Read Books Novel

Scarred Beauty

I want to do more than kiss you. I’ve f**ked so many women, and none of them are as precious to me as you are.

“I wanted to kiss you the first moment we met.”


He chuckled. One of her charms was her lack of knowledge of how desirable she was. “Do you want me to kiss you again?” he asked.

She nodded her head.

“Ask me.”

She licked her lips. The sight of her pink tongue licking a path along her lips made him moan and thrust his h*ps into the air. He wished her tongue was licking along his cock. He would love to see himself sinking into her mouth as she sucked him. His balls were tight in his pants.

“Isaac, will you kiss me?”

He smiled, leaning back on his legs. “Yes, but you’ve got to come and kiss me.”

Noelle hesitated before she moved out from under him. He got a quick flash of her panties as she moved her legs under her. The jolt of pleasure shocked him. The view of seeing innocent panties should not have had any effect on him at all. She went on her knees and lead over to him. He held back until she had no choice but to put her hands on him to balance herself. She rested on his chest, both of them on their knees.

“I’m not tall enough,” she said.

“Cup my head and bring me to you.” Isaac didn’t know why he was creating the intimacy. He only knew that he wanted to feel her bringing him in for a kiss.

She circled his neck and pulled him down so their heads were touching, their breath mingling. The only sounds he could hear were the different tones of their indrawn breath.

“You’ve got me, Elle,” he whispered and then claimed her lips once again. They fell together, their lips locked and their hearts pounding. The rest of the hours passed in a haze as they spent the entire time together kissing each other.

When the time ended, he helped her into her coat, placed the hat on her head, and folded the scarf around her face. He kissed her right cheek before taking her lips once again.

“I think I should take you to the cops,” he said.


“Your lips are addictive, and I think I should report them.”

She hit him on the chest and burst out laughing. “You’re so full of it sometimes,” she said.

“Let’s take you home.”

He went to his car as she gave back the key. The heating inside was on, so she would feel the benefit as soon as she got inside.

“It is getting really cold out.”

“I know.” He pulled out of the parking lot and made his way to her apartment. He noted her place was pitch-black as he turned up.

“Do you want me to come up?” he asked, already unbuckling his seat belt.

“You don’t have to.”

“From the looks of it, your friend isn’t home, and I don’t like the thought of you going up there on your own.”

He climbed out and followed her inside. Isaac waited as she produced the key to her door. She flicked the light switch, and he was in her apartment.

The place was a lot smaller than he expected. He wondered why Brad was living in a smaller place when he could afford something more expensive and spacious. Their dad might not be the wealthiest man in the world, but he did have quite a bit of money. Isaac made a note to talk to him the next time his brother phoned.

“Brad? Are you home?” she called out.

No answer came.

“He must be out with Ben.”

“Who’s Ben?”

“A guy he’s in love with.” She closed the door and pulled off her jacket and scarf. “I’ll make you some coffee before you go.”

He went with her to the kitchen. Isaac sat in the only seat at the counter and watched her working the kettle. He found women in kitchens a thing to avoid as it created an intimacy that most women expected. Up until he met Elle he hadn’t wanted to share that kind of intimacy with anyone. Watching her gave him a sense of calm he wasn’t used to. Was he getting sentimental in his old age?

“Do you want cream or sugar?” she asked.

“Sugar, please, two.”

She handed him his cup of coffee. “Thank you for seeing me upstairs.”

“It’s my pleasure. I wanted to make sure you got home safely.” He took a sip of his drink and glanced around the apartment. He could tell instantly that she had done most of the decorating. The rooms had a feminine touch. Most of the paintings on the wall he guessed were drawn by her. There was a sketch of Brad on the far wall. He saw the many conflicting emotions from the drawing. “Did you draw that?” he asked.

He got up from his seat and walked to the picture in question.

“Yes. That’s Brad. I drew that not long after we moved in here. Brad was going through his withdrawal, and he wanted to remember his battle and asked for me to draw him. I love that picture,” she said. He gazed at her as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. The action showed him the scar down her neck. Isaac wanted to reach between them to kiss the delicate curve of her neck.

“Why do you love it?”

“Because it shows him how hard he fought to get where he is today. You don’t know him. He thought he couldn’t fight his addictions, and he did.”

“He sounds like an amazing guy.”

“Brad is. He’s the first person who wasn’t repulsed by me.”

“You’re a beautiful woman, Elle. Many men would see that if you gave them time.” Isaac meant every word. He saw her blush and couldn’t help but smile at her innocence. “Can you show me more of your work?” he asked.

She hesitated, her gaze going from him to painting on the wall.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“It’s not that. Brad is the only person who has been inside my studio. I want you to see it, but I guess I’m a little nervous.” She looked so young and fragile. When they were in the hotel room he could forget about their twenty year age gap. She was more mature for her age than most women. “You’re staring at me.”

“I’m thinking about our differences in age.”

“Does it bother you being older than I?” she asked.

“No, but seeing you like this makes me think continuing our relationship is a bad idea. I’m old enough to be your dad.” His thoughts with regards to her weren’t fatherly. In fact, he should be shot for the way he was thinking about her.

“You’re not my father, and he’s a lot older than you. Come on.” She grabbed his hand and led him across the room to one of the doors. He watched as she took a breath before opening the door and flicking on the light. “This is where I paint.”
