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Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(31)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Do you like bartending?” Carly attempted to retrieve the last few drops from her third cosmo.

I nursed my second drink. “It’s entertaining and better than anything else I could be doing.”

“Maybe I should try something like that. How’d you even know how to do it?”

“I took a bartending class with my friend senior year. I did it as a joke, but I realized it was more interesting than I thought. I originally planned to waitress at the restaurant I work at, but I make more money bartending.”

“Cool.” She tilted a little and almost fell off her stool. She steadied herself at the last second.

“Are you okay?”

Carly was drunk, and we only had twenty minutes before the rehearsal dinner.

“I’m great.”

“You seem a little out of it.” Great. I was going to meet Colin’s parents after getting their daughter sloshed.

“Want to skip dinner?” She put a hand on my shoulder.

“I don’t think we should.” I tried to imagine explaining that one to Colin.

“Come on, do you want to suffer through it? We can blame it on me. Say I’m sick.”

“And where do I come in? You’re twenty-one years old. You don’t need me to take care of you.”

“I don’t? I can’t even walk straight.” As if to prove her point, she got up. She grabbed my arm.

“You’ll be fine once you get to your room.”

“So do you want to go to this dinner, then?”

“Not particularly, but I suspect Colin wants me there.”

“All right, I need to find some food and sober up. There’s a great burger place down the block. Want to take me?”

“I don’t have a car.”

“You can drive mine.” She pulled a set of car keys from her tight black skirt. I wasn’t quite sure how they even fit in the pocket.

We’d obviously be late for the dinner, but I couldn’t exactly leave Colin’s sister hung out to dry. Thankfully, I’d never even hit the midpoint in my second drink and could still drive.

I quickly texted Colin, hoping the rehearsal was over and I wouldn’t be interrupting.

Carly and I are going to be a little late for the dinner. See you there.

Carly? You’re with my sister?

Yeah. I have to drive, so I’ll see you soon.

Drive? Who’s car? Where are you going?

Long story. Talk soon.

“Did you just check in with my brother?”

“I wanted him to know where we were.”

She smiled. “You’re sweet and thoughtful. Colin’s lucky to have found you.”

I smiled back and unlocked her Camry. I wasn’t a fan of driving other people’s cars. Every car drove differently, and it always took a while to adjust everything. Getting used to a new car was even worse when it was dark—and after two hours at the bar, the sun was gone. Carly and I were around the same height, so I didn’t have to do much to adjust the mirrors or anything.

I pulled out of the spot.

Carly pointed to the exit. “Just turn right out of here.”

I followed Carly’s instructions, and five minutes later, we were pulling into the parking lot of what looked to be a hole in the wall. “Are you sure this is what you want?” I struggled to read the peeling letters from the old sign. I made out an ‘r’ and a ‘y.’ I gathered the place was called Roy’s.

“Definitely. I’d take it over the fancy food they’re serving at the rehearsal dinner any day.”

I started to like Carly more. There was something so real about her that was refreshing. The fact that she talked about her brother’s sex life aside, we could probably end up becoming good friends.

She walked right up to the counter to order. I waved her on when she asked if I wanted anything. She insisted on ordering me fries.

We settled across from each other in a booth. I sat there nibbling on some surprisingly good curly fries while she ate a cheeseburger. I was way too nervous about Carly’s drunkenness, arriving late, and meeting Colin’s parents to eat much.

When she left to use the restroom I texted Macon. I’m at a burger dive with Colin’s plastered sister. Yay me.

I’m so proud of you, kid. You’re growing up so fast.

Would this ever happen to anyone but me?

Probably not. You’re just lucky like that. Have fun. ?

Don’t wink at me.

I’ll wink at you all I want.

Are you going out with anyone tonight?

Yes. Mary.

I thought she liked Brody.

You thought wrong.

Be nice.

Would I ever be anything else?


Go get more people drunk.

I will.

“Is that my brother?” Carly asked as she reached the table.

“Nope, my friend.”

“Oh. You were kinda goofy smiling.”

“He’s a goofball.”


“Yes. My friend Macon.”

“Where does he live?”

“With me.”

“You live with a guy?” She sat back down.

“Actually, I live with two.”

“Does Colin know?”

“Yeah…” Was she going to get judgmental on me?

“And he doesn’t care? I would think he’d be jealous or something.”

“Why would he be jealous? It’s not like I’m sleeping with them.”

“You’re not sleeping with Colin either.” She crumpled up the wrapper from her burger.

“And whose fault is that?” I clasped a hand over my mouth. “Forget I said that.” I was getting a little too comfortable around Colin’s sister.

She grinned. “I wish I had the nerve to live with guys.”

“The nerve?”

“Yeah. I’d be all worried about how I looked all the time.”

“Well, I’ve known Macon since we were babies, and Brody and I don’t look at each other in any sort of romantic way, so I don’t worry about it much.”

“You can’t walk around naked though.”

“You walk around naked in front of girl roommates?”

She shrugged. “It’s been known to happen.”

“Mental note to never live with you.” I couldn’t help but smile.

She laughed. “Were you in a sorority?”

“Yeah, but I wasn’t active. I didn’t have time.”

“My school doesn’t do Greek, but I don’t think I would have joined even if we did.”
