Read Books Novel

Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(52)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“What does that mean? Are my babies okay? Tell me they are okay?” I was frantically reaching for the man’s arm, hoping he would give me some kind of hope.

“Did you say babies? Is this a multiple pregnancy, Ma’am?”

“Yes! Please call my husband. He has to be here. We need him to get here. Mister, you have to call him.”

He held up his finger. “Just give me a second.” He got back on the radio and after running down once again, who he was and what ambulance number they were, I heard him say, “The woman we’re bringing in is carrying multiples. You need to be prepared and have neonatal on standby.”

A sharp pain started in my abdomen and traveled around to my back. It literally felt like someone shoved a sword into the center of my back and moved it around. My body bucked and I scream out in agony.

The poor paramedic strapped my body down to the stretcher and took out his phone. “What’s your husband’s number?”

I repeated it to him twice, even though I think he heard it the first time. As the pain became even stronger, my thoughts went to Ty. He’d ruined the sanctity of our marriage, but I needed him right now. I wanted him with me, holding my hand and telling me that everything was going to be okay, because I felt like he was the only person that could make that happen.

I looked over to see him looking down at his phone again. Did he dial the right number? Was Ty not answering because he didn’t recognize it? He had to get in touch with him. I just wanted to hear his voice.

Please God, please get Ty to me. Please help him find us. I can’t do this alone.

The equipment in the cab began to shake as the ambulance started to move. The guy was checking my vitals, but I could feel myself starting to black out. My hearing went first, then my sight followed. Blackness took over and I let it happen. The pain in my stomach had spread to my back and it was so severe that I just wanted to scream.

As they rolled me into the hospital, the bright lights made me squint my eyes. Faces of strangers surrounded me as they ran alongside the stretcher. “Bella.” I moaned.

“Your daughter is fine Ma’am. We will keep her safe until someone from your family gets here.”


The paramedic leaned down so I could hear him. “He’s coming, but you’re pretty far from home. It’s going to take him awhile.”

I started to cry, and it wasn’t from the pain. I was so scared and all alone.

A new wave of pain hit as they transferred me onto a fresh bed. Right away the room was filled with nurses and doctors. My legs went up into stirrups while a middle-aged man slid in between them while slipping on his rubber gloves. I could barely feel what he was doing, from the amount of pain I was feeling. A nurse came wheeling a cart in and soon they were doing an internal sonogram to check on the babies.

“Are they okay? Please tell me they are okay?” I screamed through the pain.

One nurse pointed to something on the screen, but I couldn’t see it. The doctor nodded, but said nothing.

“Please tell me somethin’. What is happenin’?” I cried and cried while they poked and studied my pregnant insides.

The doctor called across the room. “Prep the O.R., we have a placental abruption and need to get the babies out as quickly as possible.” He stood and walked to my side. “Ma’am, the accident caused your placenta to tear. It’s necessary that we get you into surgery right away.”

“We have to wait for my husband. We can’t do this without him.” I grabbed his arm, hoping he would feel sorry for me, enough to wait at least.

“Ma’am, I am sorry to have to say this, but this is a life or death situation. We can’t wait for anyone. Right now you and your babies are in serious danger. We need to get them out and stop the bleeding, before your kidneys and other organs start to shut down.”

I couldn’t speak. All I heard was that it was life threatening.

The nurses were already running around, prepping for the surgery.

It was all happening so fast.

What if I died? What if me and the boys died? How would Bella get through it? I didn’t want her ever losing her father, but now she could possibly lose me instead.

I needed Ty. The last thing I said to him was that I hated him. Those were going to be the last words he ever heard from me. No, please God, just let me tell him that I will always love him, no matter if we were together or not. Let me tell him that he is the only man I would ever love. Don’t take my life without me telling him that. Please don’t let me die.

Chapter 20


I’d no sooner got off the phone with Van, when my phone rang. I saw the name “wife” appear and answered it without hesitation.


Hi, Daddy. Izzy.

Hey, Sweetie. Are you with Mommy?

Yeah, were driving.

To Uncle Colt’s house?


She had packed their things and never looked back. It was hard to talk to my daughter when all I wanted to do was break down.

Well, Noah will be excited to see you.

I know.

Can I talk to Mommy, Iz?

She says she can’t talk when she’s driving.

Okay, well, at least tell her that I love her.


Are you okay, Iz?

Yeah, Mommy says I’m going to surprise Noah.

I started thinking about not being able to see her and I was getting all choked up. The last thing I wanted was to upset Iz. She didn’t need to know what was going on between her mother and I.

Be a good girl for Mommy, okay?

Okay, Daddy.

I love you so much, Iz.

I love you too.

You know you’re Daddy’s favorite little girl, Please don’t ever forget that.

My voice started squeaking and I knew I had to get the hell off the phone.

I know, I promise I won’t forget.

You’re my best friend forever.

You’re my best friend too.

I love you, Iz.

You already said that, silly.

Don’t forget to say your prayers and brush your teeth. I miss you so much already

Okay, I miss you too.

I heard her hang up the phone before I could say goodbye. It was probably a good thing, considering I was such a wreck. I hadn’t just lost Miranda from lying, I had lost my little girl. It hurt so much to hear her say they were going to Kentucky, because I knew Miranda didn’t plan on coming back.

I kept thinking about how difficult it would be for Miranda to explain all of this to our daughter. She wasn’t exactly okay with me not saying goodnight to her, not even for one night. Since she was too young to remember, I had tucked her in at night and made her brush her teeth and say her prayers.
