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Servicing the Target

Servicing the Target (Masters of the Shadowlands #10)(26)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

Her hand smacked the top of his head, breaking the spell. Painfully.

He released her, seeing the marks of his hands on her ankles.

“Benjamin, you’re not just back from the wars—and I doubt this is the first time you’ve seen a woman.”

He cleared his throat. “Not a woman like you, Ma’am.” There’d never been a woman like her in his entire, fairly exhaustive experience. He stayed where he was and dared to run his hand up and down her legs, wanting nothing more than to bury his face between her thighs. “Ma’am. May I—”

Her eyes narrowed. “No, I don’t think so.” One finger, the elegant nail with a white flower on pink polish, pointed to the bed. “Put yourself there. On your back, so I can sample the wares at my pleasure.”

He wasn’t sure whether to protest, to grab her, or to cheer. Sampling meant she’d touch. He was down with that. And even if he hadn’t been, the oddest satisfaction came from obeying her orders. Maybe he could overpower her physically, but in matters of the spirit, she had a will that might be stronger than his own. “Yes’m.”

Now that was one of the finest sights she’d ever seen, Anne thought as Ben ducked under the canopy and stretched out on her king-sized bed. The ultimate in darkly tanned masculinity provided a startling contrast to her feminine floral bedspread. His shoulders were wide and strong, his chest hugely muscled, his stomach ridged. His cock sprang up, thick and long, from a nest of light brown curls. His thighs showed the long divide between the muscles.

She sauntered over, his gaze on her like a scorching sun. He made her feel beautiful, which was always nice. Nicer than normal because she…respected him and valued his opinion.

With a shake of her head to dislodge stray thoughts, she leaned over the bed. “And what have we here? This seems to be quite the odd protuberance.” She grasped his cock with a firm hand and twisted just enough to lift his head off the pillow with a gasp. The shaft palpably thickened.

His eyes burned golden.

“You have tiger’s eyes.” They reminded her of one of her favorite bracelets. “Are you going to lie there and take what I do to you?” she asked softly.

The pulse of desire and dominance rippled through her, heightening her senses. She could taste his lust, hear his need, not only for sex, but also for her control. The challenge of trying to obey her added to his arousal.

“I’m all yours, Mistress.” His answer held determination—and his anticipation was like a dollop of whipped cream in her chocolate.

He’d experienced some of what she might do, and he wanted more.

She considered blindfolding him, but she really did appreciate the way he focused on her. Her eyes, her mouth, her muscles. Every jiggle of her breasts was noted.

Her nipples ached with anticipation.

Why not? She straddled him with a quick movement, avoiding his cock, and settling her ass on his stomach. Bending, she took his lips. Firm and enthusiastic. She controlled the kiss, taking what she wanted, and when she sat back, he let out a faint groan. Until she positioned herself to give him a nipple.

He’d been good until then, but now one hand gripped her ass, the other behind her back, pulling her down so he could suckle and lick vigorously. His mouth was hot, his lips soft, his tongue like a lash. Desire spiraled up her center until he could undoubtedly feel her dampness on his belly.

The second she pulled against his hold, he released her. And looked up so hopefully that she gave him her other breast.

“Mmm. You’re good at that, Benjamin.” Each suck of his mouth zinged straight to her clit. She found his flat male nipples, circled them with a fingertip until they jutted out, then pinched them cruelly enough his body went rigid beneath her.

Her body trembled in response. She needed…needed to move, to take him. Maintaining her control was more difficult than anything she’d ever felt before.

His tanned face was darkened with lust when she sat back to study him. She’d never met anyone more…unreservedly masculine, all steely planes and craggy features and solidly packed muscles. She ran a finger down his large nose, feeling the bump where it’d been broken in the past.

“Please. Mistress. I’d like to taste more.” His gaze slid down her torso. “More.”

So well said. She did appreciate a man who could be frank without being coarse. And he’d sent need churning in her veins with just a look and a few words.

“In a bit.” He deserved a little attention for himself…and, God, she wanted to explore all those muscles for herself.

After releasing his hair, she slowly kissed his scarred cheek, moving down. His jaw and neck held the light tang of sweat. A night’s worth of beard stubble rasped over her tongue, making her anticipate feeling that scratch elsewhere. Over his wide chest, his springy hair was the same tawny color as his hair. The way his thick pectorals were rock hard made her stomach flutter in a primal reaction.
