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Ruthless Game

Ruthless Game (GhostWalkers #9)(39)
Author: Christine Feehan

“Do you think the baby’s strong enough to make a run for it, Rose?”

She remained silent. He turned his head to look at her. “Be honest.”

“I don’t know. He’s way early, and very small. I think the hospital would have him in an incubator. But his lungs work and he’s eating. He looks as if he’s put a little weight on. I’d prefer to give him a few more days, but if we had to go …” She trailed off. “Why?”

He looked away, rubbed his pounding temples, and then handed her the rifle. He’d tell her later, when he had to go out and check to see if Fargo was really going to try to get a woman from town. Maybe the man was all talk. He hoped the man was all talk. Rose took the rifle silently and set it aside, holding out her arms for the baby.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again, Rose.” He went on the attack to distract her. “You know damn well what an invitation you were extending to Carlson.” In any case, he found he was angry with her. What the hell had she been thinking? The more he thought about it, the angrier it made him.

“Your daddy is such a baby,” Rose sniffed, cuddling Sebastian to her. “I don’t see why you should have all the fun, Kane. The man wasn’t giving me any respect at all. I was trying to give him a heart attack, not you.”

“Well, don’t do it again.” Kane scowled his blackest scowl, hoping for sheer intimidation. He’d noticed before that it hadn’t worked well on her, but now that all the pregnancy hormones were leaving her body, she might recognize that he was a dangerous man—one not to be trifled with.

She sent him one of her mystifying smiles. It was baffling to him the way she used the secretive smile to answer his orders.

He slid out from the ledge and towered over her. “You would have made one hell of a spy.” When her smile widened, he glared at her. “That was not a compliment, Rose.”

“Really?” She laughed and walked right around him, undeterred by his solid mass. “I thought it was a wonderful compliment.” She sank into a chair and deftly brought the child to her breast.

The hard-on was instant and aching. She was beautiful sitting there with her soft skin exposed and their child feeding. He didn’t look away anymore, and Rose never tried to hide herself from him. Sebastian’s nursing was much stronger than it had been, which made both of them happy. He’d been born early but showed every sign of being healthy.

“In a few days, he should be strong enough to leave,” Kane pointed out.

“I agree.” She nuzzled the little boy’s head. “He’s improving every single day.”

He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “You’re so damn beautiful, Rose. The things you do to my body without even trying are a sin.”

She sent him that same mysterious smile. “I was hoping you wouldn’t mind teaching me a few things. Although I’m grateful I can do things to your body without trying, I was expecting something a little more concrete and hands-on.”

He pressed a hand to his heart. “Okay. That just isn’t fair.”

She sat there, the baby to her breast, looking up at him with those dark bedroom eyes and delivered her statement in a matter-of-fact, talk-about-the-weather tone. She had a siren’s mouth and the longest lashes he’d ever seen on a woman. She had to know she was putting all sorts of erotic images in his head—or maybe she didn’t. There was no amusement, no teasing, just her calm statement of facts.

“Why? Am I doing something wrong?” She looked confused.

He bent his head and kissed her, one hand sliding over her breast, feeling her soft skin. “No, sweetheart, you’re doing everything right. I’ll be more than happy to show you anything you’d like me to.”

She nodded her head. “The only way to learn is to gather knowledge.”

Kane winced. “What the hell.” He frowned at her, slightly offended at her pragmatic approach. “I’m not a science project, Rose.”

“Really?” She tilted her head to look up at him, her dark eyes running over his frame, dwelling for one long moment on the hard evidence of his arousal. “I rather thought of you as a very delicious science project.”

Maybe the idea of being a science project wasn’t so bad after all. He liked the way she was looking at him with such interest. Yeah. He could definitely handle being her project, especially if she thought of him as delicious. He was still cupping her breast in his palm, his thumb sliding back and forth over the firm mound. He felt the shiver of awareness going through her.

Rose deftly switched the baby from her right side to her left. He kept his hand supporting her breast while the baby latched on. “There’s something really beautiful about a woman feeding a man’s baby,” he murmured, grateful she didn’t hide her body from him.

“Do you think so? I was afraid that after having a baby you wouldn’t find me attractive. It seems that men always lose interest in a woman after she gives birth to a child.”

He straightened, shocked. “Why would you think that?”

Little frown lines appeared around her mouth. He had a mad urge to kiss them away. Instead, he waited for her answer, intrigued by her thinking.

“It’s not as if I know anything about relationships; none of us do,” Rose admitted. “We read newspapers and it seems as if everyone gets a divorce after they have children. Either that,” she looked him in the eye, “or men can’t be faithful, in which case, there’s no reason to bother with getting married.”

He would have laughed, but he could see that not only was she serious, but she was worried as well. Trusting him with her future was a difficult thing when Rose had been locked up her entire life. She’d only had a few months of freedom. She needed reassurance. She was being courageous in taking the steps she was taking at giving their son two parents. He was a stranger to her.

Kane crouched down beside the chair, stroking his thumb one last time over her breast, trailing his fingers over the baby’s head before framing Rose’s face with both hands. “I think any long-term relationship will have rough patches, Rose, but my loyalty to you will be absolute. I can’t say what it’s like for other men, but I’m wired to be a one-woman man. That woman is you. Everything about you appeals to the man I am. I find you amazing. Having my child only makes you more beautiful to me, not less so. Even your breast-feeding the baby is damned sexy.”
