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Ruthless Game

Ruthless Game (GhostWalkers #9)(60)
Author: Christine Feehan

“How do you know whether or not I had prenatal care? You didn’t even ask me.”

Kane was startled by the outright hostility in Rose’s voice. Eric was unsettling, he would admit that. He didn’t have the best bedside manner; he was a surgeon and researcher, not a family doctor, but time and again he’d saved the lives of many GhostWalkers.

He saved my life, he reminded as gently as he could. He didn’t pretend to understand women and their peculiarities.

Did he? Rose remained stubbornly where she was, arms crossed over her chest, guarding the door and eyeing Eric as if he was the enemy.

Kane shot her a warning look and held out his hand to her. She hesitated, but her expression softened and she crossed to his side, taking his hand. His fingers closed around hers, and he pulled her down into the chair beside him. Did something happen while I was unconscious?

“I think we started off on the wrong foot,” Eric said, leaning toward Rose. “I’m not always the most social person. I’ve been told many times I should be a little less abrupt in my approach with people. I’m working on that.”

He sounded stiff, and Kane felt a little sorry for him. Eric was an intelligent man—an acknowledged genius in his field if the medical journals were anything to go by—but he had a one-track, very focused mind, as most researchers did. It had to be difficult for such a proud man to work with GhostWalkers, men superior physically and psychically, but without his acute, focused brain. Kane also knew it would be extremely mortifying to have to apologize for anything.

I caught him trying to steal Sebastian’s blood after I told him no.

Rose lifted her chin. “I have trust issues, so I guess we’re both to blame.”

There was nothing grudging in her voice. He felt pride in her blossom, spreading warmth through his body. Rose had no problems meeting someone halfway, and she sounded sincere, but after what she’d revealed, he knew she wasn’t about to let Eric near their son without constant supervision. He brought her hand to his mouth and nibbled.

Have you suddenly developed an oral fixation?

He glanced at her, startled. She was teasing him with company around. It felt—intimate. He grinned at her and bit down on her finger. Yes.

Jaimie returned with the coffee, handing him a cup and then giving Eric one. “I made you tea, Rose. You seemed to prefer that to coffee.”

Rose nodded. “Thank you.”

Jaimie returned with the two cups of tea. “I added milk because I saw you used milk the last time, but if it isn’t enough . . .” “This is fine.”

“This is fine.”

Rose smiled up at her, and Kane could tell it was genuine. He felt his belly settle. He hadn’t even realized he’d been tense until that moment. He wanted Rose happy, and he wanted her to like and accept his family.

Eric took a sip of his coffee as Jaimie settled into a chair. “Where’s Mack?”

Jaimie shrugged. “He’s off doing Mack things,” she replied with a sweet smile.

Kane frowned and glanced between her and Rose. Something had definitely happened while he was recovering. Jaimie had been enigmatic in her answer, something she would never have done had Kane asked the question. Which also raised the question: just what was Mack doing? He felt a little like Rip Van Winkle, waking up and having no clue what was going on.

Eric sighed. “I really don’t have a lot of time. Kane, I have to at least examine the baby before I go, to make certain he’s healthy.”

Rose shook her head. “I believe you examined him yesterday. Do you think his condition has changed between yesterday and today? He’s asleep, and I’m not waking him up to be poked and prodded again.”

A flash of anger crossed Eric’s face. He threw his hands into the air. “I can see you’re not going to be reasonable.” Abruptly he stood up, disgust on his face. “I’ll come back when you’ve talked some sense into her, Kane.”

He turned and stalked out, slamming the door behind him.

“That went well,” Kane said and took another drink of fortifying coffee. He looked from one woman to the other. “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

“Not really,” Jaimie said and winked at him.

Both women burst out laughing.

Kane glared at them. “I see how it’s going to be around here. You two are planning on sticking together.”

Jaimie shrugged. “Obviously we’re outnumbered. We have no choice.”

“Tell me anyway. And where’s Mack?”

“Mack is scouting around the neighborhood, looking for anything that might threaten his nephew. He’s gone all protective. A freighter came in yesterday, and all sorts of unsavory characters have been frequenting the bars and shops around here. You know Mack. He and Javier are out gathering information.”

Kane’s warning system went off. Jaimie was being casual for Rose’s benefit. Her sapphire eyes met his steadily, conveying her worry. His heart constricted. Things had certainly changed in his life. He would have felt an adrenaline rush at the first sign of danger. Even an eagerness to go meet it, but now he had so much to lose. Rose. Sebastian. He wanted to wrap them up and keep them safe forever.

“You’re not going to be ready for action for another couple of weeks, soldier,” Rose said.

He had to grin at her. Damn. Nothing got by the woman. “So how bad is the threat, and how credible is it?”

Jaimie threw Rose an apologetic look. “I didn’t want you to worry, Rose. You’ve been through so much.”

Rose shrugged. “This is my life, Jaimie. I chose to come here. Kane and I have Sebastian, and we know they’re going to keep coming at us to get to him. I’m prepared mentally for that. You don’t have to try to protect me.”

Jaimie nodded. “Whitney knows Rose is here.”

Kane reached down and rubbed the tattoo on Rose’s ankle. “We knew he’d track us here. We’re hoping you and Javier can do something about his little homing device.”

“We’ve got that covered already,” Jaimie said. “But Mack says no matter when we disrupted the satellite transmission, he would have known you would bring her back here. He just can’t track her movements anymore.”

“He won’t be happy about that.”

Jaimie shrugged. “It’s Whitney. He’s strange. He gets all excited when the GhostWalkers are able to outwit him or foil his little attempts to retrieve them. I think he pats himself on the back, and it just reinforces how clever and brilliant he is. We are, after all, his creations.”
