Read Books Novel

Sleeping with the Boss

“This is not fair,” she said.

“You want me, Heather. I’m here. Yours for the taking.” He moved closer invading her space once again. She didn’t know how he stopped her from thinking. When he was near her ability to process thoughts diminished.

“Only for a short time, Julian. I don’t want to be a quick f**k.”

“Then we don’t be a quick f**k. We can be something else,” he said. He caught her face between his much larger hands.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to lose you. I want to explore this.”

“What? Fuck-buddies?”

“No. I want you to be mine for as long as it takes.”

She frowned, not understanding what he wanted. “I don’t get it. What were all those other women to you?”

“A distraction.”

“You want to date me?”

“Yes, I’ll date you on your terms.” He kissed her lips ever so gently. “I don’t want to lose whatever this is.”

“You’ve never had to come to a woman’s house before?”

Julian shook his head. Heather didn’t know what to think. On the one hand it has been what she’d dreamed about since the moment she met him. On the other, how could she give herself to a man who couldn’t commit to her?

“What if it doesn’t work?”

“You’re free to work out your notice, and I’ll guarantee you another job elsewhere.” He rubbed his thumb along her lip. “Please, Heather. Consider what I’m offering you.”

“That’s the thing. I don’t know exactly what you’re offering me.” She held his hand in hers. “You were arguing about me dancing on Friday. Then we were shouting, and then we were ha**ng s*x on your desk. I’ve been working for you for over two years now, and in all of that time you haven’t treated me in any way other than as an employee. What has changed your tune?”

“Do you really think there has been nothing going on between us?”

She nodded her head. What else could she say? Her time with him was spent doing work or getting his laundry or buying gifts for his ungrateful girlfriend. How could she believe he had had a change of heart?

“No other woman in my life has spent so much time with me, Heather.”

“I’m your personal assistant. It’s required of me.”

“To a certain extent, yes, but not all the time. There have been meetings abroad and dinners I’ve taken you to purely because I didn’t want you to leave my side,” he said.

Her mouth opened in shock. She didn’t know how to close it. There had been many dinners and trips over the past couple of years where he’d demanded her presence rather than requested it.

“What about your women? There have been many items of jewellery I’ve gotten for you over the years. At least six. What were they if you don’t cheat on women, Julian?” Her hands were on her h*ps as she argued her side. There was no way she’d give up everything because he asked her to. The love she felt for him was strong but not strong enough to throw herself at him.

“We work well together. I’ve never had a more efficient and hard working PA before. Your skills in the work-place meant a great deal to me. There were many times I wanted to change it, Heather. Last Friday being a very good example.”

“What about last Friday?” she asked. The episode with her dancing kept cropping up.

“I couldn’t stand the thought of another man touching you. All I wanted to do was pull you off the floor and make you mine.”

The possessiveness he displayed shocked her. Julian always seemed so put together as a man. He was in control and the leader. She began to see a whole other side of him.

“I was just dancing.”

“You were shaking your ass for someone other than me.” He cupped her butt making her squeal as he gave her a light slap.

“I’ve been going out dancing with my friends all the time I’ve been working for you.”

“There is a difference between that time and now.”

“What?” she asked. His masculine scent threatened to drive her insane with longing. He smelt so damn good. His scent was a combination of male sweat and expensive perfume. She giggled when she thought of Julian wearing perfume. The word sounded so feminine when compared to the very masculine man in front of her.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. You were saying?”

“When you were out dancing before I didn’t know about it. Now I do, and I don’t like it,” he said.

“But I like dancing.”

“Then I’ll take you.”

“Are you a possessive kind of ass**le? Because if you are we can end this now.”

You want him, possessive crap and all.

“Only when it comes to you. I’ve never felt this way about another person.”

The sound of the door going interrupted them.

“I need an answer. Do you want to date me?”


“What about work? People will talk, and I don’t want that kind of stigma attached to my name. I work hard for the position I’m in. I don’t want my work to look less because of me dating the boss.”

“Then it will be between us. You’ll be sleeping with the boss.”

Heather didn’t know what to say. She was saved from saying anything when Elijah and Amber walked into the kitchen.

“Are you staying for pizza?” Elijah asked.

“Sure, if I’m allowed to stay.” Julian turned back to her. Her body was humming with sexual awareness. She’d just agreed to have an affair with the boss. Ignoring her own warnings she nodded her head. Heather gazed down at her attire. There was no point changing. She took a seat at the table as Amber grabbed plates and glasses. She handed a soda to her then a plate. Julian and Elijah dug in without any plates, their conversation turning to football. Amber sat next to her nibbling on the crust of a pizza.

“What’s going on?” she whispered.

Heather glared at her and shook her head. She’d talk to her when the man in question was well out of ear-shot.

No matter how many times she tried not to think about it she would be having an affair with the boss. Julian wanted her. It was like she’d fallen asleep and not woken up. How many dreams had she dreamt over the years that featured something like this? Lots. When they were finished Amber escorted Julian into the sitting room until she was finished washing up. Elijah helped him clear the dishes.
