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Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(72)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I held my hand up in front of her face. “I know I joke around about sex to you, mostly because it drives you crazy, but I’m kinda weirded out right now.”

She started laughing. “You’re kidding right?”

“Not at all.”

She pushed me away from her. “You were my first. It’s not a secret. I’m sure you and Miranda have done more than I could ever even imagine, but one thing I know for a fact is that when you love, you do it with your whole heart. I’m not saying to attack your wife sexually, but maybe if you could show her that being with her sexually isn’t just about the sex, it’s about the connection you share together. There isn’t any other person that either of you will feel that with. Look, I’m not saying sex is the solution, but maybe you should stop crying about it and try another approach.”

“I refuse to take sexual advice from you.” I was being sarcastic, but she still rolled her eyes anyway.

“You and Miranda were good friends, but your relationship is also very physical. Right now half of your relationship is missing and you’re both paying the toll. I know she isn’t supposed to have intercourse yet, but her holding out on you isn’t just punishing you, I’m sure it’s punishing her as well. You know I’m right.”

I walked over to the pool table and tossed the balls around. “Maybe, but it doesn’t change the fact that she doesn’t want me touching her like that. I’m just a constant reminder of the person she never wanted to be with.”

“Do you remember when Colt’s dad died and he pushed me away?”

I rolled my eyes and leaned over the table to face her. “Of course I remember. If you’ve forgotten it was when you dumped me for my cousin.”

She tossed a ball my way. “Whatever, you deserved it.”

“It all led me to Miranda, so I’m not complaining.”

“Anyway, what I wanted to say was that Colt pushed me away and I honestly thought he didn’t want anything to do with me. He sat in our kitchen and told you he didn’t care if I went home. It hurt me so much and I felt like he didn’t love me the way I loved him. I’m not saying your situation is the same. We both know how much Miranda loves you, but what I am saying is that I think you’re wrong. I think she does want you to touch her. The only way to get past it without proving her wrong is to show her how she is the only one you want to be with. Don’t tell her Ty, show her.”

I looked down at the pool table again. If Van was right and I could touch my wife without her cringing, I wanted to know. I hated that she didn’t want me that way anymore. “What if she rejects me? I mean, it isn’t like I haven’t tried to be physical.”

She shook her head and started walking toward me. I had no idea what the hell she was doing, so I started backing up. “Whoa! What are you doing?”

She shoved me against the wall and stood so close to me I could feel her breathing. My eyes got big and I was freaking out. Van never made me feel uncomfortable, but at that very moment, I believed she was going to kiss me. “Stop being afraid of your wife, you stupid ass**le.”

Before I could sigh in relief, she smacked me hard on the chest. “Ouch! What was that for?”

“For thinking I was actually going to kiss you. Are you insane?”

She started walking away so I walked up and smacked her hard across her ass. “I thought maybe you missed how good I was at it.”

“Um, yeah, not after kissing Colt. Do you know that sometimes he can kiss me and I have to change my underwear.”

I put my hands over my ears. “Shut up!”

She walked backwards toward the house, while she continued laughing at me. “Want to know something else?”

“If it has to do with you and sex, I’d rather not.”

“Miranda loves it when you talk to her dirty. One time she couldn’t shut up about it. You need to tease her Ty. I’m telling you, you and Miranda are both too sexual to cut each other off and be okay. When I lost my first baby, Colt and I didn’t touch for over a month. When we finally did, it was so hot.”

I threw my hands up in the air. “No more details. If I promise I will make an attempt with your idea will you stop talking about it? I hate picturing you naked.”

She stopped walking and cocked her head. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

I loved how worried she looked. “Don’t flatter yourself. Have you seen my wife’s tits lately? They’re f**king huge. All I can think about is having them in my mouth. I mean when I wake up, I lick my lips and turn my head to her chest.”

“Okay, okay, enough!”

Colt opened the door as we were heading up the walkway. “Dude, get your wife away from me. She tried to seduce me in the barn and then tell me all your sexual secrets. I can’t take it anymore!”

Colt looked from Van to me and busted into laughter. “So I guess your talk went well?”

Obviously, he told her to talk to me. “Why couldn’t you just come to me man to man? Why’d you have to send her in to beat me up?”

“Because you listen to her, you fool. We just want you to work it out, before the rest of the family knows. While you were out here, I was inside talkin’ to your hardheaded wife. You both want the same damn thing.”

“She said she wants to f**k my brains out?”

Colt swung his hand in my direction. “Forget you and your jokes. We were tryin’ to help.” He pulled Van into his arms and kissed her. “You ready to head to your mothers?”

“Wait! You’re leaving?”

“Just for the night and Bella is coming of course, because God knows she would flip if she couldn’t be with Noah.” Van walked over and cupped my face with her hands. “Find a way back in. Waiting is overrated.”

“You give terrible advice. Have the couch ready at your parents.” I could go to mine if things ever got that bad. I took my tongue and licked the side of her cheek. “Eww, seriously, Ty, are you ten?”

Colt shook his head but still laughed as I walked past them and into the house. Conner was leaning against the refrigerator taking a drink of a beer. “When you get a minute, I need to talk to you.”

I hated blowing him off. “Can it wait until the morning?”

“I guess.” He walked back toward his bedroom and I heard the door shut.

Miranda was sitting on the couch, staring at the baby monitor. “Honey, what are you doing?”
