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Rory's Mate

Rory’s Mate (The Vampire Coalition #2)(3)
Author: J.S. Scott

When the group of fallen had gotten past their parent’s magic protecting their home, they had transported their children away and left them with friends before transporting back to their home to confront the fallen. It had bought enough time that the fallen couldn’t follow their trail straight to the children. Nathan still hated his father’s friends to this day for not letting him return to help their parents.

Rory was grateful. Had Nathan returned he would have been dead along with his parents. It had taken a gathering of ten ancients to destroy the band of fallen…and not without casualties. They had lost three ancients in that fight.

Nathan had gladly joined The Coalition and Rory knew he took great pleasure in destroying the fallen. Nathan’s hatred for the fallen was nearly an obsession.

Rory paused in the middle of his bedroom, debating how to dress himself.

He frowned, wondering why he cared. His usual attire was jeans, a t-shirt and black leather boots. He never really thought about it.

But Callie would be there. He grudgingly admitted that he liked her. He liked her. He couldn’t feel physical desire for any women, but he wanted to impress her. There was just…something about her. They had only run into each other a few times at Ethan’s, but they had somehow become friends. He saw her…and she saw him. They were like kindred spirits who understood each other. He wanted her to like him, trust him.

She looks at me like I’m someone special.

Rory had never been special. His twin was a healer with extraordinary power. And Rory…was just the twin. He didn’t envy his brother. Being a healer took enormous dedication and it was a huge weight on Liam’s shoulders. But Liam was special and sometimes Rory wished that he could be seen for himself instead of just being the other twin.

He was proud of Liam. He admired him. They were extremely close because they were twins. But sometimes…just sometimes…he felt eclipsed by Liam.

That was why he valued Callie’s friendship. She never looked at Liam the way she looked at him. She didn’t talk to Liam or Nathan in the same way.

He clothed himself in an expensive suit.

Nope. Looks like I’m trying too hard.

He tried casual pants and a silk shirt with a thick gold chain.

Christ! I look like a pimp.

Okay…nice black designer jeans. Armani polo shirt. Italian leather casual shoes. Rolex watch.

Not bad. Better than my usual. I’ll go with it.

Rory laughed at himself as he grabbed his car keys and let himself into the garage. He could hardly transport himself into Ethan’s house with Callie there. Besides, he liked driving. He slid into his loaded Navigator, loving the smell and feel of the custom leather seats. The big four wheel drive was appropriate for winter in the Rocky Mountains and Rory liked the space. He need it to comfortably accommodate his body.

He pulled out of the garage and secured the house as he pulled out of the front gate. As he entered the private road that would take him to the main highway he started whistling a current tune.

Callie’s favorite song.

He pushed the accelerator. Ethan’s home was a twenty five minute drive. Maybe he could make it in fifteen.


Callie had arrived at Brianna and Ethan’s sprawling ranch home over an hour ago. She had brought some side dishes with her and some she was currently rushing around Bri’s kitchen preparing.

She had made the banana cream pies in advance and they were currently chilling in the fridge.

Rory’s favorite.

Shit! Could she stop thinking about Rory? He was not for her. He was too handsome, too compelling…too everything. He had no interest in her…but she liked him. And she knew he liked her. They could talk. He had no sexual interest in her, but there was…something. Some kind of connection. They hadn’t really seen each other all that much, but when they did they were able to talk like old friends. He gave her his undivided attention. He seemed to hang on her every word.

But the sexual attraction was missing. On his side anyway. Personally, she would like to jump his bones and have him a million different ways. Unfortunately, the feeling wasn’t mutual. She didn’t feel that desire on his side, and he seemed oblivious to hers.

As she finished off her special chef’s salad she sighed. The man didn’t have any vanity and she couldn’t figure that out. He could act cocky at times, but it was a facade. She felt the insecurity hiding deep within the man.

Brianna came breezing into the kitchen looking breathless. Ethan had caught her again. She had that glassy eyed, swollen lips look of a woman that had just been kissed senseless. She and Ethan couldn’t seem to keep their hands off of each other.

"How’s it coming?" Brianna asked brightly. Too brightly.

"Fine, Bri. Ethan catch you again?" Callie laughed lightly as she watched Bri’s face flush.

"He’s wicked sometimes. But I have to admit I don’t try very hard to get away." Bri winked at her and opened the refrigerator, taking out a pitcher of margaritas. She pulled three glasses from the freezer. "I think it’s cocktail time."

"Can I ask you something, Bri," Callie questioned hesitantly.

"Ask away," Bri answered as she filled the glasses with frozen margaritas.

"I was wondering…is Rory g*y?"

Bri was just starting to take a sip of her drink and nearly choked on it. "Rory? Oh God, no. Why do you ask?"

Callie picked up her drink and took a swallow, savoring the fruity taste. "Nothing. I just wondered."

Scratch that thought. He’s perfectly straight and just not interested.

"Callie, are you interested in Rory?" Bri cocked her head and gave her a curious look.

"No, no. Not at all. I was just curious. I mean…I like him. He’s really nice. But I know there’s no interest there for him," she answered. She tried to hide her blushing cheeks from Bri.

Bri studied Callie for a moment before replying carefully. "Listen hon…things are complicated with Rory. With all of the brothers. It isn’t you."

"You don’t have to make excuses, Bri. This is me. Your BFF. You don’t have to sugar coat the excuses. I’m used to men not being interested," Callie answered, her arms crossing in front of her.

Bri grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently. "You’re a beautiful woman, Callie. Inside and out. I wish you would realize that. Any man would be lucky to have you." Bri looked her straight in the eye before adding, "I repeat…it is not you."

"It’s nothing, Bri. Don’t worry about it. It was just curiosity." Callie broke away from Bri as she spoke, turning back to her vegetables on the stove.

"He does like you, Callie. He asks about you all of the time. It isn’t lack of interest…it’s just…" Bri paused as if looking for the right words. "Shit, Callie. It’s really complicated," Bri finished sounding exasperated and frustrated.
