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Secret Life of a Vampire

The next day, when Lara was helping Cook clean up after lunch, she thought she heard the sound of an automobile engine. She grinned with relief.

Cook frowned in confusion. "This isn't delivery day. But I guess I'd better unlock the back door." She wandered into the back storeroom with a key.

Lara looked around frantically. She ripped a paper towel off the roll and grabbed a bottle of ketchup. She squeezed a small drop onto the tip of her finger, then wrote Help! Bring police on the paper towel.

She flapped the towel in the air, so it would dry quickly. Then she folded it and slipped it inside the bodice of her white gown.

She found Cook standing by the open back door. In the distance, she spotted a delivery van parked on the other side of the gate. The driver, a young man dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, was opening the gate.

She ran toward him.

"Stop!" Cook yelled. "We're not supposed to be seen."

The driver moved toward her, watching her carefully with his light blue eyes. "Can I help you, miss?"

"Yes!" Lara slowed down and reached inside her bodice. "We need-"

"Maiden!" a guard's voice bellowed behind her.

She stopped short, six feet from the delivery man. Damn! She couldn't pass him the note without being seen.

"Maiden, return to the kitchen immediately!" the guard shouted.

She glanced back. It was the head guard with the squeaky sandal. He was followed by two more guards. She shot one last pleading look at the delivery man. "We're prisoners," she mouthed, hoping he would understand.

His blue eyes narrowed, and he nodded ever so slightly.

Lara ran back to the kitchen.

"Oh no," Cook muttered. "You're in big trouble now."

Squeaky Sandal marched up to the delivery man. "What's going on here? You're not the usual driver. And we're not expecting a delivery for two more days."

The delivery guy shrugged, apparently unfazed by the head guard's beefy muscles and belligerent attitude. Lara smiled to herself. The guard would be a lot more ominous if he didn't squeak with every other step.

"Look, buddy." The delivery man crossed his arms over his broad chest. "The regular guy quit, and I'm going on vacation tomorrow. So there won't be any more deliveries for two weeks. Take it or leave it."

Squeaky glared at the delivery man. "All right. Pull the van up closer to the kitchen."

The delivery guy jumped back into the van and drove closer to the kitchen. To Lara's dismay, there was no writing on the van. She had hoped to catch the name of a local town.

"Stop!" Squeaky yelled, and the van halted.

The two other guards opened the back of the van and began unloading. The driver grabbed a box and strode toward the kitchen.

"Stop." Squeaky held up a hand. "You cannot enter." He took the box and brought it into the storeroom.

Damn. Lara had hoped the driver would come in so she could pass him her note. She peeked out the door. The delivery guy nodded at her.

"You should not be seen." Squeaky pushed her aside as he exited. He glared at the driver. "Wait inside the van."

"Sure," the driver muttered. "Nice toga. Bet it gets a little chilly in the winter." He strode back to the van.

Lara hovered just inside the door. It looked like she wasn't going to be able to pass her note. Still, she had a feeling that the delivery man understood. Or was that just wishful thinking?

The last of the supplies were brought in, and the guards slammed the van doors shut.

The driver sauntered toward the kitchen with a box in his hand. He spotted Lara peeking from behind the door. With a grin, he shook the box. "How about a snack?"

"Give me that." Squeaky grabbed the box. "And you can leave now."

The driver cast one last look at Lara, then climbed into the van and drove through the gate.

Lara's heart sank. What if he hadn't understood? There wouldn't be another delivery for two weeks.

Meanwhile, the guards inspected the box from the driver.

"There might be a special decoder ring inside," one guard said.

"Yeah, that guy seemed a little suspicious to me," the second guard said.

Squeaky ripped the box apart, and caramel corn scattered all over the dirt road. "There's nothing here." He tossed the box on the ground, then glared at Lara. "Clean this up, maiden."

"Yes, master." Lara grabbed a garbage sack, then rushed outside. She scooped handfuls of sticky popcorn into the bag while the guards strolled away.

When it looked like they'd lost interest in her, she picked up the pieces of the torn box.

Her breath caught. Cracker Jack. A sound, halfway between a laugh and a sob escaped her mouth.

Jack had found her.


Soon after the sun set, Vanessa ran into the kitchen. "Another god has come to visit. There'll be another Selecting Ceremony!"

Cook gasped and pressed a soapy hand to her chest. "This could be my night." She glanced down at her damp gown. "I need to change." She dashed from the kitchen.

Lara finished loading the dishwasher. Just what the world needed-another god. Miss Forbidden had returned to the dormitory this morning wearing a red scarf around her neck like a badge of honor. She claimed she couldn't remember anything, but the bruises on her arms spoke volumes. That Zeus had been an almighty abusive pig.

"What are you doing?" Vanessa asked. "You need to get ready."

"I'm coming." Lara trudged from the kitchen. "So which god is here tonight?"

"I don't know. The guards didn't say."

"Well, let me think." Lara glanced up at the clear, starry sky. Jack, this would be a good time to rescue me. "It might be Ares, the god of war."

"Oooh." Vanessa shivered. "He sounds hunky."

Lara snorted. "Or it could be Hermes or Poseidon."

"You're so smart to know their names," Vanessa said. "I wish I'd paid more attention in school. For some weird reason, I thought all that Greek god stuff was made up."

"Yeah. How could we be so wrong?"

"I know." Vanessa brushed her hair back over her shoulder. "It's just so cool that it's real I mean, people back on Earth don't know about it, but we get to know the secret. It makes me feel really special."

"You are special," Lara told her. "You don't need gods to tell you that."

"But it feels so good." Vanessa gasped. "Here we are talking, and you're not ready. Hurry!" She grabbed Lara's arm and dragged her through the dormitory to the bathroom.

While all the maidens were primping in front of the mirrors, Lara took a hot shower. Then she put on a fresh gown and towel-dried her hair.

"The first gong has sounded!" a maiden called from the dormitory, and the maidens rushed from the bathroom.

Miss Forbidden looked back at Lara and grimaced. "What are you doing? Your hair is still damp. You can't go before the gods looking like that."

Lara tossed her towel into the wicker laundry basket. "I know this may come as a big surprise to you, but I don't want to be chosen."

Miss Forbidden gasped and looked around to make sure they were alone. "You mustn't say that. It's a great honor to serve the gods."

Lara grabbed her arm and pointed at a large green-and-purple bruise. "This is what that god did to you."

The maiden's eyes filled with tears. "I don't remember it," she whispered. "I must have displeased him somehow. May the gods forgive me."

"He abused you." Lara pulled the scarf away from Miss Forbidden's neck to reveal the puncture marks. "He bit you."

With a cry, Miss Forbidden pulled away. "I don't believe you. I can't." She ran away.

Lara took a deep breath, then put on her sandals and followed the girls to the temple. They filed inside and took their places behind the red cushions.

The Chosen One Aquila was announced. She strode into the room and sat on her throne. Lara was relieved that she still looked well. Athena was announced. Her smile looked especially malicious tonight. Not a good sign.

Apollo marched in with his escort of four guards. The maidens bowed before him.

"Tonight we are honored by the presence of a very powerful god." Apollo stepped down from the dais. "He will select one of you to be his Chosen One."

"Yes, My Lord Apollo." The maidens remained still, but Lara could feel their excitement mounting.

Apollo stopped in front of them. "I should warn you that this is one god you must never displease. Your eternal fate will be in his hands. His name is Hades."

The maidens gasped.

Lara winced. This was bad. If Zeus had bruised his Chosen One, what would a vampire called Hades do?

Up on the dais, Athena snickered. Lara's hands curled into fists. That damned bitch enjoyed seeing them scared to death. Vanessa was shaking beside her.

Cook whimpered. She probably feared she was next in line to be chosen.

Footsteps approached them.

"Here comes Hades now," Apollo said.

Lara glanced up and caught a glimpse of short blond hair. She tucked her head back down, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She'd already spent the afternoon cleaning the guards' dormitory and bathroom as a punishment for speaking to the delivery man. Would they give her to Hades as a further punishment?

Apollo chuckled. "Which one of you will attend to the god of the underworld? If he's not pleased, he's threatening to take someone to the nine circles of hell."

Lara flinched. She lifted her head. Could it be? He was dressed in a burgundy silk toga. Those broad shoulders looked familiar, but the short blond hair was strange. He turned toward the maidens, and she gasped.


His eyes met hers briefly, then looked away. She ducked her head and bit her lip to keep from grinning. Jack was here to rescue her, to rescue all the girls. She wanted to leap around the room and dance for joy.

"You have some lovely maidens here, Apollo."

His accent was different. Lara recalled that he'd spent his first years in Bohemia, speaking Czech.

"Thank you, Hades," Apollo said with a smug tone. "I believe you will find them very accommodating."

"I had better." Hades strolled around the maidens, who were visibly shaking. He stopped beside Lara. "This one looks interesting. You will stand, maiden."

Lara rose slowly to her feet, keeping her eyes downcast and her face blank.

Apollo sighed. "I would suggest another. This one is new and still untrained. She did not behave well today."

"Then she is perfect for hell," Hades said wryly. "It would please me to teach her a lesson."

"Very well," Apollo said. "Maiden, bare yourself."

Oh shit. She was going to have to pretend to be under his control. "Yes, My Lord Apollo." She reached up to unfasten the brooch on her shoulder.

"Not necessary." Hades waved a dismissive hand. "My mind is made up. This is the one."

Oh thank you, Jack. She would gladly give him a private showing later.

Apollo motioned to a guard. "Bring the red robe."

Vanessa and Kristy helped Lara slide the red gown over her white one. They looked at her with tears in their eyes.

She grabbed their hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

The gong sounded. Athena left with two guards, while Apollo escorted his Chosen One Aquila to his room. Hades took Lara's hand and led her around the thrones.

She glanced back and saw the maidens huddled around the entrance doors to the temple, all watching her with worried looks. Poor girls. They really believed she was about to be bedded by the god of the dead. She squeezed Jack's hand. She couldn't wait to be alone with him.

He led her down the hallway. Apollo and Athena were already in their rooms. A guard stood in front of their doors.

Jack stopped by a blue door. "This is a guest room." He opened it and ushered her inside. He turned to lock and bar the door.

She glanced around the room. Big canopy bed. Blue sheets and blue gauzy curtains hanging from the canopy. When Jack turned toward her, she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh, thank you, thank you, you wonderful man. You glorious, incredible man."

He chuckled as he held her tight. "I guess you're glad to see me."

She covered his face with kisses. "I'm thrilled. I'm ecstatic. I knew you would find me."

He took hold of her shoulders and moved her back so he could look her over. "Are you all right? I swear, if they have harmed you in any way, I will-"

"I'm fine." She jumped at him again, circling her arms around his neck and squeezing against him tightly. "I missed you so much. Don't ever let me go."

"I was so worried about you." He pressed a kiss against her brow, then glanced over his shoulder. "We should move away from the door," he whispered.

She hung on to him as he maneuvered them to the center of the room and accidentally trampled on his foot. "Sorry. I'm so glad you found me. I tried to escape, but there were wolves in the woods. And I didn't know where to go, 'cause I don't know where we are."

"Northern Maine."

"Oh. Well, thank God you found us. I think one of the girls is dead."

"Shh." He put a finger on her lips and glanced at the door. "Not so loud. There are guards in the hall."

"They're probably waiting for their turn with Athena," Lara muttered.

Jack glanced at the bed, which filled half the room. "These rooms do seem designed for one purpose."
