Read Books Novel


Rule (Marked Men #1)(64)
Author: Jay Crownover

“If your father finds out he really will make good on pulling his tuition check for next year.”

My dad had finally gotten tired of me ignoring his calls and had ambushed me at the apartment last weekend. I had tried to explain the situation with the car, tried to make him understand about Gabe and his threats but none of it did any good. All my dad was concerned about was how things looked for him and mom the requisite threat about tuition had been lobbied about but it held no weight with me. I told him if he pulled my tuition I would gladly get a job as a striper to pay my way through med school and he hadn’t liked it one bit. I knew the threat would only keep him off my case for a brief minute but for now that was all I needed if he wasn’t going to take my back against what was going on with Gabe.

I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him but I don’t think Rule pushing him around had really sent him to ground. Ayden mentioned she had heard some girls in one of her classes talking about me and from the sounds of it his new mission was to trash my reputation on campus with a series of foul lies and outrageous stories. Luckily I was pretty immune to hearing awful stuff about myself from growing up in such a judgmental and hatful household or else I would have been freaking out even more and contemplating changing schools to just get away from it all.

“Yeah he would, good thing that’s not something he ever has any opportunity to see.”

Cora opened the door with a little metal tray in her hand that looked sterilized and smelled like hospital grade antiseptic.

“You ready?”

I swung my legs up and around so I was lying back in the chair and tried to control my rapid breathing.

“As I’ll ever be.”

“I’m fast so it’ll be over quick. Just remember you have to keep them clean so for the first three to four weeks don’t play with or let you know who play with them even though he should know the rules by now.”

I laughed as she told me to strip out of my tight V-neck Henley and bra. I shivered involuntarily at being so exposed but Cora was reassuring and even though I knew she wasn’t really into it Ayden held my hand and watched what was happening with rapt attention.

“First I gotta mark you to make sure they’re even and straight on both sides.” It was weird to have someone even though that someone was a friend handle my body in such a way. The tip of the marker was cold and it made me shiver but not nearly as much when she put the metal clamp on the first light pink tip. Her two toned eyes stared into mine and I felt my nails dig into Ayden’s palm. “Okay babe take a really deep breath and when I tell you let it out slow and even. You’re going to feel a lot of pressure from the needle pressing through and then the jewelry being put in place just keep your eyes on me and keep breathing.”

I did what she said and after the initial pain that admittedly had a couple of surprised tears welling in my eyes it was just more uncomfortable than painful. She repeated the process on the other side and just like that it was over and I was pierced. She asked me if I wanted a mirror. I took it and admired her handy work.

I had pretty nice br**sts already, they weren’t huge or anything outrageous but they were firm and high and my ni**les were always a nice, pretty pink. The silver hoops were similar to the ones in Rule’s eyebrow and the one in his lip but the ball at the center of mine was a bright aquamarine globe. They were sexy and feminine and I freaking loved the way it looked. I took the aftercare instructions and climbed back into my clothes. I felt the little piece of me that had been flailing over the last weeks lock back down and I smiled at Cora and gave her a hug.

“I love it.”

“You should. It’s over the top hot.”

Ayden nodded as she pulled on her coat. “I didn’t think it would suit you but I was wrong they look really girly and sexy. I can see now why you wanted to get it done.”

Cora lifted her super blond eyebrows as I shoved money into her hands. “I know you said you would do it for free but I want to pay you.”

She shook her head and tried to hand it back but I refused to take it. “I would like to consider us friends now and I don’t take advantage of friends so please just take it.”

She frowned at me and moved around to pick up all her equipment. “If you wanted a tattoo and Rule or Nash offered to do it for free would you let them?”

“Rule yes, Nash no.”

She sighed in defeat then. “Well fine then. Let me know what lover boy thinks, not that I think he’ll be able to hide his shit eating grin. I swear his mood entirely revolves around how the two of you are going at it.”

I pulled my long hair out of the collar of my coat and tried not to wince as the movement caused my new addition to move uncomfortably against my bra. “So how’s he been lately?” I was curious but I also really wanted to know.

“Fine, more mellow and maybe more quiet than usual, but good.”

“Well that’s good I guess.”

“You don’t sound so sure about that.”

I shrugged not sure how to explain it. “Rule has never really been a mellow guy.”

“No he hasn’t but maybe you just have given him a reason to be. Maybe he’s happy and has everything he wants so there isn’t a reason to be all angsty and agro all the time anymore.”

I would have been thrilled if I thought she was right but I knew Rule and none of it sat right with how he was. “Maybe.”

She gave me another hug, carful of my chest and ushered us out of the shop. “Don’t get your panties all wadded up over it there is nothing wrong with mellow.”

“Thanks Cora.”

“Anytime now scram so I clean this up before regular business shows up and the guys have to get here and set up.”

Ayden gave me a searching look as we exited into the cold. “How did you get the guard dogs to let you off the leash this morning? Rules has a fit whenever you try and gallivant around without someone on your heels.”

“I told him I had a hair appointment and that you were going with me and wouldn’t let me out of your sight. No guy wants to go spend an hour in a salon, especially a guy like Rule.” She lifted her brows at me when we got to the rental I was currently driving.

“So are we actually going to go get our hair done?”

Since I wasn’t a liar and hated being dishonest with him I had indeed made both of us an appointment to get the works done. “We are, only it’s my treat this time because we have to make a stop first and it’s kinda out of the way.”
