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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(60)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I wanted to argue with him; to ask him why he would sleep with Heather, but I was just too weak to confront him about it. My life had just flashed in front of my eyes and I needed to focus on what was best for my family and our future. Maybe Ty and I would never work, but I needed to at least try.

I was so hurt and even after just waking up; I could still see those pictures flashing through my mind. On the other side of my angst, there was an overwhelming feeling of need. Maybe it was selfish, but I didn’t want to give up my family. Just moments ago, I’d thought that my twins were stillborn. What kind of mother would I be to take away their father that adored them? I had to find a way to make things work with Ty. I had to hope that in some way this terrible circumstance would make him want to be with only me.

It was so important for me to be optimistic, because without that, all I had left was doubt.

“I need you.”

He looked me straight in the eyes and I could see the understanding radiate through him. “I’m here. I’ll be here as long as you let me be.”

I couldn’t answer that, because up until my accident, I had been sure I wanted to get far away from him.

Everything had changed.


Knowing how hard it was to talk, Ty kept our conversations to a minimum. He laid his head next to me on the bed and held onto me as I fell back asleep. I woke up to someone pricking me for another blood test. Ty stirred and winked at me as he sat up. He was so handsome, especially after not being able to shave for a whole day. His brown eyes looked exhausted.

“You should go somewhere and sleep.”

He pulled my hand up to his mouth. “I’m not leaving here unless you’re with me.”

“Well, I’m going to need my driver to be well rested. You will be traveling with a lot of precious cargo.”

Ty rolled his eyes at me. “Trust me; I know how precious that cargo is. I’d die myself before I’d let anything happen to the four of you.”

I let out an air-filled laugh and shook my head. “Let’s not talk about death anymore.”

“Fine by me. I’m kind of glad that I don’t have to start wearing black every day. I mean, for me its fine, but I didn’t want Iz going all Goth on us yet. She needs to at least turn ten before that happens.” His white teeth were displayed for the first time. I loved that he had given me something to smile about. “There’s that smile I love.”

“It hurts to laugh.”

He looked down at my body and pulled the covers away. “Yeah, I bet it does. It looks good though. The doctor says your scars should be minimal. They’ll be hidden anyway. I mean, only I’ll be able to see them when you’re naked.” His reply was loaded and I knew what he wanted out of it. He wanted me to agree with him; to accept his apology in some way and be able to move forward.

“Ty, I’m not ready to talk about this.”

“Being naked or being naked with me?” He was very serious.


I could tell it hurt him. He closed his eyes and looked away from me. His hand that was holding mine pulled away. I watched him run his hands through his hair with his back turned to me. “I get it, I really do. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but one day when you’re ready, I want you to hear my side of the story. Maybe it won’t change your mind, but you need to hear it.”

He turned around and sat back down beside me, but instead of touching me, he put his hands into his face again. I reached for him. “Ty.” He looked up and gave me his hand. His eyes were full of tears, but none fell. I wondered how many times he’d cried for me in the past day. I couldn’t imagine what he went through. “I’m not going to leave you. I want to raise our children together. You need to know that I love you. I just can’t get over what happened right now.”

He shook his head. “I know.”

“When I’m strong enough to hear it, I’ll let you know.” He put his head down again. “I should have never expected you to be able to change for me. It wasn’t right for me to assume that.”

Ty looked up at me with the most hateful look on his face. “You had every right, Miranda. I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t want this life. There’s never been anyone else, I swe….”

I held up my hand. “Save it, Ty. Please, I just can’t hash this out right now. I’m still mad as hell and I don’t have the energy to do this. I need your support, so that we can take our kids home together. Just give me that, because I know you want the same.”

He shook his head, but just sat there sniffling for the longest time.

To avoid getting myself upset again, I turned my head away from him and closed my eyes, trying to only focus on being alive and the picture of my living, breathing twins.

Chapter 23


The first twenty-four hours had been the hardest for me to handle. They got a little easier when our family arrived. Colt was his normal, strong self, while Van and my mother in law seemed as upset as I was. Of course, my mother in law expected an explanation of why Miranda was driving to Kentucky without me. Thank God, Van was there to cover for me. It was bad enough that Miranda hated me for what happened, but I couldn’t have every single person I loved feeling that way too.

Van was great to have there. She’d been the one by my side when they didn’t know if I was going to pull through years ago. She kept her arm tucked into mine whenever she was near and always said something positive even when the doctor gave us bad news.

After they had resuscitated my wife, she still had issues. At one point, the doctor came out and talked to me about them being worried of her having kidney failure, and other complications from surgery. Thankfully, by the next set of tests her levels started going back to normal.

Once they got her moved into the ICU, also known as the intensive care unit, only one person was allowed in at a time. Colt managed to find a hotel nearby where they could all stay and get some rest. Of course, he offered it to me as well, but nothing could keep me from my wife.

Her mother and I took turns sitting at her bedside, just listening to the beeping of the monitors and praying to God that she would come back to us.

Conner and my mother were due to be there in the morning and with my mother in law being so tired, I told her to go get some rest at the hotel for a few hours. I think she took one look at me and knew I wasn’t giving her an option. I wanted to be with my wife and not even sleep could keep me from that.
