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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(68)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“So are you just going to ask her for the truth while you have her bent over?” I hated that I was picturing it in my head. Not in an erotic way of course, but it was still disturbing either way.

“Fuck you, Ty. I ain’t an idiot. If you must know, I planned on showing her a good time and gettin’ in her good graces so that she tells me about her past lovers. Like I said, it’s goin’ to take me a while to get it all worked out.”

I held my hands up in the air. “I don’t care what you do. Just let me know when you find out anything we can use against her. I want to nail that bitch to the wall.”

“Will do, Brother.” He shook my hand before I walked back into the hospital room.

Colt and Van left that night, on account of them needing to get back to the kids, while Karen, my mother in law, along with Conner and my parents stayed for two more days. Harvey couldn’t run all the new duties at the farm so Conner and my dad left the following day. With just our mothers lingering around, we didn’t have much alone time, but they did help with Izzy.

After the fourth day, Miranda was able to finally start breastfeeding. Her poor tits burned and were engorged with milk. In fact, the first time she tried to feed Jake the milk filled his mouth faster than he could swallow it and he started to choke. The nurses came right in and made her pump both sides a couple of times to relieve some of the built up pressure.

I couldn’t help but watch when she’d whip out her giant melons in front of me. “If they weren’t my boys, I would be so jealous right now.”

“Ty, don’t turn somethin’ natural into somethin’ perverted,” Miranda growled. Every day she was getting stronger, as were our boys.

“Sorry, it’s just that they are mine and I don’t like sharing, especially when they are so gigantic and make my mouth water.”

“Until you taste the milk. Do I need to remind you about the last time you tried it?”

I had Jake in my arms, but I leaned down and put my lips against her ear anyway. “I bet yours tastes better than the milk that’s left in the bowl of my sugar smacks.” Okay, maybe comparing breast milk to cereal milk was wrong, but I couldn’t help be curious.

“Don’t do that, Ty.”

“Do what?” I was being myself.

“Don’t pretend like nothing happened. I’m not ready to joke around like that, Ty. Can’t you just be happy being with me for right now?”

I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. “Anything you want, Baby.” It hurt me so much.

She must have sensed it, because she reached over and touched my arm. “Ty, I do love you, no matter what.”

“I know, otherwise you wouldn’t be coming home with me; coming home to the house I built out of love for you and for our children. Everything I’ve done is for our family, even the things you don’t want to think about.”

I laid my son back down in his portable bed and walked out of the room. The more days that went by the more it killed me that she didn’t want me to touch her. I think sometimes I would have rather been in another state than right beside her and not show her how much I wanted her.

I felt rejected and I supposed in some ways she felt the same way. How was I supposed to fix it? I didn’t know where to begin, because the truth was, I didn’t even know if I had slept with Heather. My future was completely in Conner’s hands and I had to believe that somehow things would work themselves out. There was no way that I could live without my family. There had to be a way to make everything go back to the way it used to be.

Miranda ended up being released from the hospital after nine days, unfortunately, the boys had to stay for another four. To make Miranda comfortable since she was breastfeeding, they set us up in one of their new family friendly rooms, but it was less than comfortable. The couch was rock hard and the chair wasn’t much better. I had to help Miranda in the shower three times and all of them were torturous. Even after having twins, she was still so beautiful to me. Her giant belly had shrunk down so much already, I assumed most was because she had been so ill. Even her clothes that she had packed were too big and her mother had to go out and get her new clothes to wear before she went home.

I was so glad to see her go. Don’t get me wrong, she’d been considered my aunt my whole life, but since she became my mother in law, she was very overprotective of her daughter, sometimes making me the enemy.

I was both happy and excited to go home. Miranda still had to have her staples removed, but everything else seemed to be healing. Once she was moved into her own room, she had made a miraculous recovery. I think it was the boys that pushed her, but she claimed she just wanted to go home.

My mother stayed with us until we were released so she and Izzy drove home in my Jeep, while Miranda and I drove a rental car. Miranda’s car was totaled, but we were able to salvage everything she had packed up when she was leaving me. It was good that we didn’t have to go out and buy all of the baby stuff again. At any rate, the rental car was filled with all of our shit and a slew of flowers that had been sent to the hospital.

Instead of being an hour and a half to two hours away from home, it took us four. The boys did not like being in car seats. Poor Miranda was uncomfortable and we had to keep stopping to get them calmed down. By the time we pulled into the farm, she was ready to go to bed, unfortunately, the family had planned a welcome home surprise.

Once I got out both of the car seats, and helped Miranda out of the car, we slowly made our way to the house. When everyone screamed the word ‘surprise’, I thought my wife was going to pass out.

I think everyone, including her mother, Colt’s mother and Van and Colt, saw how exhausted she looked. I looked around the room at our family and even some friends and grabbed my wife by the hand. “Come on, let’s get you in bed.”

I got her changed and into bed without her saying very much to me. Once I got her tucked in, she reached for my hand. “Tell everyone, I’m sorry. I’m just so tired.”

“I know, Baby. Don’t worry about it. Just try to get some rest.” I leaned down and kissed her on the head. “I love you.”

She smiled as I pulled away. “I love you, too.”

By the time I got out of my room, the boys were being passed around like hot potatoes. I felt myself becoming overprotective immediately. Colt handed me a beer and patted me on the back. “You need to relax. They’re home and they’re safe.”
