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Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(14)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Maddy’s just a nickname. Maddison is a fine name.”

“Yes, if you’re the capital of Wisconsin.”

“Very funny.” I started upstairs without waiting for him. I knew he’d follow right behind me. “It’s not even spelled the same.”

“So what do you say?”

“To what?” I unlocked the door.

“Will you go out with Ralph tomorrow night?”

I turned to look at Macon. “Why is this so important to you?”

“Because you’re important, and I want you to find happiness.”

“Okay, now I’m definitely not going.”

“Did you tell her about the date we lined up for her?” Brody asked from his place on the beige leather couch.

“Wait, you’re in on this too? What’s going on?”

“Nothing, Maddy. We just think you guys would make a good match.”

“Not a chance.” I took off for my room.

“Please, Maddy. He’s going to be really disappointed.”

I spun around. “Is he at least cute?”

“Want to see a picture?” Macon whipped out his phone.

“You have a picture of him on your phone?”

“Just some dumb ones from work.”

“Fine.” I grabbed the phone.

“Wow, this is Ralph?” A guy straight off my college roommates’ surfer boy calendar stared back at me.

“Yeah. Not bad, huh?”

“I’ll go out with him.”

They both laughed. “And the truth comes out. It’s all about the looks.”

“What? Like you guys don’t decide to date, or in your case, Macon, sleep with, girls because of their appearance?”

“Of course we do.” Macon didn’t bother to defend himself.

“I’ll go on one date.”

“Great, Ralph is going to be thrilled.”



“I’m glad Macon set this up,” Ralph led the way down the outdoor stairs.

“Yeah, it was nice of him.” I was still trying to decide if Ralph’s choice of a red print Hawaiian shirt was serious, or if it was a joke I was supposed to be commenting on.

“I brought my bike. I thought it would be more fun.” He stopped in front of a large chrome motorcycle and my stomach lurched. I hated motorcycles. Macon knew that more than anyone. I was surprised he hadn’t warned Ralph to leave it at home.

“Oh. I guess I’m not dressed right then.” I glanced down at my emerald green sundress, wanting way more clothing if I was riding on that thing.

“You’re dressed great. You look amazing.”

“Thanks, but shouldn’t I be in a jacket at least?” When your father’s an ER doc, you kind of get bombarded with the dangers of motorcycles. I’d made it twenty-two years without even being tempted to ride on one.

“You can if you want, but I brought you a helmet.”

“Yeah, I’m going to get something.” I took the stairs two at a time, already dialing Macon. He and Brody were both out. I couldn’t believe they hadn’t warned me that Ralph drove a bike.

I didn’t own a leather jacket, but Brody did. I’d noticed it when I was in his room once. I found the four-sizes-too-big jacket and slipped it on after changing into jeans and a tank. Satisfied with my new outfit, I walked back down. I may not have looked as good, but it would at least offer some protection from road rash.

“Oh, you really changed.” Ralph’s face fell slightly.

“Yeah, I’m ready now.”

“Great. We’re going to Chilli Peppers over in Kill Devil Hills.”

“That’s a forty-minute drive from here.”

“So? It’ll give you time to enjoy the ride.”

I sighed. “All right.” Tons of people enjoyed riding motorcycles. In theory I could be one of them.

“Just get on behind me and hold on.”

I did as he said and tried to remain calm when he turned on the engine. I could handle forty minutes.

Corolla disappeared behind us as he sped farther down Highway 12. We drove through Duck, and Kitty Hawk, each one a little different but still with a seaside feel.

There wasn’t much traffic, so Ralph drove us at a fast pace. I’m sure my hands were leaving imprints in Ralph’s stomach because I was holding on so tight. Finally we arrived at the restaurant, and I let him help me off.

“Wow, you okay?” He must have noticed how tense I was.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought it was your first time on a bike.”

“It was.”

“Oh.” A funny expression crossed his face. “I thought you were into bikes.”

“Not at all.”

“I would have picked you up in my car, but it’s too late now. Let’s enjoy dinner.” He took my hand and led me inside.

I resisted the snarky reply that wanted to come out. He hadn’t done it intentionally.

Seated at a center table, I picked up the menu to peruse.

“You don’t need that.”

“I don’t?” I glanced up at his expressionless face. I really hoped he wasn’t going where I knew he was.

“No. I’ll order.” He went there.

I held in a groan. I hated when guys did that, especially on the first date. There was no way he knew what I wanted. I didn’t even know what I wanted. “That’s okay.”

“No, I insist.” He called the waiter over and proceeded to order for me. I had to jump in when he asked for mine to be extra spicy.

“No, mild is fine,” I quickly assured the waiter.

“You sure?” Ralph cocked his head to the side as he watched me.

“Absolutely sure.”

The rest of dinner didn’t go any better, and a sinking suspicion set in. When Ralph suggested a round of mini golf, I couldn’t let it continue.

“Listen, Ralph. Macon’s messing with us.” I was already planning revenge in my head.

“What do you mean?” Ralph held open the door for me, and we started walking back out to the lot.

I stopped, waiting for him to do the same. “I hate motorcycles, spicy food, and mini golf.”

A look of understanding hit him. “And I bet you don’t like guys who take control either.”

“The whole ordering for me thing?”

“Yeah.” He tucked his thumbs in the corners of his pockets.

I clasped my hands together. “What an ass**le.” I tried to get my anger back in place. I had a short temper and once I lost it, it wasn’t a pretty sight. We’re not talking anger management level, but I’m not someone you want on your bad side.
