Read Books Novel

Scarred Beauty

Letting people in was the hardest thing she’d ever done. Glancing at the clock, she picked up her paint brush and allowed the magic to work.

She heard Brad leave the apartment, and about two hours later, she heard someone knocking on the door.

At first she ignored the banging, but as the minutes passed whoever it was became more persistent.

Closing her eyes, she put her paint brush down and went to answer the door. A man with dark hair was on the other side.

Her hands shaking, Noelle opened the door. The right side of her face was covered, but she only peered round the side.

“Hi, Noelle. I’m looking for Bradley Welch,” he said.

“He’s not in at the moment. Can I take a message?” Noelle asked him.

“I can’t believe it. He’s not at his job either. I should have known he wouldn’t stay on the straight and narrow.”

Noelle frowned. “Wait, what? Brad is fine. He’s at an interview today. The last company let him go.” She opened the door fully. “Are you Ben?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Ben Turner.”

Noelle brushed her hair back. “I’m Noelle Evans, his friend.” She noticed when Ben looked at the scars on her face. What surprised her was how he brushed over them as if they weren’t there.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

“I think you should come in.” Noelle opened the door and waited for Ben to walk in. “Do you want anything to drink?”

“Water would do fine.”

She went into the kitchen. Ben followed her and stood at the counter.

“You can sit down. I don’t bite or anything.” Noelle handed him a drink and stood watching him. Ben was incredibly sexy and handsome, and she could see why Brad liked him.

“Why did you want to see Brad?” she asked.

“The last time we talked things didn’t end well. They never seem to end well with him. I wanted to make sure he was okay.”

“He’s trying to fix the past, but unless you talk to him, Brad will remain in the dark. He should be at an interview now. You could stay until he comes back, but I imagine he’ll come looking for you. He won’t give up easily.”

Ben nodded and smiled.

“He doesn’t talk about you much,” Ben said.

“I don’t imagine he would. He’s trying to deal with whatever happened in your past.” Noelle sipped at her water.

“He won’t let it go.”

“Maybe you should wait for the right time to tell him?”

Ben nodded his head. “You’re not going to ask about it?”

“Brad’s and your business is not mine. You’ll only work through your problems together. Besides, I’ve got my own problems to deal with.”

They stood in silence. Ben looked deep in thought.

“Do you love him?” Noelle asked.


“Do you love him? Love Brad?”

“I can’t answer that. So much has changed since I saw him. I’m not going to discuss my feelings with you. It’s nothing personal. And I’ve got a lot of crap to deal with.” Noelle watched as Ben’s eyes filled with tears.

“Everyone has problems. You’d be surprised at how hard he had to fight to get where he is today. The only person he would mention through the worst part of his rehabilitation was your name.”

“He hasn’t said I helped him through it.”

“Give him a chance, Ben. He’s changed now, and he’ll be there for you. He wants a chance to make it right between you two.””

“Yes. I had noticed he is persistent. I kind of like seeing him around. Thanks for the water.” Ben placed the glass on the counter. “It was nice to meet you, Noelle.”

“Likewise, Ben.” They shook hands before she saw him out.

Closing the door, she leaned against the wood, frowning. That had been the strangest meeting. Touching her face she wondered if her scar was even there.

Shrugging her shoulder she went back to her studio and started her painting, losing herself in the creative art. Friday couldn’t come soon enough. Her thoughts kept straying to the man who’d captured her heart.

Chapter Seventeen

He stood in the hotel room on Friday night waiting for her arrive. Holding the keys inside his pocket made him wonder if he was making the right decision. For a week he’d been away from her, and in that week he’d organised to keep her as part of his life.

Was he a selfish bastard for wanting to keep her to himself? If it wasn’t for Brad he would have taken her somewhere and spent all of his free time with her where no one could find them.

Glancing down at the time he knew it was only a matter of minutes until she was at the door. His hands were sweaty. What if she didn’t like it? What if she said no?

Shutting out the thoughts he stood as he heard the key in the lock. Seconds later she opened the door and there she stood, the woman who’d become a vital part of him.

If she’s so important to you, why haven’t you told her he truth about who you are?

“Isaac.” She said his name with a smile which lit up her whole face.

He went to her, wrapping his arms around her. She felt so good under his touch. Her beautiful lemon scent comforted him. In seconds his c**k was rock-hard, and all he wanted to do was f**k her and absorb her. If he could bottle her in a jar and keep her with him he would do it. The obsession he was feeling towards her was startling him.

Isaac kissed her. He’d been away from her for a week and felt like it had been longer since he last saw. She opened to him, accepting his kiss and the love he was showing her. The love he couldn’t give her with words. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was in love with her, but he couldn’t say the words.

“I’ve missed you,” he said.

“I’ve missed you, too. I dreamt about you every night.” She caressed his chest.

“That sounds promising.” He ran his hands down her back to cup her ass.

“It wasn’t as good as you.”

He chuckled, taking her lips in another kiss. She tasted of lemon, a highly addictive flavour.

“Do you trust me?” he asked as he pulled back staring into her eyes.

“You know I do, Isaac. More than anyone in my life.”

He took her hand and led her out to his car. She got in without question. Her trust of him touched him far more than anything else. Placing the seat belt around her, he shut the door before climbing into his own side. Starting up the engine, he pulled away from the hotel. He’d spent a great deal of time with estate agents to find the perfect loft space for her, which could combine into a studio. Also, he no longer wanted to meet her in a rundown hotel. She deserved the finer things in life, the finer things he could offer her.
