Read Books Novel

Sinful Rapture

Holly took an instinctive step away from his looming form, pressing her back against the expensive automobile.

His sister? Was he out of his mind?

Not only did she look like she’d just crawled out of bed after spending the night making mad, passionate love to this man, but you didn’t take a woman to meet your sister.

Not unless…

Her brain couldn’t even form the thought.

“I can’t intrude on your family,” she breathed.

He arched a brow at her obvious horror. “I’ll warn you now that my family doesn’t understand the word ‘intrude.’ We wander in and out of each other’s lives without regard for privacy.”

His words did nothing to comfort her.

“How many of your siblings live in Vegas?”

He shrugged. “All of them.”

Holy shit. “Oh.”

“Yeah.” His lips twisted. “I know.”

Before she could insist that they leave, the door to the house was slammed open and a tiny bundle of energy came hurtling in their direction.

“Liam.” The female who looked to be in her late twenties had Liam’s russet hair, although hers was pulled into a long ponytail, and the same strong features. Her eyes, however, were more hazel than green, and her mouth easily curved into a warm smile. With obvious affection she tossed herself into Liam’s waiting arms, giving him a loving hug before she pulled away to study Holly with a searching gaze. “And Holly.” She sent her brother a teasing smile. “It’s about time you brought her around.”

He rolled his eyes. “Behave yourself, imp.”

Holly frowned in confusion. “I’m sorry, have we met?”

Mary chuckled. “Not officially, but I’ve seen your picture in the papers, and Liam speaks about you so often we all feel as if you’re a part of the family.”

Holly glanced toward Liam, startled to discover a line of red on his high cheekbones.

She’d known that he wanted her in his bed.

It wasn’t as if he’d ever kept his desire a secret.

But the thought that he’d actually discussed her with his family was…

She waited for the anger. The outrage. The righteous indignation.

But it didn’t come.

Instead, a dangerous warmth was beginning to replace the hollow sense of betrayal deep in her heart.

“Sisters,” Liam muttered, shaking his head. “Can’t live with them, can’t drown them at birth.”

“You know you love me,” Mary teased.

With an easy familiarity that Holly deeply envied, Liam leaned down to kiss the tip of Mary’s nose.

Although she’d developed a relationship with Luc over the past five years, Holly knew they would never be as close as siblings who’d been raised together.

“I do, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to throttle you on occasion,” Liam informed his sister.

With a chuckle, Mary turned to head toward the house. “Come in.”

Reaching out, Liam threaded their fingers together as they followed the vivacious woman into the lovely home.

Holly had a fleeting glimpse of tiled floors, stucco walls, and rattan furniture as Mary headed directly into the large kitchen that overlooked the in-ground pool out back.

Casual and homey seemed to be Mary’s motto, Holly decided.

Even her pretty yellow sundress was well worn, without one designer label in sight.

Not exactly what she would have expected from the sister of one of the richest men in the country, but Holly instantly liked her.

“Eric is in his office,” Mary told Liam, moving to the stainless steel fridge to start pulling out eggs and milk. Clearly this wasn’t the first time her older brother had stopped by expecting breakfast. “Go pester him.”

Liam frowned. “Holly—”

“Will be fine with me,” Mary firmly interrupted, sending Holly a wink.

Heaving a sigh, Liam headed toward the glass doors that led to the back patio.

“Fine,” he conceded defeat. “But I expect blueberries in my pancakes.”

Holly swallowed a rueful sigh as she watched him leave the kitchen.

She’d spent so long trying to turn Liam into the enemy, she’d refused to acknowledge his finer qualities.

She didn’t want to see that he was always fair as a boss, that he was loyal to his staff, and generous to a number of charities.

And now she was being forced to realize he was also devoted to his family.


That warmth in her heart began to spread.

She was in trouble.


The office that was built at the far side of the pool was private enough to avoid interruptions, but Liam was barely paying attention as Eric gave a brief overview of the latest accounts for Conner’s Irish Pubs.

The blond-haired CPA had joined the business shortly after marrying Mary three years ago, and with his obvious drive and ambition he’d swiftly earned Liam’s trust to take over the accounts for the pubs, while three of Liam’s younger brothers and one sister were the day-to-day managers.

When Liam had impulsively promised Holly breakfast, he’d somehow thought he could kill two birds with one stone.

He could ensure Holly was distracted by his vivacious sister while he read through the tedious tax reports that Eric had been nagging at him to complete.

Unfortunately his concentration was shot to hell.

Damn Theodore Wentworth Junior.

The bastard just had to get in one last spiteful gesture.

When he tracked him down—and he would track him down—Liam intended to beat the shit out of the weasel.

At last reaching the end of the report, Liam hastily signed his name and shoved himself to his feet.

“Is that all?” he demanded with obvious impatience.

Eric rose from behind his desk, his blue eyes twinkling with humor.

“Would it matter?”

Liam headed toward the door. “No.”

“You got it bad, bro,” Eric teased, following Liam as he made a straight line across the patio to the nearby house.

Liam snorted. The one-time surfer boy had been wrapped around Mary’s little finger for years.

“And you don’t?”

Eric shrugged, a goofy smile curving his lips. “I was a goner the day Mary dumped the plate of corned beef in my lap when I pinched her ass.”

Liam elbowed his friend in the side. “You’re lucky I wasn’t there.”

Reaching the French doors, Liam unconsciously came to a halt, studying the dark-haired beauty who was seated at the breakfast bar, her head tilted back as she laughed at something his sister had said.
