Read Books Novel

Safe with Me

“Right,” she smirks and takes another bite of brownie.

“Dude, I do!” And just like that, Sam saunters across the room and cups Brynna’s tit in her palm. “See? You have the perfect boobs. Stace, have you felt her boobs?”

Just kill me. Put a bullet in my head and end the agony.

“Oh yeah,” Stacy waves her off. “She has great tits.”

She has amazing tits.

“I wanna feel!” Jules bounces over and joins in.

“Give me more chocolate and you can touch all you want.” Brynna laughs and then glances over at me. “This is the most action I’ve had in months.”

“Motherfuckingsonofawhore.” I grumble.

“Is Brynna single?” Mark asks Will.

“Keep your fucking hands off her,” I growl at him before I know what’s coming out of my mouth.

“Hey,” he holds his hands up in surrender and laughs. “It was just an innocent question.”

As the girls all quietly gossip and occasionally look our way, giving away the fact that they are most likely talking about us, Matt leans in and murmurs quietly, “What are you doing, man?”

“Don’t worry about it,” I respond and shake my head.

“You need to think long and hard about this. Brynna is special.”

“You think I don’t know that?” I laugh humorlessly and shake my head again, then look my older brother square in the eye. “She deserves much more than anything I can give her.”

“I didn’t say that.” Matt’s hands and jaw clench in frustration. “Just think about it before you start something.”

I nod and look back over to the beautiful, tall woman laughing and nodding with Meg and Sam.

I would kill for her.

And her girls.

And not just because of the situation she’s in.

God help me.

Suddenly, the girls are singing and dancing about the kitchen, catching all of our attention. They are a blur of arms and hair and bodies moving with the music, all about a girl asking who made someone the king of anything.

I don’t know the song, but all of the girls seem to, as they know every single word.

Almost as though we’re one person, all of us stand and gather in a semi-circle, watching our girls, all of us with those stupid grins back on our faces.

These women are incredible.

When the song ends, we applaud loudly, whistling and cat-calling, and the women laugh as they bow deeply, if a bit wobbly.

“Encore!” Mark yells out. “With less clothes. Except you, Sam, keep your shit on.”

“We’re a one-song show, guys. Sorry.” Sam laughs.

The guys gather their women one at a time, making noise about it being late and needing to get home.

Our parents are babysitting all of the kids tonight, but it is getting late, and I need to make my late-night check of the house. I glance over to Brynna to find her watching me with wide, brown eyes. I hold my hand out for her, and she hesitantly joins me, linking her fingers through my own.

“Ready?” I ask.

She nods. “Yeah.”

“We’re out too,” I announce as we make our goodbyes. Matt catches my gaze and raises a brow, gesturing down to our linked hands.

I pull Brynna toward the door and flip him off behind my back, earning a belly laugh from my brother.

Brynna and the girls live in Natalie’s old house, just up the street from where Nat and Luke live now in the Alki neighborhood of Seattle. The drive is short, and quiet.

“I don’t know why you’re mad,” I murmur, breaking the silence. “You got off.”

To my utter shock, she reaches over the console and grips my cock firmly in her palm. “I’d be happy to return the favor, but you keep telling me no.”

I pluck her hand off my crotch and return it to her own lap.

“The answer is going to stay no, Brynna.”

“Fine.” She raises her chin, but I can see a shimmer of a tear in her eye and my gut clenches. “I refuse to beg for sex ever again.”

I pull up to her house and throw the car into park.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m going to take a shower.” She slams out of my car and walks swiftly up to the house.

“I haven’t checked…”

“Fuck it!” She turns back to me, her face furious, and then shakes her head, unlocks the door and steps inside. “It’s fine. I need a shower. Stay away from me for a while, Caleb.”

She disappears inside. I know I should chase after her, but I need a break. I take a deep breath of the crisp winter air and walk around the house, satisfied when all seems normal, and then go inside. I make my way around the house, checking locks and windows, and work my way upstairs. The girls’ room is quiet and too still without them in their beds.

They’ve been gone for five damn hours and I already miss them.

What are they all doing to me?

Entering into the master bedroom, I can hear the shower running in the bathroom, and am surprised to hear Brynna singing.

I walk silently to the doorway and lean my shoulder against the jam, cross my arms and listen to her sweet, slightly off-key voice. The shower has glass doors, gone foggy from the steamy shower. I can see her body through the blurry glass, see her lean back and let the water run over her hair, her ass and breasts pushed out, and my dick is officially the hardest it’s ever been in my life.

“I hate to break it to you babe, but I’m not drowning. There’s no one here to save.”

Oh, sweetheart. Someone is definitely drowning.


Chapter Five


What is wrong with him?

What is wrong with me?

I just don’t buy the whole, “You’re too close to my family and I have to protect you” line he keeps giving me.

If he doesn’t want me, he needs to just grow a pair and say so. I don’t need his pity orgasms.

As I finish shaving one leg, I pause and stare at the tile.

Is that what it was in Luke’s office? A pity orgasm? ‘Cause if that’s the case, I just want the floor to open up and swallow me whole.

Finishing the other leg, I rinse and lean back to wash my hair, absentmindedly humming.

Maybe I should just insist that he go. I can protect the girls, and I’m sure I could go stay with my parents if need be.

Although, if we really are in danger, I will do whatever it takes to make sure the danger stays as far away from them as possible.

Maybe Matt would come stay.

Just as I rinse the last of the soap from my hair, the glass door to the shower is flung open, and I’m pushed against the tile, Caleb pressed against me, still dressed.
