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Rory's Mate

Rory’s Mate (The Vampire Coalition #2)(14)
Author: J.S. Scott

She had gone back to work part time, although she really didn’t need to. When Rory had said he was loaded…he wasn’t joking. But she enjoyed it and it filled the evenings when Rory was doing his work with The Coalition.

She looked around the bride and groom’s table where she sat beside Rory. Liam, Nathan, Ethan and Bri. Kristin and Adare were also there. They had all been part of the wedding party. Now they were like the family she had never had.

She eyed Liam and Nathan, wishing they would find their mates. She had come to care about all of Rory’s brothers and wanted their happiness.

Hmmm…maybe Nathan. He was oldest. She loved Nathan like a brother but he would be a hard man to crack. He was an elder. He would be volatile. It would take a special woman.

It would take a saint, love. She heard Rory’s wry comment in her mind.

Rory. Would she ever get used to the fact that they could communicate without speaking?

He doesn’t need a saint. He needs a woman that will stand up to him. Shake him up a bit. She answered with certainty. Nathan Hale needed a strong woman.

"He wouldn’t like it," Rory mused aloud.

"But it would be good for him He’d secretly love it." She insisted.

Rory looked at her doubtfully and she smiled. "I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what’s fated for him."

"He’s certain he won’t mate." Rory warned her.

"I think he will. Just call it women’s intuition, but I do think Nathan will have a mate." She told him with confidence.

"That would be something I wouldn’t want to miss," Rory answered with laughter in his voice.

"Sometimes…it just takes the right woman." Callie sipped her champagne thoughtfully.

"Yes it does, love. I know I was lucky." Rory turned her face to his and kissed her gently.

Her heart melted as she looked into the eyes of her destiny.

He reached out and filled his champagne flute and refilled hers.

They had already had an official toast, but this was theirs alone.

He raised his glass and she raised her’s to touch his.

With the clink of glasses, a love that would last forever was sealed.
