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Seeing is Believing

Seeing is Believing (Cuttersville #3)(14)
Author: Erin McCarthy

But none of that felt right here. It all seemed too orchestrated, too remote. Funny how the most intimate of acts, o**l s*x, could feel more distant than kissing and touching a woman. He just wanted to feel Piper. To touch her. So he kissed her again and again, his tongue making sweet inroads into her moist mouth, while he lay over her, not crushing her, but brushing his body over hers, his right hand gliding softly over her arm, her breast, her belly, her hip.

Their mouths were swollen, her eyes glazed as she gazed up at him, her hands lightly on the waistband of his boxer briefs. The air was humid from the rain, the last remnants of summer clinging to the house, all quiet but for the soft drumming of the storm remnants and their ragged breathing. He almost thought this brush and tangle of lips, this slumberous mating of their mouths, could be enough to satisfy him.


But when she gave a tug at his briefs, he knew it was a lost cause. He was going in, and Lord knew when he’d be coming back out.

Piper tried to catch her breath, her inner thighs on fire as Brady kissed her senseless. She would have thought that he would go right for the good stuff, either o**l s*x, or straight-up tab-A-in-slot-B penetration. She was prepared for that, had known precisely what she was getting into. You don’t drop your robe with a man you hardly know and expect a whole lot of romance. It just didn’t work that way, and she’d known that and had done it anyway.

Yet Brady was proving to be quite the man of mystery. He had picked her up in a move that had nearly had her orgasming in his arms, then had spent she wasn’t even sure how long kissing her senseless, his hands roaming, but in a way that was more loverlike than one-night stand. He was throwing her off. Making her feel vulnerable. But at the same time, she knew that this was perfect. That if it had gone down the other way, she wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much. It would have been a gesture, a brazen, I’m-a-woman statement, but it wouldn’t have been her. This was more her. It was like he had been able to understand that, to offer her exactly what she needed, to have her relaxed and pliant and so very, very turned on.

She was so achy, so desperate for more, for a sense of completion, that she started to move beneath him, trying to force him to take stronger action. He didn’t. He didn’t even slide a finger between her legs. He randomly, and without any real sense of purpose, would flicker across her nipple, but that was it, and she was going to die. She decided that it was absolutely true, that bullshit lie boys told girls at fifteen, that if they didn’t have sex they would die. Piper was going to expire into an early grave if Brady didn’t stop being so gentlemanly and take his boxers off and take her. Oral sex right now would kill her as well. It would frankly be more than she could handle. She just wanted him inside her thrusting away the ache, stripping it out of her with his impressive erection.

So she reached for his boxers, trying to tug the tight cotton down. Brady sucked in a sharp breath, and Piper realized that he wasn’t as unaffected as she’d thought. He looked like he was in pain, and he swallowed hard, his hand coming over hers to pause her movements. “You sure? Because once it’s out, there’s no going back.”

Like she could stop now. It was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard. She nodded. “I’m sure.”

“I thought you’d say that,” he murmured, brushing a kiss across her temple. “Thank God.”

In the back of her mind she thought about the lack of a condom, her father’s awkward warnings rising up to taunt her. Starting at the age of twelve, he’d barraged her with statistics and information, and an honesty about her own conception that she could have frankly done without. Piper figured he’d been worried that she’d shared some sort of sexual gene with her mother, and he’d watched her like a hawk throughout middle school and high school, but Piper had never been aggressive that way. She kept her needs quietly addressed and to herself, like most things in her life.

But not tonight. And she wasn’t sixteen and she was on the pill, so she wasn’t going to worry about the lack of a condom. As if she could find the willpower to stop him at this point.

While she wrestled mentally, Brady divested himself of his boxers and poised between her thighs, bumping lightly against her, his finger toying with her clitoris, but the pause was brief. Before she could even think to urge him on, he was pressing inside her with an erection of epic proportions. She had been right to ogle when he’d stepped into the hallway. All the breath left her lungs and she froze, her body stretching to accommodate him, giving her a feeling of fullness she’d never experienced.

It had a groan of ecstasy ripping out of her mouth before she could stop it. It should feel uncomfortable, and there was a lot of pressure, yet at the same time, she felt so stuffed, so complete, so tingly and amazing that she couldn’t think, couldn’t breath.

“Oh, my God,” Brady said, his voice strained. “Fuck, Piper, you feel so good.”

That she was hearing those words, that she was feeling this, had a flood of moisture rushing to surround him. This was her fantasy coming to life, and it was better than she could have ever imagined. His forehead was dewy from the strain of holding back, and her inner muscles throbbed with anticipation. But she did have the forethought to bring her finger to her lip and give a soft “shh” so he would remember to keep it as quiet as possible.

His head shook back and forth slightly and he whispered, “You’re killing me.”

Piper lifted her hips. Look who was talking.

He got the message, a naughty grin bursting across his lips. “You’re going to be sorry you did that,” he said in a low voice.

She didn’t think so.

When he started to move, she knew so. No regrets whatsoever. Just pure, raw, blinding ecstasy. She bit her lip so she wouldn’t cry out, and knotted her fingers into his back. He buried his own hands in her hair as he established a slow and intense rhythm, his hot breath blasting over her cheek with each long, deep slide into her. This was sex. This was what she’d been waiting to experience. This was two bodies deeply connected, grinding and pressing together to one final mutual goal. There was nothing fancy about it, just him buried inside her, and yet she had never been so aroused, so sensitive, in her entire life. She could feel it building in her, could feel the quivering that started deep in her womb, her head shifting as she reached for it, desperate.

Brady seemed to sense it because he plunged his tongue inside her mouth, mimicking the thrust of his c**k into her, his hips swiveling so that he got the deepest penetration possible. That was all it took. She came, crying out into his mouth, letting him swallow her passion as her body shattered around him. She clung to him, stunned, dragged down under the waves of pleasure, unable to believe she had come to orgasm so quickly, with so little foreplay.
