Read Books Novel

Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(23)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

He grabbed a couple of remotes while I decided on a seat. I chose one of the seats in the second row.

“You’re a ‘middle of the theater’ person too?” He sat down next to me.

“Yeah, although any seat would be great here.”

“I agree.”

We settled on a movie—a new comedy—one I’d never heard of, and he started it.

A few minutes into the movie, Colin put his arm around me, and I snuggled into his side. There was something natural about it, as though it was something I did all the time. I fit well there, and if I had any say in it, I’d be doing it often.

I glanced over at him as the credits started to roll and caught him staring.


“I’m debating whether to push my luck.”

“Push it.” I hoped pushing his luck involved his lips—and mine.

He chuckled. “Okay. I will. Any chance we can make this a weekly thing? A Tuesday night movie date night.”

“That is pushing your luck.” No lips, but the promise of them another time…

“Is that a no?”

“That depends.” I could play coy when I wanted to.


“What movies you pick.”

“How about you choose next time?”

“It’s a deal, but let’s take it one week at a time.” I glanced at my watch. “Wow, it’s getting late.”

“I guess it is.”

He moved his arm from around me slowly, and unless I was imagining it, he wasn’t too happy to be doing it.

I stretched. Sitting in the same position for a few hours left me stiff.

“You okay?” He watched me carefully.

“Yeah. I’m great.”

“Good.” He took my hand again, and we walked back upstairs. He grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone as we walked out to his car. “I don’t feel like saying goodnight.”

“Me either.” I ran a hand down his arm. “At least we have the drive.”

“It’s not long enough.” He held open my door, and I slipped in.

I waited until he came around to his side. “Maybe if I leave you wanting more, you’ll call me sooner this time.”

“Low blow, but I deserve it. We already have a date for next Tuesday.”

“That we do.”

“I’d love to see you sooner.”


“Much sooner.” He pulled out of his driveway. “As in tomorrow night.”

I pretended to mull it over as he drove. “I don’t know. I might have plans.”

“Planning on swinging with a married couple?”

“It’s not swinging because I’m not bringing anyone into it.”

“That’s true. I’ll be upfront here. I’m not interested in that.”

“Really?” I put a hand on his shoulder. “I would have thought switching partners was your thing.”

“Why? I’m not a bartender.”

I punched his arm playfully. “So nice.”

“You’re the one telling me you’re too busy to go out with me tomorrow night.”

“What would we be doing?” Not that I really cared. I was all about seeing Colin again.

“I don’t know yet.” He slowed down, and I knew he was doing it to prolong the ride.

“Way to plan ahead.”

“It’s going to be good though. So good.”

“Is this one of those things I’m supposed to have high expectations for?”

“Yes. Definitely.” He pulled into my parking lot.

“I’m free.”

“Yeah? That’s convenient.” He unbuckled his seatbelt.

“Very.” I unbuckled mine, uninterested in getting out of the car.

“I think I need to build up those expectations.” He leaned over the center console and crushed his lips against mine. I responded immediately, loving the way his lips felt and wanting more. He pushed his way into my mouth, and I eagerly welcomed him. Cinnamon and desire mixed as he intensified the kiss. I needed to be closer, and I pressed my body against his. It wasn’t close enough, and he lifted me over onto his lap.

My arms wrapped around his neck as his hands slid down my back. I wanted him. Right there in the parking lot with the top down on his convertible. It was like I was sixteen again with hormones controlling everything. God knows what would have happened if I hadn’t leaned back into the horn.

“Whoa…” I started to move off his lap.

He braced his hands on my hips, stilling me. “I think we set expectations too high. I don’t want to wait until tomorrow.”

I broke free, moving to my side of the car. “Remember what I said. I’m going to leave you wanting more.” I got out of the car, pausing to glance back at him.

He groaned. “You’re mean, but I deserve it. Sleep well, Maddy. Tomorrow night can’t come soon enough.” He sat there while I walked inside.

I mustered every ounce of resistance to stop myself from running back to invite him up.

Chapter Nine

Free time gets old. When you don’t have it, it seems like the ultimate prize. You dream about the things you’d do, and how nice it would be to veg out. The truth is, when you have it, you don’t want it. You get bored, you get antsy, and it leaves open the possibility of developing very weird and unproductive habits—like an addiction to watching old school 90210 reruns. Sometimes I’d think that I should have been a child of the eighties. I should have gone to high school in the early nineties, listened to grunge music, and watched MTV when people cared about the videos. My parents had me fifteen years too late.

“When’s lover boy getting here?” Brody busied himself in the kitchen. He was always trying out new recipes. Working at the Grille was far from his dream job, but he tried to view it as a stepping stone to something better.

“Colin’s picking me up at seven.”

“Where’s he taking you?” Brody offered me a taste of some sort of sauce he was working on. Buttery and warm, it was all over good.

“I’m not sure.”

“He’s getting mysterious on you already?”

“I guess so. I’m usually not one for surprises, but I’m kind of feeling it tonight.” I resisted the urge to ask for another taste. Brody really knew how to cook.

“Feeling it, huh? Does that mean Colin’s getting lucky?”

“I guess that depends on how good the surprise is.”
