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Ruthless Game

Ruthless Game (GhostWalkers #9)(42)
Author: Christine Feehan

She leaned forward to brush a kiss along his chin. “I think that might make me all the more excited and needy,

Kane. I want you, and my body isn’t ready yet. The hot shower is as good as it’s going to get for me right now.”

He pushed himself up on his elbows, glancing at the clock. He wouldn’t mind joining her in the shower, just to watch her. He was seriously in danger of becoming addicted to her—especially after what she’d just done. He knew if he insisted she would allow him to suckle the excess from her. He liked the idea of her wanting him, but he didn’t want to leave her needy, and he couldn’t finish anything he started.

“Rose.” He stopped her from scooting off the bed.

“That’s the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever done for me. Thank you.”

“I was telling you how I felt.” Her gaze held steady on his.

“I was listening. I think you were very articulate.”

Her slow smile rewarded him. “You could use a little cleanup yourself.”

He was off the bed immediately, his hand removing the bra from her and tossing it aside. He cupped her br**sts, supporting them as he walked her into the bathroom. “You take over the support while I take care of your clothes and get the temperature just right.”

Rose nodded and stood, holding her aching, burning br**sts in her hands. She’d never felt so hard and unattractive as in that moment. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She had loved telling Kane with her mouth what she couldn’t say out loud. There was no other man for her. Everything about him was perfect for her. He’d showed her nothing but respect from the very beginning. And as far as she was concerned, he was the hottest man she’d ever seen.

His hands were gentle as he stripped away her jeans. She was a little embarrassed over her soft belly when she was so used to having a tight body. She wanted him to see her at her best, and unfortunately, she was feeling awkward, uncertain, and her br**sts hurt like hell. The need pulsing between her legs didn’t make her happy either.

She stepped under the hot water and leaned back against him, letting his hands support her br**sts and keep her upright while the heat penetrated her skin and allowed her milk to run free. The relief was gradual but felt like heaven. She was conscious of Kane holding her close to him, his body like the trunk of an oak, hard and solid, an anchor in every storm.

She closed her eyes and just absorbed him. There was something about Kane that under any circumstances made her feel safe—and cared for. The way he looked at her made her feel alive, aware at all times of herself as a woman—not just as a soldier.

He glanced at his watch and, although he showed no signs of hurrying or being impatient that she took her time under the hot water, she had the feeling that he was growing anxious. As soon as they turned off the water, he handed her a large bath towel and then dried off. She followed his example at a much more leisurely pace.

He was fully dressed in combat night gear by the time she was dried off.

“What are you doing?” Rose frowned, watching him shove weapons into every conceivable loop and hidden pocket. “You don’t look like we’re settling in for a cozy evening.”

“I’ll have to go out and check on the two idiots outside. They’re hatching a plan to kidnap some girl from a village. I need to know if they’re really going to go through with it. If Fargo leaves, Carlson will make his try for you tonight, no matter what.”

Horrified, Rose wrapped the towel around herself tightly. “They’re going to do what?”

“That was the plan. It seems the booze isn’t keeping them warm enough at night. They’re bored and restless, Rose. Neither one of them has the discipline necessary for an assignment like this one. Whitney studies humans, and he enjoys throwing them into the very situations he thinks they should rise above, but he knows their natures work against them.”

“Well, you can’t allow them to take a woman from the village.”

He went silent. She tried to read his expression, but he wasn’t giving away his thoughts. Rose put a hand on his chest before he could leave the room. “You can’t allow them to take a woman from that village, Kane; promise me.”

His hand came up and trapped hers. “Sweetheart, I told you I would never lie to you. I’m not making promises I might not be able to keep.”

“But …” She began a protest, but he leaned down and captured her mouth.

Tiny sparks electrified her mouth and raced along her insides, rushing through her veins like a drug. Heat spread through her body. Her mind went a little fuzzy, and she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Kane stepped back, gently capturing her wrists. “We’ll talk about this when I know more.” He kissed both hands and let her go. “Let’s just get the information, and we’ll discuss it when we have to make decisions.”

Chapter 9

“You said when you came back with more information we were going to discuss this, Kane. You just told me Fargo was already gone.” Rose stood directly in front of Kane, refusing to be intimidated by the sheer size and enormous strength of him.

Kane took a step toward her, towering over her. “I didn’t expect him to leave so damned soon. It means Carlson will be getting his courage up to defy Whitney without Fargo as a deterrent. If I kill them both, we’ll be forced to leave because no one will be reporting to Whitney. He’ll know they’re dead, and he’ll send a force after us. Mack hasn’t contacted us, and you said yourself the baby needs more time.”

Rose breathed away her fury. She wasn’t really angry at Kane, just the situation. Was she never going to be free of men like Fargo and Carlson? “All right then. You won’t go after him. Then you watch the baby and I’ll go. Because, Kane, one of us has to do it.”

Kane shook his head, no expression on his face. His eyes had gone flat and cold, something Rose recognized as trouble. “I thought about it. How could I not? Fargo will find some poor woman and drag her back …”

“Rape her,” Rose said. “Just say it, Kane.”

“Damn it, yes, but you and I both know Carlson will be coming here tonight. I can’t leave you and Sebastian unprotected. It’s a hell of a choice, but it’s my choice. You and Sebastian come first every time. I’ve had to make worse choices, and I’ve lived with them.”

He was not going to apologize for choosing her over a stranger. Carlson would come for her, he knew it with every breath in his body, and he damn well wasn’t leaving her and the baby to the depraved, diseased mind of Carlson James.
