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Shock & Awe

He felt Nick growl, the sound thrilling him down to his toes. He began to smile, laughing and desperately trying not to. “I’m sorry,” he tried sincerely. He began to laugh harder, pulling his sticky hand away from Nick’s hair. “I’m sorry I did it. And I’m even more sorry I’m laughing. I can’t stop though.”

Nick was silent for a moment, fuming. Then he shook his head and pulled Kelly back to him. “Fuck it,” he snarled, delving into another kiss. He pulled Kelly toward the bathroom.

Kelly had to stand on his toes to wrap his arms around Nick’s neck to kiss him. He didn’t mind, though. It was kind of hot, actually, the height difference. Everything about Nick was hotter than the surface of the sun, and Kelly had to wonder why in the f**k he’d never noticed before. He pulled at the back of Nick’s T-shirt, getting egg all over it. Nick stopped and yanked it over his head, pressing their bare chests together.

Kelly dragged his fingers across the oversized tattoo on Nick’s shoulder, making him shiver.

“Gross,” Nick groaned, then pulled Kelly through the bathroom door and into the shower stall. He pushed Kelly against the cold tiles, holding him there as he turned the shower nozzle away from them.

“You’re still wearing your jeans,” Kelly told him, smirking.

Nick’s eyes were blazing when he met Kelly’s, and it was quite obvious that he didn’t care what got wet as long they were both naked and writhing when the water turned on. Nick grinned, and they both began to laugh. He quickly got out of his jeans and boxers, tossing them aside without breaking eye contact. There was something so intense just under the surface, Kelly was mesmerized. He’d seen it before, but only in battle. And last night. And the night before.

He shivered and raked his eyes up and down Nick’s naked body. Even a decade after their last deployment, Nick hadn’t changed much. He was still in peak physical condition, but his muscles were bulkier now. He’d injured his knee near the end, and he’d chosen to give up running, putting that energy into free weights instead.

Nick moved closer, pushing the tip of his nose along Kelly’s cheek as he pressed their chest together gently. Over the sound of his blood rushing through his ears and Nick’s harsh breath against his lip, Kelly heard the bell downstairs that signaled a car pulling up the gravel drive.

“What the f**k is that?” Nick ground out.

“Someone’s here.”

“You’ve got to be shitting me.” Nick turned the water on quickly, ducking under it despite the fact that it was freezing cold, and washed the egg out of his hair. Then he stepped out of the shower, gathering his jeans up and stalking out of the bathroom.

Kelly was left alone as the water slowly warmed, mildly turned on and amused. He held his hand out to wash it clean, then stepped under the spray to at least wash the top layer of dirt off. He took his time getting dressed, because he didn’t really have any other choice. And he took even more time getting down the stairs because tumbling down them didn’t sound fun.

When he pushed through the front door, Nick was standing on the deck, shielding his eyes as he peered down the driveway. He’d thrown a flannel shirt on but hadn’t buttoned it, and a gun was stuffed in the small of his back.

Nick’s cell phone began to chime from the kitchen. The song was one Kelly recognized for Ty, but he didn’t move to answer it. Someone coming down his driveway was unusual enough to warrant his undivided attention.

The car finally broke the ridge and came into sight, trailing dust and gravel. It was a government issue SUV.

“Son of a bitch,” Nick hissed.

“Maybe it’s a follow-up interview or something.”

Nick squared his shoulders, rolling them and sort of unfurling. Kelly grinned. He’d always loved watching Nick prepare for battle. It was like watching a dog bristle. Kelly moved out onto the deck, standing shoulder to shoulder with him, waiting.

The car came to a stop where the driveway ended, next to Kelly’s truck. The passenger door popped open, but it wasn’t a man in a suit like Kelly expected. It was a Marine.

He peered up at Nick as the driver, another Marine, rounded the front of the car.

“Staff Sergeant Nicholas O’Flaherty?” the man questioned.

Nick stiffened as Kelly’s blood ran cold.

“That’s right.”

The Marine came closer, standing at the bottom of the stairs. “It’s an honor to meet you, Staff Sergeant.” He waited a beat for Nick to respond, but when Nick didn’t, he stepped closer, handing Nick a blue packet of papers. “Staff Sergeant, I’m here to inform you you’ve been recalled to active duty.”

“What the hell?” Kelly blurted.

Nick was silent, reading the orders. He finally nodded, his jaw tight. “Thank you, Sergeant.”

Kelly stared for a moment before taking a step forward. He had to grip the railing as he shook all over. “What about mine?”

The Marine hesitated, glancing at his companion.

Nick put a hand on Kelly’s shoulder, squeezing. “Kels,” he whispered.

“I’m sorry, sir,” the Marine said. “We have no other orders to deliver.”

“No, no, if the team is being called back, I’m going with them,” Kelly shouted. “Kelly Abbott, check your goddamned orders again!”

Nick moved to stand in front of him, putting a hand on his hip as Kelly tried to go down the steps after the two Marines. “Kelly, stop. Stop!”

Kelly shoved at him, trying to break free, still shouting at the Marines. “You can’t take my team without me! You can’t send them back without me!”

Nick wrapped him up, glancing over his shoulder. “Go!” he shouted at the two men.

They hurried to obey, retreating to their SUV.

“Kelly, stop,” Nick pleaded, his voice breaking as he held Kelly tighter. “Please, stop. Doc.”

Kelly collapsed against him as the car pulled away. He lowered his head, resting it against Nick’s shoulder as he let out an anguished shout. Nick was truly holding him up now. Kelly didn’t care if he was standing or not. His team. His boys. He was supposed to be there with them.

“I’m sorry,” Nick whispered. “I’m sorry, Doc.”

Kelly lifted his head and shoved away from him, but Nick wouldn’t let him go. He pulled him into a hug, placing Kelly’s head under his chin and holding him tight.

“I know what you just did,” Kelly whispered. He relaxed into Nick’s protective embrace. Nicked hummed questioningly. “You weren’t holding me back. You were holding me up.”
