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Shock & Awe

Nick laughed, kissing Kelly one more time before he got to his hands and knees. Kelly shoved at his boxers, pushing them down to his thighs. With the material out of the way, his fingers dragged back across Nick’s hips and up his ribs.

Nick hovered over him, meeting his eyes and trying to read just how serious he was. Kelly was the same person who’d insisted it would be fun to BASE jump the Grand Canyon and had begged Nick to go with him to Nicaragua to go volcano boarding. He never thought things through to their natural end. That was Nick’s job. “Reaching the point of no return on this.”

“I’ve been awake for an hour, Nick. Couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

Nick’s breath caught. Kelly’d been lying awake thinking about this. Thinking about him. Any reservations that had remained went out the window with that. Nick shoved away from him so he could tug his sleep bottoms down for him. He didn’t even try to get the pants all the way off, just pulled them to Kelly’s knees before bending his head to place a kiss at Kelly’s hip.

Kelly’s entire body jerked and he gasped, reaching down to grab a handful of Nick’s hair. Nick glanced up and grinned as he met Kelly’s eyes. Kelly was watching him, biting his tongue. Nick ducked his head to lick at him, but Kelly’s hand in his hair stopped him. His nerves tumbled, and Nick looked up again, expecting to see indecision on Kelly’s face. Instead, Kelly was smiling.

“Better make it good,” Kelly drawled. “No pressure.”

Nick grunted at him. Yeah. He did need to make it good. In case this was the only chance Kelly gave him. And in case it wasn’t . . .

“And no biting!”

“You have more rules than the Marine Corps,” Nick mumbled. “Shut up.”

To make his point, he dragged his teeth across Kelly’s hip bone and bit down. Kelly was still squirming and cussing at him when Nick took his c**k into his mouth and all the way to the back of his throat in one swift motion.

“Holy Jesus!” Kelly cried, and his other hand landed on Nick’s shoulder. The sound of the slap echoed off the loft’s sloped ceiling. Nick raised his head slowly, letting Kelly’s c**k slide between his lips, curling his tongue around the head before he licked at the tip one last time and looked up at Kelly again.

Kelly wasn’t smiling anymore. “You can bite,” he gasped as he began to kick out of his pajama bottoms. “You can do whatever the f**k you want to.”

“Good to know,” Nick purred, smirking. “What I want to do isn’t really on the table yet.”

Kelly’s chest heaved with the deep breaths he was taking. Nick slid a hand under his thigh and raised his leg, remembering to be careful as he hefted it onto his shoulder. He bent his head and licked at the crease of Kelly’s thigh. They shared a grin, and Kelly began to chuckle.

“I remember sharing a wall with you, O’Flaherty. I know how dirty you are.”

Nick nodded and licked at the head of his cock, sucking it into his mouth. He sucked until Kelly’s hand tightened in his hair again, then he forced Kelly’s c**k to the back of his throat and swallowed around it. Kelly shouted, starting to cuss and call Nick names he usually only heard when they were playing paintball.

He sucked Kelly up and down one last time and then pushed at his leg, rolling Kelly’s hips back. He licked at his balls and then moved his lips over them, massaging them, humming as he did it. Kelly’s leg began to tighten over his shoulder, and Nick took the cue and sucked one of his balls into his mouth.

“Son of a bitch! Fuck! How are you doing that?”

Nick hummed in response, and Kelly began to writhe. He twisted, his heel digging into Nick’s spine, his hand pulling Nick’s hair hard enough that Nick raised his head. He grabbed Kelly’s wrist and jerked it away from his hair, pinning it to the mattress beside Kelly’s hip.

“Tell me to stop if you need to,” he growled. “But don’t pull my f**king hair out.”

Kelly nodded fervently.

Nick began to stroke his cock, using the hand he had wrapped around Kelly’s thigh. He sucked on his finger as Kelly watched him from under lowered lashes.

“This gonna hurt?” Kelly asked.

“I won’t hurt you,” Nick whispered. He pressed his wet finger against the muscles around Kelly’s ass**le, not hard enough to enter him, just to let him feel something there.

Kelly’s heel dug into his back. His fingers clutched at the sheet beside him. “God, that feels weird!”

Nick shook his head and dragged his palm over Kelly’s thigh. “You are way too tense for that,” he muttered.

He let Kelly’s leg slide down his arm, then he crawled up Kelly’s body, sliding his c**k against Kelly’s leg, careful not to settle his weight on Kelly’s abdomen.

“I’m not tense,” Kelly argued as soon as Nick was looking him in the eyes again. “I’m just trying not to f**king come all over you two seconds after you touched me. How the hell did you do the swallowing thing?”

Nick laughed, lowering himself, careful to avoid Kelly’s wound as he stretched out against his body. Kelly was shorter than him by a few inches and more compact, but he was all hard muscle and dry wit.

“You realize coming all over me is sort of what I’m going for, right?”

Kelly breathed out hard. His hand came to rest against Nick’s ribs, then dragged lower, shoving between their bodies. Nick had to push up to let him reach between them, and then Kelly’s fingers were wrapping around his cock. Nick’s breath stuttered and his eyes fell shut. He lowered his head to press his forehead against Kelly’s. Their noses smashed together. Kelly lifted his chin for a kiss, then began to stroke Nick, his lips mimicking the lazy rhythm. Nick groaned.

“You’re so f**king hot, you know that?” Kelly whispered.

“I bet you tell that to all your oldest friends as you’re jacking them off.”

Kelly snickered and arched his back, seeking contact. “No, just you.”

Nick propped himself on one elbow and sought Kelly’s c**k with his other hand. Their knuckles brushed as they gripped each other. Nick thrust his hips into Kelly’s.

Kelly bit at Nick’s lip, smiling. “You remember that trip to San Diego when we shared a hotel room and you hooked up with that freaky blonde?”

Nick grunted, nodding. “Odd time to bring it up.”

“I watched you,” Kelly admitted, closing his eyes. “Whenever I need to get off, I think about that night. I always thought it was the girl, but now I’m thinking maybe . . .”
