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Second Chance Summer

Second Chance Summer (Chance #1)(13)
Author: Emma Hart

He looked around innocently, putting the pistol behind his back. “I have no idea what you’re on about.”

“Liar!” I stalked toward him, my eyes narrowed. He backed up until his back almost hit the tree, and I kept walking up to him. I stopped when we were inches apart, stretching my arm out to reach round him.

He dodged to the side, scooting around me.

“Reese!” I shouted, turning toward him. He grinned playfully, his eyes twinkling.


“Stop runnin’ away from me!”

“I kinda like it when you chase me.” He waggled his eyebrows.

I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth to keep from smirking. I kinda liked chasing him. “Let me have that pistol.”

“Why? Because it’s bigger than yours?”

“Exactly!” I giggled, leaping toward him. He threw the pistol to the side, catching me. We stumbled backward and slipped, landing in a heap on the wet grass.

“You weren’t supposed to catch me,” I grumbled, peeling my body off his.

“You’re the one that jumped on me!” he argued, chuckling slightly.

I rolled to the side, flumping backward onto the grass. I felt Reese shift, so he was lying on his side.

“You were supposed to just give me the damn pistol,” I muttered, opening my eyes.

His lips curled up at the side. “That would have been no fun.”

My eyes searched his. “Why not?”

“Because,” he whispered, lowering his face to mine and causing me to hold my breath. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this.”

His lips touched mine. His hand reached my face, and he ran his thumb across my cheek. I kissed him back, one of my hands resting on his back. He tasted like the toffee popcorn he’d been secretly munching on all afternoon when he thought no one was looking, and his lips felt as soft as they looked. He tickled the crease of my lips with his tongue, and I responded by sucking gently on his lower lip.

“I know,” I say softly, bringing myself back to the here and now. “I think you chased me into the woods deliberately, y’know.”

“I did.” He grins. “My plan was to get you alone all along and Adam’s job was to keep everyone else away from us.”

I snap my head up. I should yell at him, but I’m too damn amused. I smile widely. “I knew it.” I shake my head.

“What?” he asks innocently and sits up. “Hell, I’d been chasing you for three months, but you kept blowing me off, taking me on those stupid double dates.” I snort. “I wanted to kiss you so I did.”

“Those double dates were kinda funny,” I try. “I mean, Luce and Adam do have a thing for each other. I don’t get why they never got together.”

“Because the dates were never about them. They were always about us, just like that whole summer was.”

“I guess you’re right.” I look down. “Everyone was just watchin’ us; waitin’ for the day we’d finally give it in and get together. And then I left.”

He sighs, lying back again. “We never did get there.”

“Oh, we got together all right. Just not in the way we thought we would. Maybe not in the right way, but we did,” I trail off sadly, lying next to him. I expect him to say something else, but when I turn my face toward his, his eyes are shut.

Conversation over for now.


I open my eyes slowly to darkness. There’s warmth behind me and I instinctively snuggle into it, closing my eyes again. Arms tighten around me, and I-


My eyes snap open again, and the last thing I remember is lying by the lake with Reese… I roll over, grunting slightly, and look straight into a pair of hazel eyes.

“You’re beautiful when you sleep,” Reese says softly.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” I rub my neck and sit up. His arms leave me, and I’m cold without the contact.

“You looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to disturb you.” He sits up next to me.

“Hmph.” I stretch out my legs, shaking them slightly. “What’s the time?”

“About ten,” he answers.

“Dang it.” I bite the inside of my cheek. “I need to get home.” To be ready for my drunken mother’s arrival.


I turn to look at Reese. “It’s gettin’ late.”

“So?” His lips twitch upwards. “We used to stay out all night.”

“It’s different now.”

“And just do stupid stuff. That’s what you said you wanted, right? To be friends, and do the stupid stuff. Let’s do it.” He shrugs a shoulder.

I continue the chewing of the inside of my cheek and look up at the moon. “Fine. But call Adam, and I’ll call Luce.” I get up, taking my cell from my pocket.

“Why?” Reese asks. “Are you afraid I’ll turn on my irresistible charm and you’ll give in to it?” He grins.

I laugh quietly, my eyes meeting his. “Yep,” I reply honestly. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”

I call Luce, telling her to meet us at the diner, and she agrees, subtly asking me if Adam will be there. I roll my eyes when I go back to Reese.

“Is Adam going?” I ask him.

“Yep, he’s gonna meet us there in a bit.” His eyes bore into mine.

“Yes he’ll be there,” I repeat into the phone. “Bye, Luce.” I hang up and slip it into my pocket. “Stop staring at me like that.”

“Why?” Reese pushes some hair back from my face. I step back.

“Because I don’t like it.”

“Why not?” His lips curve.

“Because I just don’t.” I spin and walk back to where he’s parked his truck. I wait impatiently with my back to the door, tapping my foot and following his approach with my eyes. He grins lazily as he saunters over me, making a show of digging his hand into his pocket for his keys. He gets them out, unlocks the truck, and slips his arm around me to open the door before I have a chance to move.

I look up at him through my lashes, and the gold flecks in his eyes are more pronounced. He tugs at the door, making it push into my back. It nudges me forward, and I catch myself before I’m right against him.

“Don’t get mad,” he says in a low voice.

“Why not?” I narrow my eyes at him.

He bends his head toward mine. “Because you’re really hot when you’re mad and that makes me want to grab you and kiss you until you can’t breathe.”
