Read Books Novel

Risking Fate

Risking Fate (Mitchell Family #4)(9)
Author: Jennifer Foor

“I was afraid that I would just be some one-nighter for you. It’s all I thought you would want. It’s all anyone else ever wanted.” It was so embarrassing to admit that. I wasn’t proud of my past, but Ty never once judged me for it, or loved me any less.

He spooned us together and held onto my belly. “That’s because I was your only forever,” Ty said confidently. “They couldn’t have what was always meant to be mine.”

Did he practice these lines?

“You’ve become a sap and where do you come up with these lines? Are you reading my magazines again?”

He started laughing against my back. “You made me be one and I only read them at work.” He moved my hair so his face could touch my neck. I knew he was joking about the magazines. The only ones in that dirty bathroom were  p**n os. “Seriously, it took me being completely alone to realize what I wanted more than anything in the world. I had nothing until you came back into my life. Even after being married for more than two and a half years, I still miss you when I’m working and I can’t wait to be with you. I love talking to you, and touching you. I love our daughter and those two little boys growing inside of you. I love this life we have. Nothing will ever come between us, Miranda. I promise you that.”

“I’m not complaining. I love you for this life we have. You work so hard for our family. I don’t know how I ever deserved this.”

Ty brought one of my hands up to his lips. “I’d do anything for you. Sleep, Baby. You had a rough day and the kids are going to come looking for us early as shit tomorrow.”

I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep, knowing that I had the best life that I could have ever imagined.

Chapter 4


Even after Miranda had fallen asleep, I laid there wide awake thinking about how upset that woman had made her. She should have been ashamed of herself for raising such a shitty son. There was no way in Hell I would ever let my boys turn out the way hers had. I know some things are out of the parent’s control, but teaching your sons to respect women is not something very hard to do. I’d watched him beat the shit out of my wife and saw what he did to, and took away from Van.

Izzy would never know that life and the thought of men out there in this world that could hurt her like that killed me inside. I wanted to lock her up and keep her safe forever. One thing I could be grateful of was that Miranda would never feel threatened by my touch. I would never lay a hand on her.

I could feel the twins moving all around in Miranda’s stomach as she slept. I loved feeling them and knowing that we made them out of love. To have a planned pregnancy was so exciting. From that first moment up until the results of the pregnancy test meant so much to me. We didn’t keep our wanting to get pregnant a secret. In fact, I think I may have announced it even to perfect strangers. I wanted everyone to know that we were making a baby.

It was hard not telling Izzy at first. Aside from slipping to the family during my confrontation with Conner, I kept my promise and stayed quiet. Izzy didn’t find out until Miranda was eight weeks along. Of course she expected that the baby was just going to pop out any day, so Miranda had to sit her down and explain as much as she could, so that our daughter would understand better.

After that day, we included her in everything. Miranda didn’t know it, but Izzy had picked out the name Jackson. I don’t know where she heard it and it really didn’t matter, I loved it from the beginning. I had taken her to lunch one day while Miranda ran some errands in town. I liked the name Jacob, which was what Miranda had picked out for Iz, but I wanted to have something of my own. Of course, for days I couldn’t think of one name that really caught my attention. That day in the restaurant when Iz just came out with the name Jackson, I couldn’t help but tear up. That kid got me. She always had.

We kept the name a secret as the highly anticipated sonogram was coming up. Much to my surprise, we found out there were two little boys, instead of just one. I can’t even explain the pure joy that overcame me that day. Words cannot describe how utterly speechless I was.

Miranda’s body stirred and she turned into my body, shoving her belly into mine, and causing my ass to hang over the edge of the bed. This was not uncommon here recently, in fact, on most nights, I would either climb over her or walk to the other side of the bed and go back to sleep.

I tried to just start out on that side, but her body was like a magnet to mine, not that I ever complained. I loved being close to her, but I also loved to get at least a few hours of sleep so I could be able to do all the things I needed to do the next day.

I was too tired to get up and walk around the bed, so I pulled myself into her more and wrapped my arms tightly around her waist. I closed my eyes and felt at peace knowing I had the best life.

As I had expected, I woke up to banging at the door. The clock on my phone read six thirty. The door creaked open, before I could stand up and throw on some clothes. I pulled the covers over me and Miranda and smiled as the prettiest little blonde hair girl came walking into the room, owning the place. “Daddy, me and Noah want to eat breakfast, but Aunt Van says we have to wait. Can you make us breakfast?”

“How did you get here?” They better have not taken the golf cart themselves.

“Noah drove us. Uncle Colt said we could.”

Colt is a dumbass! Noah was only five.

Miranda stirred behind me and grabbed my arm. “Bella, let Daddy sleep a little while longer and we can all eat together.”

“But, Mommy, I am hungry now.” Even though Miranda couldn’t see it, Iz stuck out her pouty lip. I almost busted out laughing at how cute she was, and manipulative.

I patted Miranda on the leg. “Iz, you and Noah go wait downstairs. Let Daddy get up and get dressed and I will make you guys something.”

“Are you naked again Daddy? Why don’t you and Mommy wear pajamas to bed?”

Oh Christ! Here we go again.

Before I could answer, Iz turned around to Noah. “Does your Mommy and Daddy sleep naked too?”

Noah giggled and covered his mouth as he laughed. “I don’t know.”

“Both of you get downstairs, right now!” Miranda sat up and pointed toward the door. Her hair was standing in all directions and she looked like she was ready to shoot fire out of her ears.

I pulled her back down against my chest. “Good morning, Sunshine.”

“You suck! You know she is going to tell everyone we are naked.”

“Who cares, Baby?”
