Read Books Novel

Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(67)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Everyone cleared out of the room without much said. I was glad, because I didn’t feel like getting rude with our family. Once everyone walked out into the hallway, Miranda hit her red button and told the nurse she was ready.

When they rolled each of the little plastic beds into our room, Miranda started to cry. She held her hands over her face as I stood by her side. The nurses wheeled them in on either side of her bed and lifted Jake to her first. They were still hooked to a couple tubes, but the nurses had wrapped them up good enough that you couldn’t notice. I got my phone out right away and took a picture of her holding him. She looked terrible and would kill me later for saving the photo, but I loved how happy she was.

I grabbed little Jax and sat on the edge of the bed with her. “Hey guys, this is your mommy. She’s been waiting so long to see you.”

Miranda looked up at me with her soaked face. “Ty, they’re so perfect.”

I leaned down and kissed her head. “We did good didn’t we?”

She opened Jake’s little blanket and looked at his fragile body. “I can’t get over how much they look like you.”

That made my lifetime. I loved my sons, even if they looked nothing like me, but to hear her say that was just unexplainable. “I told you I had super sperm.” I leaned down and sat Jax next to his brother, between Miranda’s legs. I could tell from the way she was sitting that it wasn’t the most comfortable position for her. “You okay? You want to adjust?”

She shook her head and stared at the boys. “I’m fine. I just want to be close to them. I wanted to see them so much, Ty. I can’t believe they are both okay. I thought they didn’t make it. It was horrible.”

I crouched down beside her bed and rubbed her cheek with the back of my hand. “I felt the same way when I thought I lost you.”

She really started to cry as she looked down again at our twins. “I just want to be a family, Ty. I want to go home and be happy.”

Before I could answer someone knocked on the door. I was ready to get pissed until my dad came in holding Izzy’s hand. “Somebody wants to see her mommy.”

Miranda looked toward the door and saw our very frightened little girl slowly approaching. My dad waved and walked out to give us some alone time. “Bella.”

“Hi, Mommy.”

“Iz, come on over here with Daddy so you can be close to the boys and Mommy.” She came running over to where I sat and I pulled our chair close to the bed. I let her stand on my lap so she could lean over and kiss her mother. Miranda started crying worse. “Baby, everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”

She shook her head and looked down at the babies. “What do you think of your brothers?”

Izzy reached out and touched Jax on the cheek. “They’re real little, but Daddy says that they will grow fast. Mimi says that I can help her change their diapers and she says they look like Daddy when he was a baby, but Grandma says that they look like Mommy too.”

Miranda giggled. “Well, who do you think they look like?”

Izzy leaned over and looked at her brothers. She shrugged, “They just look like babies to me.”

I started laughing. “Yeah, they do.”

Our quiet time was cut way too short when the family began taking turns peeking through the door. I turned to Miranda and she shook her head. “You know they are just going to keep doing it.”

I reluctantly waved for them to come into the room. “Here comes the party.”

Party was an understatement. The room filled with so many ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhs’, that I instantly got a headache. Since the boys were still hooked up to a tiny machine, they couldn’t just be passed around. Cameras flashed from every direction and after at least thirty minutes of chaos, I walked out of the room to get some air. Conner followed behind me.

“You doin’ alright, Bro?”

I ran my hands over my face. “I don’t know my ass from my face right now. I mean, I know she isn’t leaving me, but she’s never going to be able to look past it. I told her everything.”

He looked shocked. “Really? How did she take it?”

“Due to the fact that she is hooked up to all kinds of shit, I still have my balls. She thought I was lying to make her forgive me. She said my story was too easy.”

Conner chuckled as he leaned against the wall. “Well, it does make things seem a lot less scandalous. Listen, I meant what I said about helpin’ you. I have a plan, but it’s goin’ to take some time to work out. You need to get her home and keep her content until I can get you the proof you need.”

“How the hell are you going to do that? You going to sleep with the devil?”

Conner put his head down and said nothing. I stood in front of him. “Dude, you don’t want to do that. She’s a crazy whore who will become obsessed with you. I know it will take a while, but I will get Miranda to forgive me. You don’t have to throw yourself in front of the bus for me. I can’t believe you’d do that in the first place.”

He looked up at me and seemed genuinely mad. “Listen, you need to understand that Miranda is my sister and it is my job to protect her. I stood over our Daddy’s grave and promised him that I would take care of her. What I’m doin’ ain’t a big deal. It’s just pu**y. I’m not attached to anyone and if a few nights with a good lookin’ blonde saves my sisters marriage than it’s a risk I’m willin’ to take.”

“So, are you just going to knock on her door and get it on? I have to admit that even Heather isn’t that desperate.”

Conner laughed. “Ty, don’t doubt my ability to get pu**y. I’ve never had a problem in that department and you know it. Anyway, I know people and they know Heather. In fact, last night once I knew Miranda was okay, I went out and purposely ran into her. She thinks I just moved into town and I need someone to show me around. It won’t take long to have her eating out of my hand.”

“Or sucking your dick.”


We both started laughing. “I admire your determination. I mean, it takes a shallow prick to take one for the team like you’re doing. She’s an awful bitch, Dude.”

“Call me whatever you want now, but when I save your marriage your ass owes me big. I can deal with the girl, it ain’t nothin’ I haven’t dealt with before.” Conner cocked his eyebrow and let out an air filled sigh.
