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Secret Life of a Vampire

She stared at the space he'd just vacated. "Are you kidding?" She couldn't leave now. She wanted to see this Apollo creep get captured.

Fifteen minutes later, she strode into the student services building. She passed the food court and headed for the meeting rooms. As she neared the end of the main hall, she heard Jack's voice in her head.

You will return to your offices. You will have no memory of being here at Syracuse. You will have no memory of Apollo or any of his victims.

Lara peeked around the corner and saw Jack with the two FBI guys. She looked to the right and spotted Room 102. Robby was sitting at the end of the hall in a chair, pretending to read a newspaper. He'd traded in his kilt for a ragged pair of jeans.

She glanced back to the left. Jack had finished with the two FBI guys and was talking to a young black man. Another vampire?

The FBI guys strolled toward her, and she retreated to study a vending machine. As the two special agents rounded the corner, she glanced their way with a smile. They nodded and kept going. No recognition in their faces at all. Damn. It looked like the FBI and the police were officially off the case.

The black guy came around the corner and looked her over as he passed by. He must not know who she was, because he made no attempt to talk to her. He took a seat at the food court, apparently watching the front and side doors.

Lara's heart rate speeded up. Any minute now, Apollo would saunter through one of those doors. Unless he teleported in closer to the room. But Robby and Jack were both in the hallway, so they should see him. A group of girls strolled past her, laughing and talking. Three brunettes and a blonde. One of the brunettes was holding a pink flyer in her hand. They reached the end of the main hall and turned right. Lara assumed they were headed for Room 102, but they should be safe. They all possessed the wrong hair color.

"Hey, are you going to the seminar?"

Lara turned to see another young woman clutching a pink flyer in a well-manicured hand.

The young woman smiled. "It might be fun."

Lara's stomach lurched. The girl's hair was bright red. Oh God, no. The FBI guys had planned to stop any other redheads from going into the seminar. But they weren't here to stop this girl. "I-I don't think it's worth going to. I figure they're just trying to sell us something, you know?"

The pretty redhead shrugged. "Well, I heard we might get some free samples. And they're giving away a big prize." She strode down the hall and turned right.

Lara groaned inwardly. What if Jack and his friends missed Apollo? As a vampire, he would be super fast. He might teleport away. And take that redheaded girl with him.

Damn. She had to get that girl out of there. She marched down the hall and turned right. The redhead had already disappeared inside Room 102.

Lara was not surprised when Jack grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered. "I told you to go home."

"And what on earth led you to believe that I would obey?"

He blinked. He opened his mouth to respond, then closed it with a confused look.

Lara smiled. She'd actually rendered him speechless. "A redheaded woman just went into the room. I'm going to get her out."

With a frown, Jack released her. "All right, but be quick about it. It's almost nine."

"I will. And try not to look so conspicuous. You look more like a macho, he-man warrior than a college student."

Jack's eyes lit up. "I do?"

She shook her head as she entered Room 102. There was a giant screen set up at one end. About eight rows of chairs faced the screen. Most of the seats were empty. Two clusters of girls sat in the first four rows. They were busy talking to one another and barely noticed her. Not a redhead among them.

The redhead she'd seen earlier was sitting in the back by herself.

She smiled as Lara approached. "I'm glad you came. You want a seat?" She touched the chair beside her.

"Thanks." Lara sat, wondering how she would get this girl out of the room. Maybe she could yell fire?

"I'm Thina," the redhead said. "Weird name, I know. I just transferred here from Utica."

"I'm new here, too," Lara said. "And I'm starving. How about we grab something to eat at the food court?"

"That sounds good." Thina stood, then glanced toward the screen. "Oops, looks like it's starting."

Lara rose to her feet as she saw someone step around the screen. A tall, handsome man with short blond hair and very blue eyes. Apollo. He was carrying a laptop.

"Wow," Thina whispered.

The girls in the room were too busy admiring Apollo to notice that he'd never actually entered the room. He must have teleported in behind the screen. And that meant Jack and Robby were not aware that he had arrived.

He strode to a side table and set down his laptop.

Lara assumed he had his PowerPoint demonstration on it.

A wave of cold air swept across the room.

I am Apollo, and you will obey. His sharp blue gaze drifted over the girls in the first four rows, then zeroed in on her and Thina. He smiled.

Lara gulped. "Let's get out of here."

A flash of movement zoomed through the door. Lara exhaled with relief as Robby dashed toward Apollo. Jack was close behind. He turned to make sure she was okay, but in that tiny millisecond, Apollo grabbed his laptop and teleported away.

"No!" Robby shouted.

Lara gasped. It had all happened so fast. She'd barely realized that Jack had failed when an iron grip seized her arm.

"What-?" She pulled, but the grip was too strong. Super strong, like a vampire. Oh God, no. Apollo had an accomplice.

"Let's go," Thina whispered.

Lara heard Jack's shout just before everything went black.

Lara stumbled as her feet landed on a solid floor, and she used her body's momentum to pull away from Thina's grasp. She jumped back, poised and ready to fight. She had to assume Thina was a biter.

Thankfully, Thina didn't pounce. She merely looked down her nose at Lara like she'd smelled something foul.

That was fine by Lara. While Thina was busy with her snooty act, she had time to scan the surroundings.

Small room. White walls. Two male guards by the door, holding swords. Bad news. They both had the deadpan expressions that signified they were under vampire control. Really bad news. Their skimpy white togas showed off their waxed chests and legs. There was only one door. No windows. Nothing lying around that she could use as a weapon. So much for escaping right off the bat.

"You are braver than most mortals," Thina sneered. "Most are on their knees by now, crying for their mothers."

Lara gulped. In her determination to stay alive, she'd forgotten she was supposed to act scared and clueless. She affected a frightened look. "Oh my God! What did you do to me? Where are we?"

Thina smiled, apparently pleased by the show of fear. "All will be revealed in time to those who are deemed worthy."

Lara wanted to jam a foot into Thina's smug smile. "Could you be a little more specific?" She turned to the two guards. "Oh, I get it. This is a frat party! Wow, great togas! Why don't you bring us some beers?"

"Silence!" Thina ordered. "Kneel before me."

Lara glanced at the two hunky guards. "You heard the lady. Down on your knees." She winked. "Let's see what you can do."

"Enough, maiden!" Thina's eyes flashed with anger.

Lara tilted her head with a confused look. "Were you talking to me?"

A blast of cold air hit Lara hard, and she stumbled back. Invisible icicles jabbed at her head. To stay alive, she would have to play along and pretend she was under control. She cleared her face. She would have to behave like the guards, and not show any emotion at all.

Thina walked up to her and slapped her across the face.

Lara stood still, trying hard not to show any pain or surprise. Still, her eyes watered a bit. She couldn't help it.

Thina smiled. "That's more like it. Now kneel before me. Bow down to the floor."

Lara fell to her knees and leaned forward till her forehead touched the cold stone floor. This was better actually. Her face was hidden this way.

"I am Athena, daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom. You will address me as All Wise Athena."

Lara wrinkled her nose. Was this lady serious? She certainly had a healthy ego.

You will obey me in all things. Respond to me now.

"Yes," Lara answered. She gritted her teeth. "All Wise Athena." Thank God Jack had taught her how to hear psychic vampire voices.

The full depth of her situation washed over her. She was so screwed. She had no tracers on her. The FBI and police didn't even know to look for her.

Jack would look for her. He would be frantic, looking for her. She winced, imagining how upset Jack must be. She should've stayed out of the room. She'd made a big mistake, trying to be noble.

Well, she would make up for it. The FBI had given her plenty of training in how to effectively manage an escape. She didn't need a knight in shining armor, or a vampire in tarnished armor, to charge to the rescue. She'd get herself out of this mess. She hoped.

"You will obey Apollo in all things," Athena announced. "You will address him as My Lord Apollo."

"Yes, All Wise Athena," Lara murmured.

"When a guard gives you an order, you will obey and answer, 'Yes, master.?

"Yes, All Wise Athena." What a fun resort this was. Maybe she could at least get a good wax job like the guards. Another blast of cold air swept over Lara, causing her arms to prickle with goose bumps.

Athena's voice reverberated in her head. I will now bestow a small measure of my wisdom upon you.

Oh, goody. Lara hoped this wouldn't take long. Her knees were starting to ache. The floor was hard as a rock. Actually, it was rock. Marble, maybe. White and spotless.

"I have rescued you from the mortal plane of existence," Athena announced. "You may thank me now."

Lara rolled her eyes. "Thank you, All Wise Athena." Goddess of Baggy Underwear. She slapped herself mentally. She needed to be more careful with her thoughts, just in case Athena could overhear her. Athena is awesome.

"I have brought you to the Elysian Fields," Athena continued. "The mortal realm is closed off to you. You can never return to Earth. Do you understand?"

"Yes, All Wise Athena." You are such a cool goddess.

"If you attempt to leave this place, you will find yourself in Hades, a land of eternal torment. If you displease me or Apollo, you will be sent to Hades. Do you wish to spend eternity in hell?"

"No, All Wise Athena." So that was how they got the other girls to stay without attempting an escape. The girls actually believed there was no way back to Earth, and they lived in fear of going to hell.

"You are now a maiden. You have no name. You are here to serve the gods. That is your sole purpose."

Lara gulped. She could guess how Apollo wanted to be served. A little bed and breakfast, with her as the menu. She wasn't going to be getting manicures and massages. This wasn't a resort. Or a spa.

It was a bizarre vampire cult.


Jack slammed a fist through the back wall of Room 102. The college girls screamed and huddled together.

Robby grabbed his arm. "Go back to Romatech. Now. I'll clean up here."

Jack pulled away. "I failed her! How could I fail her?"

"Get a grip, Jack." Robby glanced at the doorway as Phineas dashed in. "Phineas, take him back to Romatech."

"I'm not leaving," Jack growled.

Robby seized him by the shoulder. "She's no' here." His face softened. "We'll find her, Jack."

"Oh, shit." Phineas approached them. "Apollo's got-"

"Yes, he does," Robby interrupted. "Now get Jack out of here. I'll be along shortly."

"I don't need a babysitter." Jack teleported away. He arrived on the grounds at Romatech and ripped a branch off an unsuspecting tree.

Phineas ducked as the branch flew over his head. "Dude, I'm sorry. We're gonna find her, you know."

Jack stalked toward the Romatech entrance. "I'm going to rip Apollo apart." He fumbled in his pockets for his ID card. Merda. His hands were shaking.

"I got it, man." Phineas swiped his ID and activated the hand sensor.

Jack turned and gazed at the woods surrounding Romatech. Lara could be anywhere. Lara! Lara, can you hear me?

"Whoa! That was loud." Phineas held open the door. "How far can a psychic message go?"

"No more than a hundred miles or so." Jack closed his eyes and concentrated. Nothing. She couldn't hear him.

How could he fail her? After all his promises to keep her safe, he'd failed her. His heart twisted with fear. Stay alive, Lara. Stay alive till I can find you.

It was happening all over again. He'd failed his first love, Beatrice. He hadn't been there for her, and she'd died, thinking he'd abandoned her. And now he wasn't there for Lara.

Robby appeared. "I altered the lassies' memories, but there wasn't much I could do about the hole in the wall." He strode toward them. "We'll find her, Jack."

"Yeah, we will," Phineas agreed. "She's gonna be all right, dude."

Jack wondered if prayers could be heard from the ninth circle of hell.

Lara was still kneeling on the hard marble floor. She tried to take her mind off her fear and aching knees by remembering her lessons on escape. First, she needed to gather information. She couldn't decide where to escape to until she knew where she was.
