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Rory's Mate

Rory’s Mate (The Vampire Coalition #2)(8)
Author: J.S. Scott

Faster and faster. Harder and harder. So much stimulation. Too much stimulation. The pounding of the hot water on her br**sts. Rory’s tongue attacking her clit, Rory’s fingers f**king her hard.

Her climax plowed over her. She arched her back and screamed as the pulsations exploded through her body.

Rory didn’t stop. He continued his perpetual pleasure, drawing her orgasm out, making her body blow apart.

When he finally rose, she was shaking from head to toe. He positioned her in front of him, letting her feel the full force of the water flowing over her body. He held her tightly to him, her back to his front. She could

feel his breathing, coming hard and fast, his chest heaving.

He lifted her out of the shower and grabbed a big, fluffy towel from the rack beside the shower. The water shut off without anyone touching the handles of the shower.

She was dazed and a little dizzy. He held her up with an arm around her waist as he dried her.

As he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom Callie could feel him trembling. He was breathing hard, but it wasn’t from exertion. She knew he was trying to gain control. She had learned much from Bri and she knew how he was feeling. She could feel some of his tension, his wanting, although she had just been completely sated.

He tucked her into bed, kissing her tenderly. "I have to go, Callie," he croaked as he turned from the bed.

Callie’s heart ached. She knew he was feeling tortured, but she didn’t want him to go.

"Stay with me," she whispered. It was selfish, but she wanted him here. She would feel so lonely without him.

His expression tortured, Rory turned back toward the bed.

Chapter 5

Ethan was right…he did feel like he was in hell. He had felt that way since he had first touched his mate, but this situation was the worst.

He couldn’t deny his mate. If she wanted him, he would stay. He wanted to stay. His heart felt like it was being ripped out of his chest.

His intense loneliness and desire to be at her side consumed him when he was without her.

His burning desire to possess her nearly killed him when he was with her.

He was completely f**ked either way.

Pleasing his mate was a compulsion. He didn’t want to leave her. He wanted to be with her.

"If you don’t want to…I understand, Rory. I’m sorry."

She was biting her lip and the look of raw vulnerability in her eyes made his chest ache. He slid into the bed, pulling her naked, warm body against him. "It isn’t that I don’t want to, Callie. I want to be with you every minute. It nearly killed me not to hear your voice for the last few weeks. It’s just…" his voice trailed off, low and soft.

"I know we can’t have sex. Bri explained it. I haven’t called you to me." She snuggled up against his powerful chest.

"You will, Callie." She had to…or he would go insane.

She went silent and Rory could feel her slow, even breathing against his neck.

He needed to feed. Satiating Callie had taken a slight edge off of his insanity because her need wasn’t pounding at him, but he had come to her before he had fed. It would help to be at full strength.

Mature vampires could go a week without feeding, but being in the mating process and not being able to claim his mate had taken a lot of energy. He fed at least once a day to keep his beast at bay.

He slid slowly from the bed, hating the loss of her warm, silky body against his.

He heard her moan lightly, reaching for him. He slid a fluffy pillow into her arms and she clutched it and settled back into sleep.

He took one last longing look at her sleeping peacefully before he removed himself to a darker area of Denver. It was a place where creatures, human and immortal, roamed the night with no good intentions.

He found his source quickly, feeding from the drug dealer without remorse. He wiped his mind clean, leaving the man with nothing but a dazed look.

He flashed back to Callie’s apartment. As he stood at the side of the bed he felt a familiar sensation.


The evil was nearly palpable. There had to be more than one.


He called for his older brother. Nathan would get the distress signal. He didn’t call Ethan or Liam. He didn’t want Ethan to leave his mate and Liam was healing. They were twins and he could feel the faint buzz of Liam’s power when he was healing.

Rory tried to sense the evil, pin down the location. It wasn’t inside of the apartment, but it was close. He transferred to the outside of the building and sensed a stronger presence.

He cursed himself for not surrounding the building with magic. He had nearly failed to protect Callie.

He barely had time to raise his arm to manufacture his sword before the fallen were upon him.

Three ugly, sunken faces appeared before him. They could sense him as well as he could feel their evil.

The three attacked together, probably thinking they could dispose of him quickly to get him out of the way.

Rory spun around to get out of the reach of their razor sharp claws, but he caught slashes in the back and to his chest as he moved. He swung his sword toward one of the figure’s chest as he moved, slicing it open. Black fluid flowed from the fallen’s wound, but it didn’t stop him.

They circled him, slashing at him with their claws, trying to drain him of his blood. Rory gave as good as he got. Black fluid flowed with blood to the ground.

He wasn’t about to lose. His mate was near and he would never let them get any closer to her.

He transported, taking himself out of their circle. He appeared behind one of the fallen and speared him in the chest. His aim was perfect. The heart of the fallen ruptured. The creature fell to the ground writhing. It would soon be nothing but dust.

He would have taken a swipe to the neck that probably would have ripped his head off if not for Nathan.

His brother appeared, completely armed and furious. Nathan cut through the fallen that was about to attack his brother with unrestrained violence and rage. He sliced the head from his prey and plunged his sword into it’s heart.

Rory turned to the last fallen, determined to extinguish him. The bastard needed to die. Rory was seeing red. Literally. His mind was volatile at the threat to his mate. He stepped close enough for the fallen to take a few swipes at him, but Rory didn’t even feel it.

Destroy. Kill. Remove the threat from my mate.

He and Nathan struck at the same time, their swords meeting with a force so hard that it send vibrations through Rory’s body. Rory struck from the front, Nathan from the back.

Rory swayed and then hit the ground. He heard Nathan curse.

"Why the hell didn’t you arm yourself," Nathan asked in a loud, irate voice. "You could have been headless."

"No time. They took me off guard," Rory replied weakly.
