Read Books Novel

Sleeping with the Boss

The image of his slick c**k disappearing inside her wet slit set him off. With a deep guttural growl he erupted. He fisted his c**k in a quick beat, and his cum shot up his belly. Julian rode the wave of pleasure, Heather at the forefront of his mind.

Only when the pleasure began to recede did he pull away. He lay back on the sheets, sweaty and spent. His heart raced from masturbating, but his need for a f**k left him wanting more.

His sudden obsession with his personal assistant made him uncomfortable. Women were his distraction in the world. They were not designed for him to become distracted about. Shaking his head in disgust, he went to the towels in the basket and used one to wipe the evidence of his weakness away.

After he cleaned himself up, he took another shower then went back to bed. In the morning Heather would be all his. He’d f**k her out of his system, and like all the women before her, she’d join the pile of women he’d used.

A jolt in his heart made him pause in his thinking. Julian rubbed at the pain in his chest wondering what the cause could be. He had no feelings for Heather and refused to believe anything other than a good time could come from their time together. When work came Heather would be his, and this obsession would run its course.

Julian was sure of it.

Chapter Seven

Her palms were sweaty, and her skirt felt too tight. She refused to believe the tub of ice-cream she’d consumed last night could affect her shape so quickly. Her weight was a never-ending pain in the ass. All she needed to do was look in the same direction as a fudgy chocolate cake, and her h*ps doubled in size. If she chose to eat the cake then her h*ps would triple. Her weight was unfair to her.

Three other people rode the elevator with her, a thin woman and two men. She felt she should have taken the stairs. Heather stood in the corner of the elevator wishing she’d gotten to work earlier. Of all the days for her to be late to work, why did it have to be this one? She’d set her alarm but forgotten to increase the volume. What good was an alarm when it was on f**king mute?

Shaking her head she glanced down at her watch to see she was an hour late. She’d agreed to have an affair with her boss, who happened to be the man she loved, and she was late. Staying up until two in the morning chatting with her friend had been a big mistake. She knew Amber was looking out for her, but she wanted to be with Julian, even if she didn’t like the way she was going about it.

The elevator pinged for the second time. The three occupants walked out leaving Heather alone with her troubled thoughts. She wasn’t the type of woman to sleep around at all. What Julian was offering her was crap. There was no way to look at what he offered as anything but crap. No love, no promises, just a lot of sex without any chance of commitment.

She tapped her foot waiting for the elevator to ping for her own floor. Julian would make her work over at the end of her shift. When she’d phoned reception to let them know she knew the sound of sympathy when she heard it. The women on the front had given her the sympathy look the moment she walked in. Her future looked bleak.

The elevator pinged, and then the door slid open. She smiled at several colleagues as she made her way to the desk. Julian was waiting at the entrance to his office. He stared at her while she put her bag and jacket away.

“Get the coffee, and then close the door when you come in,” he said before she got the chance to argue with him. Nodding her head at the vacant spot, she ran to the office rest room. She made his coffee the way he liked it, then all but ran back to his office.

She closed the door then went to the desk placing his coffee down next to him.

“You’re late,” he said, his voice harsh as he spoke.

“I know. I slept through my alarm. Then Elijah took the keys, and I couldn’t get out of my own home until he came back. It was a nightmare. I’m sorry.” She bit her lip as he stared at her. He had the same blank expression on his face like the ones she’d seen him use in the boardroom. She felt sorry for the men on the receiving end of that intense gaze.

“This is the first time you’ve been late?”

“Yes, I don’t make a habit of it. You know that.”

He nodded his head. “Come here.”

She hesitated for a second. Why did he want her to get closer? Then finding her nerves annoying she went straight to him. He stood up, swamping her with his size and presence. She gasped as he cupped her face, tilting her head back to gaze into her eyes.

“You’re so jumpy.”

“It is not every day a woman agrees to sleep with her boss.” Her body was melting under his touch. She craved his touch more than she did her next chocolate bar. This was her problem. She knew he was a “love ‘em and leave ‘em” kind of guy, and yet she was still panting for him. What was wrong with her? Was she a glutton for pain? There was only one possible way this could end, with her in pain.

“You’d be surprised at how many women do,” he said.

“Really? This is an everyday occurrence?” She shook her head, not believing a word he said. He still held her face between his hands. She liked his hands on her body. They were larger than hers. For the first time she felt small compared to a man. She hated it when she felt like a flump. No matter what others said, she would always be conscious of her weight.

“I think it happens more than you give it credit for.” He stroked her cheek. She closed her eyes, enjoying his gentleness. “Think about it. Two people, a man and a woman, working closely together for days, weeks, and months. An attraction is bound to happen with all that time together.”

“So you think that is what this is between us? Time spent together has grown into an attraction?” she asked. If he said yes she’d find life so unfair. Her attraction towards him had been building since she first met him.

“We’ll soon find out.”

“How?” His thumb stroked along her bottom lip. With his hands on her, Heather struggled to concentrate on anything other than his closeness. One tiny step would have her body pressed against his. She was scared to make that next step. The desk where they’d had sex was next to her thigh. She felt the heat of the evidence against her hip as strongly as she felt the attraction towards the man in front of her.

“We’ll see how long this lasts.”

“But how would that help?”

“Because if it doesn’t fizzle out then we know it is more than time keeping us together. Now, I’m going to kiss you.”

He pressed his lips to hers. The touch of their lips was gentle to start. A moan escaped her as he cupped the back of her neck, the pressure of his hands making her gasp. Her lips parted, and he took full advantage by sliding his tongue inside.
