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Shalador's Lady

Shalador’s Lady (The Black Jewels #8)(117)
Author: Anne Bishop

Before he could bang on the door again—or break it down—it opened.

“Prince Theran,” Dryden said too courteously to be courteous.

“I want to see Cassidy.”

“If you will wait here, I will see if the Lady is at home.”

“Don’t give me that crap,” Theran snapped, bracing a hand against the door. “She’ll see me, and she’ll see me now.”

Dryden’s eyes blazed with anger, but his face and voice retained the butler poise. “I will see—”

*Theran? Theran! You will wait in the visitors’ parlor and be polite.*

Theran shoved at the door. “Shut up, Vae.”

She snarled at him. A moment later, someone else snarled. Behind him.

Purple Dusk against Green? He could take her down. But he was having trouble getting a sense of the Sceltie behind him.

If it was a Sceltie behind him.

The memory of those two big cats flashed through his mind.

“Fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’ll wait and be polite.”

Dryden and Vae escorted him to the visitors’ parlor. Dryden left. Vae stood guard—until Gray walked into the room.

How could a man change so much in a few months?Theran wondered. He recognized the face because it was so similar to his own. But he didn’t recognize the look in those green eyes—or that blend of power and assurance that was now part of Gray’s psychic scent.

“Cassie is not available,” Gray said. “Is there something I can do for you?”

It was the coldness in that voice that jabbed his temper. He called in the document and held it up. “Can you explain this?”

Gray flicked a glance at the paper. “You don’t want to be First Escort. I do. You don’t want to serve Cassie. I do.”

Theran’s jaw dropped. “You? Hell’s fire, Gray. Do you know what you’ve done?”

“Yes, I do.”

Kermilla will never forgive him.“You know Kermilla is going to become Queen in a couple of months. Signing on to serve Cassidy now is a slap in the face. She’ll never consider you for any kind of position in her court.”

“And I wouldn’t consider taking one,” Gray replied.

“Do you know what’s required of a man to stand as First Escort? Gray, you can’t do this.”

“I’ve spent the past few months training to be a First Escort, and I’m qualified to serve Queen and court in that position. What kind of training do you have, Theran?”


“I don’t see why you’re acting so pissy about this,” Gray said. “You’re up in Grayhaven. We’re down here. You haven’t fulfilled your duties to Queen or court for months now.”

“I wasn’t dancing to Cassidy’s tune, no, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working for the good of Dena Nehele.”

“That’s a matter of opinion.”

Stung past insult, Theran vanished the document and took a step back. Gray had made his choice, and may the Darkness have mercy on him.

“Is your position in the court official yet?” Theran asked.

Gray nodded. “I signed the contract this morning.”

Mother Night.

“Well, I guess I’m free to—”

“You still have a contract with this court,” Gray said. “You’re still in the First Circle.”

“Under the circumstances, I think it’s best if I resign.”

“You rule the town of Grayhaven on the Queen’s behalf. If you ask to be dismissed from the court and Cassidy grants the request, you not only give up your place in the court, you also give up the town and its tithes.”

Theran felt the blood drain out of his head. The only reason Kermilla was allowed to stay anywhere in Dena Nehele was that he ruled Grayhaven. If he lost the town, she could be driven out—or killed. He couldn’t risk that. Not when Cassidy’s contract would end in a couple of months, freeing him from these chains.

“You’re turning into a bastard, Gray.”

Gray smiled—and Theran saw the man who was comfortable around Daemon Sadi and Lucivar Yaslana—and the High Lord of Hell. Sadi couldn’t have played this hand any better.

“I guess I should call you Jared Blaed from now on,” Theran said.

“I guess you should.”

When he walked out of the boardinghouse, the Scelties were gone. So were Archerr and Shaddo. But Talon stood at the edge of the street, waiting for him.

“I’ll walk you back to the landing web,” Talon said.

“That’s not necessary.”

“Yes, it is.”

They walked halfway back before Theran spoke. “How did it go so wrong?”

“Everyone wants the same thing. They just aren’t seeing the same answer,” Talon replied.

“I’m worried about what’s going to happen to Gray.”

“Jared Blaed can take care of himself.”

“Why did he have to do this now?”

“He’s following his heart. Isn’t that what you’re doing?”

“That’s not the same.”

“No one ever thinks it is.”

They didn’t speak again until they reached the landing web.

“Take care of yourself, boy,” Talon said.

“Talon . . .” What could he say to keep the people who mattered to him out of harm’s way? “Cassidy isn’t going to be ruling for much longer.”

A long silence. Then Talon said quietly, “No, Cassidy isn’t going to be ruling Dena Nehele for much longer.”



She looks tired,Ranon thought as he watched Cassidy enter the meeting room and take her seat between him and Gray. Of course, they were all tired, but this past week seemed to drain spirit as well as energy from their Queen.

A week of meetings, a week of talking—a week where he’d watched strong men struggle with a fear bred from hope.

Gray had shown the steel in his spine and his potential to be a leader. The other Warlord Princes had seen it too, and Ranon wondered how much that would sway opinions.

The rest of the First Circle drifted into the room, looking alert enough, despite the early hour. Cassie had chosen this dawn meeting so that Talon could be with them and hear Powell’s report at the same time as the rest of the First Circle.

Talon took his seat opposite Gray, then nodded to Powell.

The Steward looked pale but excited as he laid five letters on the big meeting table.
