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Rory's Mate

Rory’s Mate (The Vampire Coalition #2)(5)
Author: J.S. Scott

She was groaning, her head thrashing back and forth.

He panted as one hand worked her channel, the other working her clit. She was so slick that his fingers glided easily and he picked up the pace, her need becoming his. His fingers were coordinated, slamming into her aching opening and working her sensitive bud in sync.

She was going to cum. He lifted his mouth from her br**sts as he watched her.

Christ…she was beautiful. Some of her hair had worked itself free and silky strands tangled around her face. She was biting her lip, her eyes closed. She was laid out on the table, open for him to give her pleasure. She looked like the finest feast he had ever seen.

He felt her climax start. It pulsed over his fingers, clenching the two in her channel hard. She arched her back as she murmured his name over and over.

He was tempted to cover her and f**k her just like this, but he was mesmerized in watching and feeling her find her release.

He didn’t stop his persistent fingers from their assault and she continued to climax, helpless to stop it.

As he felt the contractions subside he pulled her up and into his arms. Her arms clasp around him like a vice. She panted, "Rory, Oh God. That’s never happened before. Not like that."

He held her tightly, fighting with his instincts.


He continued to hold her trembling body. He could feel her hot breath against his neck as she recovered.

He fought his instincts to take her. He needed her. He wanted her soft and warm beneath him. He wanted that channel accepting his hard cock. This woman was his. His mate.

"Rory, what the hell happened?," she asked him softly, her voice shakey as she pulled away from him.

He knew his eyes were burning with desire and longing. He let her see it, become aware of it. When she pulled away he nearly growled.

She slid off of the table and pulled her panties back up. She smoothed down her dress. She pulled her bra down, frowning at the ripped buttons of her dress. She held the top together with one hand.

She was afraid. Rory could feel it, sense it and he could see the fear in her eyes.

Her eyes raked over him. He knew he looked wild. He struggled for control, barely able to keep from reaching for again and taking her.

But he didn’t like seeing her afraid.

Don’t be scared. Please don’t be scared. He reached for her with his mind. He knew she could hear him. They had already touched. The mental intimacy would be there.

She didn’t answer. Her hands shook as her eyes landed on his mating mark. As soon as he had touched her the mark had been revealed. His magic could no longer cover it.

She stared at it, terror in her eyes.

She took one last look at him and fled, grabbing her purse and her keys and started running for the door.

"No! Callie!," his voice was loud and desperate.

She was running from him. He couldn’t ever let her get away.

He sprinted after her. He nearly caught her at the door. He would have caught her…if he hadn’t been restrained by three sets of strong hands holding him back.

Nathan, Liam and Ethan tugged at him. He snarled at them, but they held him fast. He struggled to get away. He needed to get to Callie. She couldn’t go.

Callie was already out the door like her ass was on fire, leaving the door wide open. She ran to her car, never looking back.

Rory struggled to get out of his sibling’s hold as he watched her drive away.

"Callie. Come back." His voice was anguished and he almost broke away from the restraining hands, so desperate was his need for her.

He dropped to his knees but his brothers retained their hold. Everything inside of him needed to find her. Needed to possess her.

His brothers dragged him to the couch bodily, dropping him, but never releasing their hold.

"Rory," Ethan barked sharply. "You can’t chase the woman down like a hound after a rabbit. What the hell happened?"

He sat on the couch, his breath still coming hard and fast. "Mine. My mate."

"Oh, shit. Callie?" Ethan frowned as he loosened his hold and looked up at Bri who had just entered the room with a concerned look on her face.

Rory knew that Bri and Ethan were conversing silently…but he didn’t care.

"Calm down, Rory. We need to talk about this. If you flee…I’ll catch you," Nathan threatened.

Rory knew Nathan could and he would. He was two hundred years older and more powerful. Rory took some deep breaths, feeling his brothers release their hold. He still wanted to go after Callie, but he was regaining some common sense. Ethan was right. She was already scared. He couldn’t go after her like a maniac stalker.

"Ethan, you found your mate." Liam spoke, his voice full of joy and awe.

As he calmed down, Rory was rather in awe himself. Callie was his mate.

Brianna came to sit beside him on the couch, nudging her husband out of her way. Ethan moved so that Brianna could sit between them. The other two brothers flopped into two of the living room chairs.

"Callie looked upset. What happened, Rory?" Brianna’s soft voice calmed him. She brushed back a stray lock of his hair.

He had lost control and attacked her best friend. He could hardly tell her that and he felt ashamed. Not only was Callie his mate but he respected her. He answered cautiously, "She burned herself. I took her hand to look at it and I…lost it." His voice was hoarse. "I’ve never touched her before. I didn’t realize."

Brianna sighed. "She’ll understand, Rory…eventually. But Callie lives in the real world. It won’t be easy for her to accept that there is another world apart from the one she lives in. She’s had a hard life."

"What do you mean?" Rory was curious now. He pushed his mating instincts down, interested in knowing everything about Callie.

Brianna looked hesitant. After a moment she replied, "It really isn’t my place to tell you much about Callie. But there are a few things you should know. She’ll have to tell you the details herself once she trusts you. Her childhood and teen years were tough. She was abandoned as a baby. She never knew her parents. She was transferred from foster home to foster home. She wants security. She needs security."

"I’ll give her security. I’ll give her a home that she can be in forever. Anything she needs or wants is hers." Rory answered firmly. He would wrap her in security.

"She has other needs other than just financial security, Rory. She has abandoned child syndrome. She’s suffered with it for years. She’s done her best to overcome it…and she’s getting there. But she needs people around her that care about her. She thinks nobody wants her. She doesn’t feel desirable or attractive. She blames herself for the fact that she was never adopted." Brianna finished, obviously done revealing all of the information she felt comfortable disclosing about her best friend.
