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Selling Scarlett

My mind pulls me back to Libby and the look on her face when she asked me why I cared if she was safe. It bothers me that I couldn’t think of anything to articulate that was…more significant than nothing.

I should be glad. She takes up way too much space in my thoughts anyway. I don’t know what she’s doing here, but I need to stay clear. I definitely don’t need to be drawing the wrong kind of attention to her, and the thing with her and Priscilla…I still don’t know what’s going on there, but I don’t need to aggravate the situation.

Speaking of…Lockwood deliberately goaded me—so now the whole damn town thinks I’m a hot-head. I should probably care about what’s coming next. Should probably care about myself. What will happen if I’m drawn further into this cluster f**k?

…I just don’t care.

Everything at the end of the hall has been moved around in the club’s redesign last year, so I have a hard time finding the men’s. I’m starting to feel like I might tip the f**k over when I get a text from Marchant. Might have lead in SL on SB. Stay there, Balboa. You need an alibi in case it goes down.

After tonight’s show of rage, that’s especially true, and I realize that’s how Priscilla planned it—putting me with Lockwood. So I would look like a reckless, violent ass**le in public. Fuck.

By the time I get to the bathroom, aqua blue and gold and tidy, I don’t feel sick anymore—just dizzy—so I lean over the sink, painfully aware that my back is exposed. Someone could jump me. One of Lockwood’s boys.

The floor is tilting. I think about telling Sarabelle to close her eyes. I see Rita’s hand flying through the air, straight for my face, and I can feel that f**king whip bite into my back.

"You’re such an ass**le, Hunter."

I splash my face, but I forget about my bandaged fists and one of them gets wet. I sit down on a glittery gold bench in front of a mirror. In a minute, I’ll get up. I’ll go home. I’m not making things any better by being here.

I decide to test my shoulder blade before I get to my feet again. It feels broken, but that might just be infection. I shudder just thinking of the pain I’ll feel when the liquor and the pill wear off.

Priscilla has turned me into a masochist. Except I know it isn’t her. I raise my left hand toward the ceiling, drifting under sparks of pain that point to a broken bone somewhere back there. I stand up and take a few deep breaths that only emphasize the pain’s point. I step slowly into a bathroom stall and work my shirt off. Maybe if I re-work the bandages Marchant applied. He’s not very handy with gauze and some of them are pulling…



I can’t find Loveless. It seems strange that she would leave our booth and not return, but then again I wasn’t there; maybe she did. Since I don’t have anyone’s number in my cell, I’ve started looking for Loveless or Juniper—or anyone. I’ve checked three dance floors, and now I’ve moved on to bathrooms and saunas. If I don’t find someone here, I guess I’ll go leave a message at the valet station asking our group to page me when they leave. Maybe I’ll just wait there. It seems stupid, but I’m not sure what else to do. I could call Richard, but I’m too embarrassed.

When I get inside the ladies’ room, dimly lit with a strobe light in the ceiling, the stall door swings open, revealing a man leaning against the inside of the stall. On another day his tone back and thick shoulders would have turned up my temperature, but dude’s exquisite body has been through the ringer. His back is marred by long, straight welts, covering him vertically and horizontally and every way in between. The streaks look painfully swollen, and up by his shoulder, there’s an open gash that’s oozing.

I try to catch my breath, but the twisty feeling in my stomach just won’t leave. Slowly the man turns his head slightly, and I gasp. Hunter.

All of a sudden I’m overwhelmed by heat, a strong sensation that’s at war with the concern I feel over the sad state of his back.

I hesitate a second, wondering if Priscilla put those marks on him. What must be wrong with him if he’s in that kind of relationship? I remember the distracted look in his eyes back at the bar, the awkward way he looked behind his glass when I asked him why he cared, and wonder what is wrong with me for wondering at all.

Then I remember him helping me outside the court house, and I tell myself that this is something. This spark I feel when I’m around him—it’s worth something. Then I picture him leaning over Priscilla, and I’m back where I started.

When am I going to learn to stop spinning fantasies around this man? He’s a rich-as-sin poker player who lives half his life in Vegas and is in a very weird relationship. What am I thinking? He hits a double, shows me a few moments of kindness, and now I’m hanging on every word and reading into every glance.

Am I really that pathetic?

I reach for the handle on the big wood door that leads into the hall, and I hear the stomp of footsteps behind me. My mind spins madly, projecting its wicked wishes into reality. As I pull the door open, I can practically feel the rush of air from Hunter’s body, moving after mine. His strong hand grips my bicep and his low, rough voice says, "Libby."

He turns me to face him, then pushes the door shut behind me. I stare at his face with suspended disbelief. The wide green eyes. The sweat-slick skin. His hair is wild, like someone’s fingers have been in it, and his mouth is drawn.

I tug my arm away from him, or try to. His grip tightens as his gaze holds onto mine. "Were you leaving?" His voice sounds ragged, like he’s out of breath.

"Yes. I…need to go."

"Because of me?"

I can’t seem to find my voice, so I pull out of his grasp, grabbing the door handle and wrapping my fingers tightly around it. I don’t pull it open. I don’t even turn my face away from his. He’s weary, obviously, but I’m certain he doesn’t want me to go.

I wonder why, and a thought occurs to me that makes my knees quiver. Does he want another romp? My bedazzled mind screams: This is Hunter! Take the chance!

Being this close to him is like stepping onto the surface of a star. I feel like I’m melting. My mind speeds up in time with my racing pulse, and all of a sudden I have to know. "What happened to your back?"

His eyes are still on mine, and I can’t breathe as they flicker to my lips.

"I hurt it." The words are warm and gruff, like he’s telling me a secret but he’s not sure that he wants to. The simple answer surprises me. So does the bare look in his eyes.

"It looks awful," I say bluntly.

He shrugs, but his nonchalance is completely ruined by a wince. I look at his back, through the reflection in the mirror. There are a lot of welts, and they all seem to be about the same size. “Did Priscilla do that?”
