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Shaken Not Stirred

Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology #1)(49)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Is this a bad time to tell you I’m not staying with you tonight?”

“What?” He slowed the car.

“It’s a joke.”

“I swear that humor of yours is going to kill me one of these days.”

“You just need to find a way to know when I’m joking.”

“I usually know, but not after a night like this one.”

I double checked my bag to make sure I had my glasses with me. “If you say so.”

“That was a crazy night.”

“You can say that again. I had to come face-to-face with the couple that propositioned me.”

Colin laughed. “I still can’t believe it. They seem like such conservative people.”

“I guess you don’t really know what someone’s private life is like. Besides, it’s not like they do this a lot. Maybe they’re trying to spice up their sex life.”

“We’re never going to need that.”

“Need what? An extra partner?” I ran my fingers through Colin’s dark hair.

“No. I mean I’m not worried about our sex life.”

“I’d hope not. It would be a bad sign if it was getting stale already.”

“It’s not that I wouldn’t try other things though, but I want it to be just us.”

“Other things?” I raised an eyebrow.

“How did Gabriel put it? You’re adventurous.”

“He assumed that because I was giving some guys a hard time at the bar.”

“Well, you know I’d have tractor sex if you’re missing that.”

“Mention the word ‘tractor’ one more time and you’ll be sleeping alone tonight.”

“Will I? I already passed your place.”

“I know.” I stretched out my legs. “But you have a nice guest room.”

“I’ll follow you in there.”

“Yeah? You’d follow me?”

“I’d follow you anywhere, baby.”

“Save the lines. You know you’re getting some.”

He grinned. “I know.”

“You rebounded from thinking I was dumping you fast.”

“I did, didn’t I?” He parked and came around to open my door.

“Did you really think I was going to break up with you?”

He took my hand, hurrying me up the stairs. He paused before unlocking the front door. “I didn’t know. Sometimes you’re a hard girl to read.”

“I can say the same thing about you—except you’re a guy.”

“How am I hard to read? I want you. Whether it’s talking over coffee, curled up watching a movie, or having amazing sex, I just want you. Don’t worry about reading anything else.”

“Nothing is ever that simple. Usually the things that seem the simplest on the surface are the most complicated.”

“Maddy?” He took my face in his hands.


“This really is simple.” He kissed me, pushing open the door at the same time.

Once inside, he closed the door and pushed me up against it. “Where do you want to have sex?”

If I could have stepped back, I would have. I was so startled by the question.


“No. Tonight got me thinking. Maybe I’m not making things adventurous enough.”

“Didn’t we already establish I wasn’t dumping you?” I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting him to start kissing me again.

“Still, we need to mix things up.”

“We had sex in your office last week, doesn’t that count?”

“That was desperation sex.”

“Desperation sex? Should I be insulted?”

“No. I mean, we were desperate for each other.”

“We haven’t taken a shower together…”

His eyes lit up “No, I guess we haven’t.”

I expected him to back up so I could move. Instead, he lifted me. He stopped by the kitchen counter to drop off his phone before hurrying us up the stairs.

Under the warm spray of the shower, the craziness of the night faded away. Colin’s lips and mouth never stopped roaming, and I didn’t want them to. I wanted him to touch every single part of me, and I wanted to touch him. His taste was still exciting, but it had also become a favorite comfort I craved. He pushed me up against the wall and I held him close, wanting no space between us.

Chapter Nineteen

Carly didn’t give any warning when she showed up on Colin’s doorstep. It was eight a.m. on a Saturday, and by some miracle, Colin wasn’t running in to work until later. Warm, and enjoying the feeling of waking up to an actual person in the bed next to me (I could count on one hand how often that happened with Colin), I wasn’t thrilled to hear the doorbell ring.

“Ugh. That better not be one of your roommates,” Colin groaned. Evidently, he wasn’t thrilled with the interruption either.

“Why would it be for me?”

“They’ve come by to get you to dive and stuff.” He stretched, settling his arm behind me.

“Diving in December? No thanks. This has to be for you.”

The doorbell rang again, followed by incessant knocking.

“Is that your way of telling me to get it?”

“It is your house.”

“Fine.” He kissed me lightly. “But you better be looking as adorable and naked when I get back.”

“Are you sure you want to go there? What if you disappear for ten hours? Still expect me to be naked?”

“You’re never going to let me off the hook for that, are you?”

“Maybe someday.” I ran my hand down his chest, hoping whoever was at the door would go away.

They didn’t. The knocking grew worse.

“I’ll be right back.”

“I hope so.” I bit my lip, aiming for a mix of sexy and coy—and hoping that no matter who it was, he’d send them away and get back to bed.

He groaned. “Please don’t move.”

He dressed quickly and walked out of the room, leaving the door open.

“What are you doing here?” Colin’s whine carried upstairs.

“Aren’t you happy to see your favorite little sister?” Carly’s heels echoed on the tile floor.

I jumped out of bed, quickly finding a t-shirt and jeans to throw on in case she walked upstairs. I hoped Colin would stop her before that, but from what I knew of Carly, she did what she wanted.

“I have company.”
