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Ruthless Game

Ruthless Game (GhostWalkers #9)(87)
Author: Christine Feehan

Jaimie glanced over her shoulder. “You are official, or you wouldn’t be looking at this data. The word came through a little while ago. With everything going on, there was no opportunity to tell you.” She flashed a mysterious grin. “Mack is officially your boss, poor girl.”

“Isn’t he yours?”

Jaimie tossed her head. “Not hardly. I’m an analyst, not a soldier.” She winked. “He’s really mean. Ask any of the men.”

“Jaimie,” Mack made a growling noise in the back of his throat. “I really need that information.”

“It’s coming up now, Mr. Impatience. You have three on the second floor and two on the third. The Williams family moved into apartment 224, one of the windows facing directly toward us. A couple with two children. A Donald Martin is in apartment 225 right next to the family, and the third one is on the other side of the building, so I doubt he’s your man. On the third floor, both apartments recently rented face our building. A Charles Laudry and Tisha Phillips in 334 and Seely Thompson . . .” She broke off, looking up at Mack.

“What is it?”

Jaimie shook her head. “An alias, definitely not Whitney. Rhianna uses that when she sends me personal email. It’s always encrypted, a program I wrote especially for the two of us to use. No computer is going to break it easily.”

“So Rhee is already back,” Kane said.

Rose caught the relief on Kane’s face and the affection in his voice, but she didn’t ask questions. Mack was already relaying the information Jaimie had given him about the other tenants to his team.

“We can’t destroy the camera or take out the ones in your home, Rose,” Mack said, “until we go after Whitney. This might be our best chance at him. Stay here with Sebastian, out of sight behind the tent.”

Rose nodded and looked up at Kane. She wanted to go, but she hadn’t trained with them yet. She knew she’d only get in their way. “Good hunting.”

Use alternative ways to leave the building. If Whitney spots us leaving en masse, it will tip him off that we’re on to him. Right now he’s feeling very superior that we didn’t find his camera. I’m heading into the tent as if to check on Brian. From there I’ll leave out of his sight and meet you all outside. Stay to cover. Kane and Javier, take the second-floor rooms, and I’ll take the third floor with Lucas. Gideon, can you see into the windows?

Doing my best, Top. There’s someone moving around in three of the apartments facing us from the third and second floors.

Kane caught Rose’s face between his hands and kissed her thoroughly right there in front of everyone. Her eyes went wide and shocked, and he grinned at her before brushing a kiss on top of Sebastian’s head. “They may as well know I’m crazy about you,” he whispered overly loud in her ear, watching her blush with rising satisfaction.

He loved that slightly bemused, flustered look she got when he was publicly affectionate.

I have no idea what to do when you put on public displays.

Manly displays, he corrected. That’s me beating my chest and claiming you.

She frowned at him, and he was tempted all over again to kiss her fantasy mouth. Just how long are you going to keep that up?

“Forever, sweetheart. For always. And that’s the damned truth, Rose,” he said and turned abruptly to uncover the escape door situated close to the bank of computers where Jaimie always had a fast exit, should one become necessary. The opening revealed a very narrow entrance with a built-in slide that took him straight down to the wharf side of the warehouse. He pushed open the door to exit into the alley in front of the wharf itself.

The wind blew in from the ocean, and fingers of fog stretched greedily toward the buildings. Sheets of mist blew in rapidly, a thick veil difficult to penetrate. The cover would help the team members as they spread out and went into the building across the street by several different entrances. Ethan and Gideon, the spotters on the rooftops, however, would have a much more difficult time.

Kane, Gideon spotted movement in three of the apartments. Are you in a position to see into the apartments?

Give me three, Top. I’m coming to the corner now. Javier, we’ll need your boys.

Roger that. They’re already on their way. Someone just told them about the SUV parked on the street with the keys still in it.

Kane stayed close to the wall, his clothes blending into the walls of the warehouse as he rounded the corner. It was three steps to the shadowed alcove. They’d taken advantage whenever an apartment had been vacant to study the vulnerabilities of their own warehouses, finding each blind spot from the windows and marking them for future use.

Negotiations so far had proved to be nearly impossible in acquiring the apartment house. The corporation owning the building steadfastly refused to sell. Jaimie was peeling away the layers in an effort to find who actually owned the corporation. The fact that the building had recently been sold quietly, without advertisement, along with the property managers being deliberately evasive had raised suspicions that either Whitney or another enemy had bought up the building.

Kane waited in the alcove, hearing the crowd of boys coming up the walkway, trash-talking loudly. They shoved one another, leapt over a fire hydrant, and threw several rocks at a stop sign. The sound, much like a series of gunshots, was loud despite the blanket of fog.

Movement at the window on second floor, Gideon reported.

One of the boys kicked the SUV as they surrounded it. The others laughed. Swaggering up to the passenger windows, the boys peered in. More fog poured into the street, swirling around the buildings, a moving, living veil.

Kane stepped into the darkened doorway that was one of the best blind spots available. Set back from the street, the deeper recesses allowed someone able to blend into shadows to disappear. Kane did so, steeling himself to use his particular talent. It was wrenching to use his vision, seeing through the walls inside the actual rooms.

The buildup of energy radiated heat in the small confines of the doorway. The building across from him shimmered, the thick walls undulating as if not real, the solid matter no longer solid. He felt the wrenching in his gut, the lurching of his stomach, and fought down the bile. Pain sliced into his head. He ruthlessly pushed the side effects down. Each time was different, but he had noticed some time ago that the salt air and fog seemed to make the initial penetration a little more difficult.

He took a breath and swung his gaze up toward the second floor. The walls fell away, giving him a dizzying moment, but he rode it out, setting his teeth, ignoring the commotion in the streets as the boys tried to enter the bloodstained SUV to steal it. They’d found the pool of blood and had exited fast, yelling. The world dropped away until there was nothing left between Kane and the occupants of Room 224.
