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Single by Saturday

Single by Saturday (The Weekday Brides #4)(3)
Author: Catherine Bybee

“Hon?” Karen captured Mike’s attention. “The caterers are ready to serve.”

Michael placed his arm over Karen’s shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “Thanks.”

Zach had seen the move from Michael before. It certainly appeared as if Karen and Mike’s marriage was happy.

“Can you excuse us for a second, Zach?”

“It’s your party, I’m just crashing.”

Mike waved at the disc jockey, who turned down the volume on the music playing in the background.

Zach had found a beer and sipped it now as he watched his brother welcome his guests and thank them all for coming. When he drew Karen next to his side and thanked her for being his wife, Zach found himself looking away. He noticed Samantha, Karen’s friend, watching him before she diverted her gaze.

A few guests started mumbling to his right, catching Zach’s attention. “Wonder how long it can possibly last.”

“It’s hard to get sick of your spouse when he’s never home. Hasn’t he been on location nine of the past twelve months?”

Zach sipped his beer and continued to eavesdrop. “At least. And he’s headed out next month for another three.”

He spared a glance and recognized an anorexic actress he’d seen, but couldn’t name, talking with an older woman who appeared to love her Botox.

“I hear he’s scored over thirty million on his next film. I’d let my husband travel wherever the studio wanted him to for that.”

Disgusted, Zach forced his attention away from the gossiping movie stars and circled the edges of the courtyard.

Samantha caught his attention and brought him into her circle of friends, who were all chatting after Mike and Karen started the line at the buffet.

“Zach, I’d like you to meet some friends of Karen and Michael’s. My husband, Blake Harrison. His sister Gwen and her husband, Neil MacBain.” Zach shook the men’s hands, happy he didn’t recognize any of them.

“Are you actors?” he asked.

Gwen laughed. “Not everyone here is in the industry.” Gwen’s British accent laced her words.

“I’m in shipping,” Blake offered.

Samantha snuggled into her husband’s side, obviously very in love with the man. “He’s also a duke, but we refuse to call him Your Grace.”

Blake rolled his eyes.

“We do when he pisses us off,” Gwen said.

“A duke, seriously?”

Blake sipped his cocktail and shrugged. “Can’t pick your parents.”

Samantha indicated the linebacker that stood by Gwen’s side. “Neil is in private security.”

That, Zach could buy. The man was huge; his narrow gaze took in everyone around them, and Zach guessed he was armed to the teeth.

“There you are!” A voice rose behind them, twisting Zach around.

The couple coming at him didn’t need an introduction. He leaned toward Neil. “Is that the governor?”


“Damn, didn’t think Mike knew everyone in this state.”

“Actually, we’ve been friends with Karen longer than Michael. Hence the reason we’re huddled together talking about everyone around us.”

“Eliza, Carter, this is Michael’s brother, Zach.”

Zach shook the governor’s hand and offered the same to his wife. It would have been easy to feel out of place, but the group offered explanations to Zach as they talked among themselves.

“I didn’t know Michael had a brother,” Carter managed.

“One brother and three sisters,” Samantha blurted out.

Zach narrowed his eyes and noticed Gwen nudge the petite redhead.

“I think that’s what Michael said.” Samantha glanced at the ground. “Is that right?”


“Are we still on for the park tomorrow?” Eliza briskly changed the subject. “I haven’t seen Delanie since the christening.”

Samantha removed her cell phone from her purse and the women huddled around it in what Zach recognized as the ceremonial showing off of the baby pictures.

His older sister, Rena, had two of her own, and there was no escaping the latest digital photograph if Zach so much as missed a Sunday dinner with the family.

“Eliza! Carter! You guys made it.” Karen stepped into the growing circle and embraced her friends.

“Of course we made it.”

Karen offered a polite smile to Zach as she glanced between the ladies. “Why are you guys not eating? I slaved over the menu, and most of the women here are worried about gaining an ounce.”

“I’m going to eat, don’t worry,” Eliza said.

A waiter approached the party and offered flutes of champagne. The group took up a glass each and started to sip.

Beside Zach, Neil whisked the glass out of his wife’s hand. “Not for you, Princess.”

Gwen’s face lit up with shock. “Oh, my. I almost forgot.”

The group went quiet.

“Forgot what?”

Gwen bit her lower lip. “Ah, nothing. This is Karen and Michael’s party.”

Then, as if the women were all talking to each other in their heads, Karen let out a squeal. “Oh. My. God. You’re pregnant!”

When there wasn’t a quick denial, the group became overwhelmingly animated with the obviously shocking news.

“We were going to wait to say anything.” Gwen accepted a hug from Karen.

“That’s stupid.”

“But this is your anniversary party.”

Karen rolled her eyes. “Please, Gwen. It’s Michael and me.” Then, as if Karen remembered Zach was there, she abruptly stopped talking and let the others crowd in to offer their congratulations.

Zach, not knowing what to say other than the obvious, offered his congratulations to the father-to-be.

“You’re next.” Samantha pointed a finger at the first lady.

“Gee, thanks. Talk about pressure.”

Because something about this whole group was bothering him, Zach asked, “What about you, Karen? Are you and Mike going to have kids?”

Silence met his ears. For a brief moment, he wondered if maybe there was something terribly wrong with his question. Could she have kids? Could his brother? But there wasn’t pain in Karen’s face when she smiled at him, more of a resolve. “I don’t think anytime soon.”

With that, the group steered the conversation far away from Karen having children and on to other subjects.

The entire introduction to his brother’s wife was laced with more questions than answers.
