers loved schools.

“Your wife picked her up a little over an hour ago. I’m sorry, I thought you knew.” She looked at me like I was supposed to know, and that didn’t set right with me.

“Was she sick?”

“No. She was fine all day. Maybe she had a doctor appointment.” Her suggestions weren’t helping my conscious.

“Sorry to bother you.” I backed out of the room and headed toward my Jeep, all the while calling Miranda’s phone. This time the calls went straight to voicemail.

After trying my mother and not getting an answer, I really started to worry. When I finally pulled into the farm, Conner waved to me as I drove up to the house. I jumped out and headed in his direction. “Where are they? Is something wrong?”

Conner stopped what he was doing. “Miranda said she ran out to run an errand. What’s wrong with you?”

I shook my head and looked around the farm. Something was wrong. She wouldn’t have picked up Iz without telling me. Avoiding Conner’s question, I went running into the house. Everything looked in order until I reached the bedrooms. The dresser drawers in my room were open and Miranda’s side was empty. I hauled ass into Izzy’s room, only to find the same thing. When I finally reached the twins room and saw that half of their things were missing, I pulled out my phone and started dialing Miranda. What the hell was going on?

Conner’s voice caught me off guard.

“What the f**k! Ty, you need to get in here.”

My eyes burned as I walked out into the living room. Conner was standing over the coffee table, but as he scooted out of the way, I saw something that I couldn’t believe.
