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Scorched (Frigid #2)(4)
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout

“Sounds good to me.” I didn’t take my eyes off Andrea as she fiddled with a strap on her sandals, slipping them onto her feet.

Sydney glanced at me, smiling softly. “You’re definitely off from the fire department?”

I nodded. Kyler had mentioned weeks ago about wanting to hit up the cabin before everyone headed back to class, and I’d requested the time off then. Which had meant I’d pulled a lot of doubles, but I hadn’t minded it. Wasn’t too different from the twelve-hour shifts we worked in the first place, and I’d only be there until February of next year, and then I was off to the academy. Not that I was in any hurry to leave the fire department, but being a cop was in my blood. Except I wanted to be a good cop. I’d probably still volunteer at the fire hall once I knew what kind of schedule I was looking at on the force.

“It makes sense if we drive up together.” Sydney toyed with a strand of her hair. “Kyler and I can pick you two up.”

Andrea had twisted toward Sydney and started to protest the whole idea of taking one car. I zoned out, staring at her as the bottle of beer dangled from the tips of my fingers.

Damn…she was a cute girl. Nah, she was more than cute, and it wasn’t like this was the first time I’d noticed that. From the first time I’d seen her at the bar with Sydney, she’d done more than just poke my interest. Hell, anyone with eyes knew she was a very pretty girl. Lush lips. Freckled cheeks and thick, dark eyelashes. Come to think of it, she reminded me of a girl I’d had a crush on in middle school. Hell, couldn’t remember that chick’s name, but she’d had freckles and red hair. I think I used to pull on her braids or some annoying shit like that. My lips tipped up in a small grin as I lifted the bottle to my mouth. Andrea was a motherfucking firecracker, though, not the kind of girl who was easily tamed.

Hell, not the kind of girl you even wanted to tame.

I did know she dated, but she didn’t stick with any guy for long. There weren’t many who could handle her. There wasn’t even one dude I could think of who could. Well, other than me. I could fucking handle her, if I wanted to.

I hadn’t back then, when I’d first met her. Relationships hadn’t been my thing, but life had a way of slowing down, changing. I wasn’t as interested in random hookups as I was a year or so ago, even though Andrea seemed to think my bedroom was equivalent to the metro station. Shit. It had been months since I’d taken anyone home with me or woken up in someone else’s bed.

The night I’d met Andrea I’d known immediately she wasn’t going to be like most girls. I’d hit on her, more than willing to engage in some fun times with her, and she had looked me straight in the eye, laughed in my face, and told me to keep dreaming.

Of course, I’d only wanted her more after that.

At first, it was the challenge, but then I realized she wasn’t playing any game with me. It hadn’t diminished my attraction to her; however, I spent the vast majority of time utterly confused when it came to her feelings toward me.

At some point, I guessed Andrea had relented to common sense, because she was standing and tucking a gorgeous curl back behind her ear. “Well, I’m going to get out of here.” Those damn brown eyes drifted toward me, lingering for a moment before moving on, and fuck me if they didn’t look wounded. Hurt. She rounded the couch, grabbing a purse the size of a small car off the chair beside the front door. “You know, head back to my posh apartment paid for by my trust fund and drink until I get sloshed and end up puking my guts up all over my Louis Vuitton purses.”

My brows flew up, and for some damn reason, I didn’t fire back. Didn’t say a damn word as she said goodbye to Kyler and Sydney, and then left. And maybe I should’ve. An odd burning sensation in my gut told me that would’ve been the right thing to do.

“I’m going to…uh, go talk to her real quick.” Hurrying around the couch, Syd stopped long enough to give Kyler a quick kiss and to smack my arm, and then she blew past us. “Be right back.”

When the door shut a second time, I looked at Kyler. He arched a brow at me. “Soooo,” he drew the word out. “I think you really pissed off Andrea this time.”

“This time.” I shook my head, somewhat dumbfounded as my gaze drifted back to the door. Shit.

Kyler eyed me as he leaned against the wall, crossing his ankles. “What is the deal between you two? I mean, seriously? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you two had hooked up at some point and shit didn’t end well.”

I huffed out a short laugh. “Come on, you know nothing like that happened between us.”

He lifted a brow and took another drink. “Maybe you just haven’t told me about it.”

I snorted.

“Syd swears that you two have done something, and y’all are just not sharing.”

A frown pulled at my lips. “Did Andrea say something like that?”

He shook his head. “No. It’s just Syd’s theory.”

“Her theory is wrong.”

“I don’t get her deal with you,” he said after a few moments.

“Me neither. I really have no clue,” I murmured, taking a swig of the beer as I stared at the door. “But you know what? I’m going to find out.”

Chapter 2


The music beat overhead, a steady thrum that matched my pulse. My skin was damp and my throat was parched, but I felt good—no, great. I felt great—free and weightless, my head blissfully empty. Smiling, I lifted my arms up, tipped my head back and smiled.

I don’t know what song was even playing and it was probably one I’d be too embarrassed to admit I had on my iPhone, but right now I didn’t care. Tonight was perfect.

“Whoa,” a male voice said from behind me. I think his name was Todd? Tim? Taylor? Tiny Tim? I giggled. The guy lowered my right arm. “You’re going to dump this all over yourself.”

Dangling from my fingers was a slender glass, still half-full. I’d forgotten all about my drink. It was something fruity and sugary and awesome. Wrapping my lips around the straw, I slurped happily as my hips swayed to the music. I closed my eyes again, letting myself get lost in the best possible way. God, I needed tonight because of…of stuff—because of what happened last night at Kyler and Syd’s apartment, because of what Tanner had said and the ensuing pep talk from Syd that happened outside their apartment.

“I don’t think he meant anything by it,” she’d said. “I think he’s just worried. We all are worried…”
