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Secret Life of a Vampire

He sat beside her on the love seat. "I should warn you, love. Even if you take me to your bed, I will not be able to tell you what you want to hear."

She gazed dumbly into his warm brown eyes for a moment before his words clicked, then she gasped. "I wasn't intending to bed you for information. How dare you!" She snatched his damp T-shirt from the coffee table and marched into the kitchen.

He stood and slid his hands into his jean pockets. "I misinterpreted the situation." He ducked his head and studied his black leather boots. "I have insulted your honor. I apologize."

He actually looked embarrassed. A small fissure zigzagged across Lara's defenses and tugged at her heart. In spite of Jack's suave and sexy demeanor, she suspected there was a sweet and vulnerable man underneath.

She tossed his shirt into the small dryer unit that was stacked on top of the washing machine. "I only wanted to talk to you. I want to know how you can move so quickly. And how you can appear and disappear. And how you can control people's minds."

He followed her into the kitchen. "I am truly sorry, but I cannot explain."

So she was at a dead end. She punched the button on the dryer control panel, and a whirring sound filled the strained silence. How on earth could she let this go? "My roommate thinks you're an alien."

He gave her a wry look. "Do I look like an alien?"

"You could be hiding a different body underneath. Or given your ability to mess with people's minds, you could be manipulating everyone into seeing you as human."

He leaned back against the kitchen counter and folded his arms across his broad chest. "You see me as I am. I'm not able to influence your thoughts."

"I only have your word for that."

His brow furrowed. "I'm not lying about it. Believe me, if I could erase your memory, I would have already done so. And we wouldn't be having this awkward conversation."

Awkward was right. "Can-can I touch you? I mean, just to see if you feel normal."

He uncrossed his arms and held them straight at his sides. "Be my guest."

She took a deep breath, then approached him and placed a hand over his chest where his heart should be. His chest hair was like a soft, silky cushion. Individual strands curled around her fingers as if welcoming her touch. "I can feel your heart. It's beating a little fast."

"You're touching me."

She had an effect on him? She liked that. She gave him a playful smile. "So you're not... hiding a second heart somewhere?"

The corner of his mouth quirked. "Hide and seek? Where would I hide it?"

Her throat constricted. Was he implying he was an alien? "I don't know. Where?" She slid her hand down his rib cage and pressed against his firm stomach. "I don't feel anything beating."

"A little lower."

"Here?" She reached the waistband of his jeans.

"A little lower."

She noticed the bulge beneath his zipper and snatched her hand away. "You Neanderthal."

He laughed. "You can't blame me for trying."

"Well, if that's your idea of a heart, I'll just have to be a heartbreaker." She lifted her hands and mimicked the act of snapping a twig in two.

He grimaced, although there was still laughter in his eyes. "Please. My heart is very sensitive."

She lifted her brows with an innocent look. "You're softhearted? How sweet."

"I haven't been soft since I met you," he growled.

She ignored the heat in her face. "Stick out your tongue."

"My tongue?"

"Yes. To make sure it's not forked like a snake."

He gave her a challenging look. "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours."

"My humanity isn't under question. How do you control people's minds? Are you psychic?"

"I suppose you could call me that."

She was finally getting somewhere. "How do you move super fast?"

"It's a gift." He arched a brow. "I can also move super slow. Shall I show you?"

She bit her lip to keep from saying yes. Good God, the man was far too tempting. Or was he doing something to her? "Are you sure you've never influenced my thoughts?"

"I haven't. I tried, but I can't control you at all."

"Ain't life a bitch?"

He grinned. "I'm starting to like it. I never know what you'll do or say. It's exciting. And I like knowing that your reaction to me is honest." He tilted his head, studying her. "I think you're truly attracted to me."

She snorted. "What an ego." She let her gaze drift south. "You must be thinking with your heart."

"Oh yeah, I've been thinking real hard." He chuckled when she rolled her eyes. "Even though I can't answer all your questions, I am truly honored by your interest in me."

"Professional interest."

"Of course. For my part, I find you equally intriguing."

She blinked. No, he couldn't mean that. "There's nothing unusual about me."

"I disagree. You could be living a pampered life in Louisiana. You're certainly beautiful enough to win more pageants."

She winced. "You investigated me?"

"That's what I do." His eyes gleamed. "I'm amazed by your bravery and determination. You've given up an easy life to become a police officer."

"I wanted my life to mean something."

"Cara mia, you will always mean something."

The crack in her defenses widened. She glanced at his face. He was watching her intently, as if his gaze alone could touch her. She looked away, overwhelmed suddenly by a strange yearning. How could she want him to touch her when she knew so little about him?

"How do you do it?" he whispered.

"Do what?" Get totally flustered?

"Over the years, I have known women who were innocent and women who were not, but I have never met one who was both. Until you." He stepped toward her. "So pure and provocative at the same time."

She opened her mouth to disagree, but looked at his eyes and forgot to speak. There was so much desire in his gaze, so much hunger, it made her knees weak.

He took another step closer. "I wonder which side will win? The innocent or the seductress?"

"I-" Lara pressed against the dryer, and it vibrated against her back, making her skin tingle and beg to be touched.

He grazed his fingers along her cheek, and she shivered. His eyes were hooded as he focused on her mouth.

He's going to kiss me. Should she let him? Oh God, he was right. There were two voices at war inside her mind. The prim and proper one warned her not to get involved with such a mysterious man, but an inner primeval woman urged her to dive into the unknown and surround herself with his mysterious allure, his charm, his manliness. Go for it.

His forefinger skimmed over her bottom lip, and a deep longing flooded her senses. It consumed her body, making her greedy for his touch, his kiss. Go for it. She sucked his finger into her mouth.

He groaned. "Lara." He removed his finger and cradled her face in his hands. "Cara mia."

"Yes." God help her, she wanted to be dear to him.

He leaned forward and brushed his mouth against hers.


Before the invention of synthetic blood, Jack had preyed on women in order to survive. It was not something he was particularly proud of, but he had always made sure it was pleasurable for the woman. He would invade her thoughts and read exactly what she wanted. If she craved sex, he made sure she was fully satisfied. If she needed comfort and understanding, he gave her that. Then he would quietly take a pint of blood and erase her memory.

Lara was different. He couldn't tell what she wanted, and if he made a mistake, he couldn't erase it and start over.

It was terrifying. It was exciting. It was like being mortal again. All his senses were centered on now. He had to do it right, right now. That made him feel more alive than he had in many years. And more vulnerable.

His old insecurities crept back. Could he please her if he didn't know what she wanted? He was over two hundred years old, so he certainly had his technique down. But Lara was different. She deserved more than a practiced routine. This was a memory he couldn't erase, so it needed to be special.

He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and caressed it with his tongue. That elicited a moan deep in her throat, and his heart swelled with joy. He was pleasing her. He swept his tongue across the seam of her lips.

They opened.

He was undone. How could he not fall for Lara? She was opening up to him without the use of vampire tricks. He molded his mouth against hers, and she kissed him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Santo cielo. She wanted Jack, the man. Not Giacomo, the Casanova. Nor Jack, the vampire. She wanted him.

With a growl, he enveloped her in his arms. Her answering whimper sounded sweet. Like a surrender. And that ignited a passion in him, a need long dormant, the need to possess a woman and lay claim to her. He swirled his tongue inside her mouth, and she stroked it with her own. She tasted of wine and chocolate, both tart and sweet. She was both vixen and angel, and he wanted to pounce on her and worship her at the same time.

He moved his hands down her back, his fingers splayed and pressing her against him. She melted in his arms and clutched his shoulders. So giving, yet so demanding. To hell with years of finesse and well-mannered seduction. He wanted it raw and honest. He wanted to make her scream.

He grabbed her buttocks and pulled her tight against his erection. She gasped, breaking their kiss. He trailed kisses to her neck. He could smell her Type A blood, pulsing wildly in the carotid artery. Her rapid heartbeat echoed in his ears. Her fingers dug into his skin.

"Lara," he whispered in her ear. "I want you."

She trembled in his arms.

He nuzzled his nose against her neck. God, he wanted to lick her. He wanted to set her over the edge. Normally, he could use mind control, coupled with vampire saliva, to bring a woman to climax just by laving her neck. It was an old trick to make the penetration of fangs feel orgasmic instead of painful. But he didn't need to feed, and he had no mental connection to Lara. He wasn't sure she would feel anything at all.

He pressed his lips against the pulsing artery. His gums tingled, aching to release his fangs. Even with a full stomach, she was a huge temptation. He dragged his tongue up her neck, and she shuddered.

"Jack." She raked her hands into his hair.

She did feel it. The old-fashioned way. Her reactions were honest, just like her. His erection strained against his pants. Merda. He was about to burst. He rested his brow against her temple and took deep breaths. Her breasts pushed against him as she also struggled to breathe.

"Wow," she whispered.

"Santo cielo," he breathed.

"What is that? 'Holy... sky'?"


"Oh yeah. Definitely." Her hands smoothed down his back. "Good news. I have determined that your tongue isn't forked."

"That's a relief." He moved back a tiny bit to stop torturing his groin.

She gasped and pulled her hands away from him.

Merda. Too late he realized his vision was still tinted rosy pink, He'd managed to hide it before the kiss, but now...

"Your eyes are red!" She scooted away from him.

"Bellissima, don't be concerned. It is nothing."

"Bull hockey! Red glowing eyes are definitely something. I don't know what, but you'd better tell me."

How could he explain this? "It is simply an indication that I'm... turned on."

She stiffened. "Turned on? Like an android? You're like Data?"

Jack hesitated. He wasn't sure what she meant. Unfortunately, Lara took his pause as an assent.

"I can't believe it, although it does explain a lot." She gave him a curious look. "I didn't think androids could kiss like that. You'll put real men out of business."


"Do you have an on-and-off switch?" She reached behind him and raked her fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. "I think Data's switch was around here."

"Lara, I'm not an android. I have a heart, remember?"

"It could be an artificial heart. Or you could be like the Bionic Man, with just a few mechanical parts. It would explain your super speed and hearing." She dragged her hand over his shoulder and down his chest. "Where's the switch?"

She wasn't listening. Poor girl, she was too desperate to make sense of the situation.

She slid her hand down to his navel. "Is this it?"

He couldn't resist. "A little lower."

She glanced lower, and the bulge in his pants was larger than before. "Oh come on." She swatted him on the arm. "That's not a switch. Though it might be a little off button."

"It's more like a lever. And if you grabbed it, I would definitely get off."

She snorted. "You've got to be a normal guy. You've been trying to get a hand job all night."

He grinned. "Bellissima, when it comes to receiving pleasure, I always say ladies first."

Her cheeks flushed. "I should have known you couldn't be an android. No one would ever program a machine to be as outrageous as you."

"You wouldn't want me to be a machine, would you?"

"No, but I still don't know what or who you are." She turned and opened the dryer door. "You might as well get dressed. It's obvious you're not going to tell me."
