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Secret Fantasy

Secret Fantasy(41)
Author: Carly Phillips

She rolled her eyes. “I told you already. I tried something like that and ended up hurt.” Juliette had gone straight from the airport to her father’s house because he was leaving for D.C. in the morning and what she had to tell him couldn’t wait.

They’d sat up for hours, she, her mother and father, Juliette alternately crying and unburdening herself like she had as a child. He’d been disappointed and disillusioned in Stuart, yet understanding about calling off the wedding. He’d just wished she’d come to him sooner to spare herself the ensuing pain. As for what happened next, her father had promised not to make a move until he gave the situation careful consideration and until he figured out a way to protect everyone who could be damaged by the information. But he was aware of Doug’s possession of the news and therefore knew he had time constraints on his actions.

Juliette wondered what had gone on over the weekend but wanted just a normal family breakfast too badly to ask now. Reality would intrude soon enough. She looked around at the people closest to her. She was so lucky, so fortunate with the lot she’d drawn. Unlike Doug. The thought came unbidden.


She hadn’t realized her father was calling her name. She shook her head. “Sorry. I was distracted.”

“By that man.”

“That man, has a name.” Juliette glanced up to see her father grinning. “I don’t know what’s so funny,” she muttered.

“He affects you, honey. That’s not funny, it’s serious.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

Everything about Doug affected her—his touch, his warm breath in her ear, and when they lay flesh to flesh, the way his heart pounded against hers, like they were one. And when his body joined with hers, they had been one. Juliette trembled. The good memories affected her most and made it difficult to believe everything had been a lie, part of an agenda to get a story.

“Sounds to me like you two have unfinished business,” her father said.

She clenched her hands at her sides. “What’s unfinished about the pretense under which he went to the island and the lengths he went to get his story?” she asked.

But as she sat with her family, with the people she’d been closest to since birth, she wondered—what other awful things besides hunger had Doug endured on the street? What other events had shaped the determined, driven man he’d become? And she wondered too what role his love for his adoptive parents—especially his ailing father—had played in the desperate means he’d used to get Juliette’s story.

Her father shrugged. “Only you would know what’s unfinished. Or whether what was said between you two is more important than what went unsaid.”

I love you, he’d said. And she’d remained silent in return. We shared the most important things in our lives—my childhood and your recent past. And she’d made a mockery of his admission.

“What have you learned from your mother and my relationship?” her father asked. “The most important thing we’ve taught you girls?”

Juliette realized her mother and sister were listening intently but neither were interrupting. Quite a feat for Gillian, but she obviously realized the importance of the conversation and respected it.

“You taught us to follow our hearts,” Juliette said softly.

“And did you? With that guy in college? Or, more importantly, with Stuart? Did you follow your heart? Or what you thought your mother and I wanted you to do?”

A rhetorical question and they both knew it. With Stuart she’d been the dutiful daughter. But with Doug…Merrilee’s one regret in life came back to haunt her. Not having had the opportunity to follow her heart.

Juliette began to shake inside, unable to speak. With Doug, she had followed her heart and it had led her to a man she’d believed was outside the problems in her life. A man who’d enabled her to loosen up and be herself. A man who’d helped her overcome her fear of storms, she thought glancing out at the pouring rain and remembering the electricity they’d generated together. And the man she’d let in—not just into her body, but into her heart.

The man she’d let go. Did she honestly want to look back as Merrilee did and realize she’d let the opportunity to follow her heart pass her by? The trembling turned into full-fledged shaking as she wondered if it was too late.

“I want to take a look at this morning’s paper,” her father said. A lifelong politician, he knew how and when to beat a hasty, strategic retreat. He gestured to the countertop and the newspaper he’d picked up from the driveway earlier.

Juliette needed a minute away from her family’s caring but prying eyes. She swallowed over the lump in her throat. “Sit tight, Dad. I’ll get it,” she said, then padded in her heavy socks over to the stack of papers.

The morning headline shouted out at her, Doug’s byline prominent and clear. Retracted Retraction, side by side with Exposed! Congressman’s Dirty Dealings Revealed. Her stomach did a flip at the sight of Doug’s name and photo. In the body of the article was another picture—one of Stuart and Congressman Haywood, together.

Her reaction to seeing Doug, even in a small black-and-white photo—and more clean-shaven and conservatively dressed than she’d known him to be—told her how greatly he’d affected her life. Her skin blazed hot and fire licked at her soul.

If she thought she’d missed him before, the missing piece of her heart grew wider now. Problem was, she was facing not just Doug’s picture, but his article. He’d obviously used the information she’d shared with him. Her stomach plummeted in dismay and disappointment, but her pulse picked up rhythm.

Follow your heart, her parents had always said. And hers was refusing to give up on Doug despite the evidence in her hand.

She glanced over her shoulder, seeking her father’s support, but he was engrossed in conversation with her sister. She didn’t need his advice anyway. If she really loved Doug, she had to believe in him—in his last words to her on the island and what she’d seen in his face that final day.

She gathered her courage and handed the paper to her father.

“Aren’t you going to read it?” he asked.

Juliette shook her head. “I have all the answers I need in here.” She tapped lightly on her chest.

Her father rose and gave her a hug. “You made the decision with your heart. Now as your father, I’m here to tell you it’s the right one. When you do get around to reading that article, I’m sure you’ll fall for him all over again.” His voice sounded gruff and parental at the same time.
