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Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(34)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I’m not drunk at all.”

“I’ll remedy that.”

“With what? Whatever is in your flask? What is this, high school?”

He tossed me his flask. “Just have some.”

I shrugged, trying to push aside thoughts of mono and took a sip. It burned a little going down. “Everclear?”

He laughed. “That was fast.”

“Maddy’s a bartender. She knows this stuff.” Carly put an arm around my shoulder.

“I’ll go get the bottle.” Mark took off, leaving the latch out so the door didn’t lock. He returned minutes later, his room must have been close. While he was gone, Jamie ordered a movie—a  p**n o called Eruptions.

“So now on top of getting Colin’s little sister drunk, I’m going to sit back while she watches  p**n  with his friends. Fantastic.”

Jamie laughed. “What does it matter? You’re not even sure you’re his girlfriend, right? Besides, this one’s a classic.”

I sighed. “This is why you never agree to go to weddings with people.”

I started to get up, but Carly put a hand on my arm to stop me. “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know. Somewhere.”


“As much fun as this is, I’d rather get out of here.”

“She wants to hunt down Colin to get him in bed, I bet.” Mark must have been drunk. That wasn’t the kind of thing you said to a girl you didn’t really know—who was dating your friend.

“She’s never slept with him.” Carly giggled.


“Sorry! It just came out.”

“That’s more of a reason for you to stay.” Jamie grinned. “If you’re not getting some, you’re more in need of the  p**n .”

I glared at him. “I don’t care about your opinion on this subject.”

My phone vibrated in my purse. I hoped it was something to get me out of that mess.

I glanced at the screen. Where are you? I’m so sorry.

“Is that Colin?” Carly asked.

I nodded before replying. Can I meet up with you and get the room key?

Where are you? I’ll meet you at the room if you want.

I’m with Carly. Be there in a few.

While I texted, Mark refilled his flask.

“I’m going to go.”

“Fine.” Carly pouted.

“Have fun with your movie.” I started to walk out, then realized what I almost did. Leaving Colin’s drunk little sister to watch  p**n  with two guys…yeah, not happening.

“Wait. You guys both out.” I pointed to the door.


“I’m not leaving you guys in here.”

“Why not?” Mark asked.

“Because if I was drunk I wouldn’t want my friend to leave me with two guys to watch a  p**n o.”

“But you live with two guys,” Carly started.

Mark and Jamie turned to look at me.

“We don’t watch  p**n , and we don’t live in a hotel. Out, or I call Colin.”

“I think we’re leaving. See ya, Carly.” Mark hightailed it out.

“I’ll leave, but at least watch the movie. We already paid for it.” Jamie winked before walking out of the room.

I smiled at Carly apologetically. “Sorry to ruin your fun.”

“It’s okay. I wanted to hook up with Mark, but that wasn’t going to happen with Jamie here anyway.”

I laughed. “Yeah, probably not.” I had no idea what Mark would or would not have done with Jamie around, and I didn’t want to find out.

“Tell Colin I said ‘hi.’”

“Will do. Good night.” Satisfied that I’d protected Carly’s virtue for the night, I headed upstairs to do exactly the opposite with whatever was left of mine.

Chapter Twelve

“How much do you hate me?” Colin leaned against our door waiting for me.

“Somewhere between a little and a lot.” The night hadn’t been a total disaster, just awkward on several levels.

“I’m sorry.” He wrapped his hand around my wrist. “Does that count for something?”

“I’m not sure yet. It depends on your explanation.”

“I have a good one.”

“Then spill it.”

He inserted his key into the door, waiting for the light to turn green before turning the door handle. There is something about watching a guy do that that makes you feel kind of naughty. It’s like no matter how old you are, walking into a hotel room with someone means one thing—sex. This is especially true late at night when you’ve both had at least one drink.

“So what’s your excuse?” I dropped my purse on the desk chair and sat down on the couch that would be Colin’s bed for the night.

“Gray got cold feet.”

“What? The night before the wedding?”

“Yeah. He was freaking out and threatening to call off the wedding.”

“He wasn’t stupid enough to tell Dara that, right?”

Colin looked uncomfortable. “Yeah, he was.”

“Oh shit.” The curse flew out of my mouth.

“Yeah, needless to say there was a mess to clean up.” He sat down next to me.

“How’d it end? Is there still a wedding?”

“I left the bride and groom kissing in the hotel lobby. I think it’s going to be okay.”

“Wow. She forgave him?”

“I think she was nervous too.” He slumped down a little on the couch so he could lean his head back. “I’m just glad that’s over.”

“Yeah. I bet.” I ran a finger over his hand.

He shifted, pulling his leg up on the couch so he could look at me. “But back to my original question. How much do you hate me?”

“I don’t. Getting ditched wasn’t fun, but I survived.”

“Good. I don’t want you mad at me.”

“I think your sister might be mad at me tomorrow.”


“I kicked her friends out of her room.”

He slipped off his shoes and removed his tie. Watching him make himself comfortable like that was a new experience. “Was there a particular reason for it?”

I didn’t want to get in the middle of anything, and I owed it to Carly to let her deal with it herself first. “I’ll let her tell you. It’s enough to say she’s alone in her bed sleeping. She might not feel great in the morning though.”
