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Second Chance Summer

Second Chance Summer (Chance #1)(35)
Author: Emma Hart


“Did you get trampled by a horse or something? I’ve been sitting here waiting for you to call since we last spoke.”

I smile. “You do realize not all of the South is ranches, right, Jay?”

“Whatever, babe, just tell me if you finally pulled your head out of your tight little ass and f**ked your cowboy yet.”

“Do you know how tempted I am to ask if you’re g*y right now?”

“Why the hell would you do that? You know; I woke up lying next to a pair of double d’s and an ass so peachy it’d shut down Walmart’s fruit section.”

My laughter bursts out of me. “TMI, Jay. Way, way too much info. But, yes. I pulled my head out of my “tight little ass.””

“Thank f**king God.” He exhales. “I worry about you down there in Cowboy County without me keeping you straight. You get down there, and you turn into a little second grader.”

My eyes stray back to where Reese is doing sit-ups. His eyes meet mine every time he sits up, and he smirks.

“No chance of that anymore,” I reassure him. “Nothing here is going to walk all over me anymore.”

“Kick ass chick. I knew it. Sure you-”

“I’m sure I’ll stick with my cowboy, thanks.”

“When are you coming back to school? Wait, you are coming back aren’t you?”

There’s a hint of wariness in his voice and I know that for all his money, the only person he completely trusts is me. I guess that’s what happens when your dad keeps remarrying girls young enough to be your sister… And since Jay’s dad is an actor, it’s all in the public eye, meaning he is too. Meaning there’s more to the ass**le, alpha playboy than meets the eye.

“I’m comin’ back, promise.” I get up and rummage through the cupboards for a glass, resting my phone between my shoulder and my ear. “It’s college, Jay. I’m not flunking out for anythin’.”

The slow breath he lets out makes me wish I could hug him.

“Good, otherwise, you know, I’d have to come there and drag you the hell back to New York.”

“Talkin’ of that, have you got my room cleared out yet?”

“Uh… I… Uh…”

I smirk. “Good job I’m not expectin’ it, huh?”

“I started. Sorta. A little.”

“Opening the door and decidin’ you’ll do it tomorrow doesn’t count.”

“Fuck off.” He laughs. “Sure I can’t tempt you back earlier? I have to go to some f**ked up dinner with my father next weekend, and I could really do with a date.”

“Because you’re so hard pressed for female attention.”

“But you’re the best date, Kia. You charm all those pompous, entitled f**kshits with that darlin’ smile of yours.”

“I wish I could, Jay, but I have stuff to do here.” And I realize I haven’t told him about Dad showing up. I launch into a shortened version of the story, and when I’m done, I know he’s pissed.

“Shit, Kia. I wish I was there with you.”

“I’m okay. I have Reese.”

“Yeah, well he better take f**king good care of my best girl.”

“He does.”

“Good. I gotta go – but you make sure you call me this week, okay? You know where I am if you need to talk about your Dad.”

“You’re the best.”

“Keep telling me that and-”

“There isn’t much room left for your head to grow.”

“Ha, funny shit. Love ya.”

“Love ya.” I hang up and put the phone down, turning round.

And come face to face with Reese.

“Who was that?” he asks, his eyebrow cocked.

“Jay. My best friend and soon to be roommate in New York.”

Reese’s face straightens out so it’s totally emotionless. “I sure hope Jay is g*y. Or a masculine nickname for a girl.”

“Not exactly…” I mutter.

“So, you have a non-gay male best friend, who you happen to be moving in with, and say, “love ya” to?”

“I think that about sums it up.” I down the rest of my water, put the glass down, and move to walk around him. He steps to the side and looks down at me. His eyes are hard, and they cut right through me and rile me equally.

“And you never thought to mention him before?”

It’s my turn to raise an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you required every detail of my college life. Oh wait, you don’t. You’re not my mom. You’re my…” He waits as I stare at him. I c**k my head to the side. “What are you, exactly?”

“Boyfriend?” he offers.

“Okay. Then you’re my boyfriend.” Butterflies flit about in my stomach, and his lips twitch slightly.

“And you don’t think your boyfriend should be aware of your non-gay future roommate?” he questions.

“He is aware. Newly aware, albeit, but I’m sure that’s the whole point of this conversation.”

“Mhmm. And he isn’t amused.”

“What a surprise,” I murmur, looking at our feet.

“Hey.” Reese hooks his finger under my chin and tilts it up so I meet his eyes. “You can’t blame me for not likin’ the idea of my girl living with another guy.”

“Not liking?”

“Okay, f**king hating.”

That much better matches the ice in his tone.

“We’re friends. That’s all. He needs me as much as I need him,” I explain.

“And you can’t live in a dorm like you have been for the last year? You really need to live with another guy?”

I suck on my tongue for a second, trying not to snap. One of us is being slightly irrational here. The problem is; I don’t know which one of us it is… He has every right to be annoyed about me living with another guy, but considering the other guy is strictly in the friend-zone, he doesn’t have a right to demand I don’t.

“I promised him. Besides, Jay is too busy sleeping with anything with a pulse to worry about me. I made it clear the first time we met he wouldn’t have his way with me.”

Reese’s eyes darken several shades. I shouldn’t have said that. I really should not have said that.

“That doesn’t make me feel a whole lot better about this, y’know?” he says dryly.

I swallow as he steps closer, catching the glint in his eye.
