Read Books Novel


Shame (Ruin #3)(47)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“Damn it, Taylor.” I hated him. I’d never felt such hate for another human being in my entire existence; it was overpowering, exhilarating, terrifying.

I dropped the knife and dialed Wes’s number. He answered on the second ring.

“Anything?” I barked.

“Whoa, you alright?”

“Would you be alright?” I turned around as the sound of water splashing hit my ears. At least she wouldn’t hear our conversation; at least I’d had her leave before I lost complete control and scared her shitless.

“No,” Wes finally said. “I wouldn’t be, and sorry, we haven’t found any medical records. Nothing. I have my PI working on it. Gabe has his contacts working on it, but… it’s like he never existed. Though we did finally catch a break on the website.”


“Sure. I should have the information to you by tomorrow. Just do yourself a favor.”

“What?” My eyes were trained on Lisa’s body as she swam across the pool.

“You gotta tell her man.”

“No.” I shook my head. “No. I can’t.”

Wes sighed heavily, the puff of breath amplified over the phone connection. “Look, I’m not saying she’s going to take it well.”

“No shit.”

“But…” Wes continued, his tone making it clear he wasn’t receptive to an argument. “…can you imagine if she found out later? If she found out that you kept this epic secret from her?”

“That’s what you guys are for… to make sure she doesn’t find out. It will only hurt her more, and I’m done with my family hurting her. Done.”

“What exactly… are you doing then? Really. I’m curious.”

“Giving her exactly what she needs.”

“Which is?”

“Healing,” I said softly. “Look, I gotta run, but keep me posted.”

“Yeah… just… think about it, Tristan. That’s all I’m asking.”

“I will.” I wouldn’t. I hung up the phone and stared at the meat as it cooked in the pan. The past needed to stay buried, and I’d do anything to keep it that way, just like I’d do anything to keep that smile on Lisa’s face.

I finished cooking the meat and added in all the fixings for tacos. By the time I’d set the table, Lisa walked in, wrapped up in a fluffy towel, an easy smile across her face.

“Have fun?” I asked, matching my grin to hers.

She wrapped the towel tighter around her and plopped onto one of the barstools. “Your pool has two waterfalls.”


“And a slide.”


“And a diving board.”

“You gonna tell me all the things my hot tub has too?”

“I mean, a swim-up bar?” she said, ignoring me. “Can I just live in your pool forever?”

“Hmm…” I leaned forward bracing my hands on the counter. “…that depends. You gonna turn into a mermaid and go topless?”

Her eyes narrowed. “No.”

I shrugged. “Sorry, no deal.”


“No.” I chuckled and pointed at myself. “Honest man.”

She laughed with me. “Okay fine. That’s a valid point. At least you didn’t lie and say it was okay only if I wore a one piece and sombrero.”

“Yes to the sombrero, no to the one piece.” I shuddered. “Always no to the one piece.”

“Ah, he likes skin.”

“Only yours.”

I fought to keep my mouth from falling open as she dropped the towel lower, giving me an enticing view of her skin.

“Only yours.”

Her face flushed. She looked at the food and pointed. “So, tacos? Who told you?”

“Told me…” I raised my hands in a show of innocence. “…that you hated tacos? Shit, do you hate tacos?”

She grinned and started piling up her plate. “Nope, I love them. Next to pizza, best food ever created.”

“Thank God, you’re not a vegan, organic-loving, soy milk drinker.”

Lisa popped a chunk of ground beef in her mouth. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m more of a cheese-loving, hamburger-eating, whole-milk-drinking, potato chip cruncher.”

“Chip of choice?”

“Lay’s Sour Cream and Onion.” She rolled her eyes. “Like there’s any other choice.”

I nodded my approval. “And cheese?”

“All cheese. That’s not even a real question. You should know this by now.”

“Hamburger? With onions or without?”

“With, but I like the little crunchy ones that are fried and tend to permanently find their way onto your hips.”

“Yeah, I hate that.” I winked.

Lisa rolled her eyes and loaded up two tacos with sour cream. “And you?”

“Doritos… ranch.” I rubbed circles on my stomach and lifted my eyebrows in teasing. “Though I’ll eat anything with a crunch.”

Lisa paused before biting into her taco and chewing. “So you’d eat a crunchy spider or snail?”

“Only if I was dared…” I started making my own tacos. “And only if they had ranch on them.”




“You know this about me. Plus, Gouda always has the best labels, all expensive cheeses do.”

“Hopeless.” Lisa took another bite and wiped her mouth. “What about you? Hamburgers with or without onions?”

“Am I with you?”

“Umm… sure.”

“No onions.” As Lisa chuckled, her smile had me staring at her mouth for a good few seconds before I responded. “Or give me onions. Since you’ll be eating them, it wouldn’t make a difference anyway. I’d still kiss you… and I’d still really enjoy it.” And that was the truth.

That was the last of the food talk. Lisa averted her eyes and chewed while I tried to wrack my brain for more ideas to keep her with me rather than drop her back at the school.

From her purse came the sound of her ringtone. Damn it. I hated phones. Always interrupting things, interrupting us. I wondered if she’d be pissed if I threw her entire purse into the pool and took her with me, stopping all interruptions for good.

She wiped her hands on the napkin and pulled out her phone. After reading through it, she groaned. “Ugh, Jack.”
