Read Books Novel

Sleeping with the Boss

“Are you ready to leave?”


Together they rode the elevator down to the main parking area. The parking area was deserted. His car was the only one that remained.

“You didn’t bring your car?” he asked.

“No. It is another reason why I was late.”

Julian opened the passenger door for her, helping her get in before shutting the door. He went round to his side then climbed in beside her. He started the car, then pulled out of his space and out of the building. Neither said anything as he drove around the busy city streets towards his house. He lived on the outskirts of town. He owned several houses and apartments all around the world. His apartment wouldn’t be appropriate as his house gave them more privacy.

He saw the pale flesh of her knee exposed. Moving his hand off his own, he cupped her knee. She jumped but didn’t push him away.

“We’ve known each other for some time, Heather. You don’t need to be jumpy around me.”

“I’ll try to remember that.”

The drive lasted about thirty minutes, and then he was pulling into his drive. The lights were off inside his house, the night air chilly as he parked the car. He got out and went to help Heather out.

She shivered at the cold. He moved towards his door, unlocked it, and escorted her inside.

“I’ll put the heating on. You’ll be warm within no time.”

“I didn’t pack anything,” she said.


“I didn’t go home and pack some clothes.”

“I’ll drop you off at home while you change. I didn’t want to risk you going home and being warned against me by your friends.”

She nodded her head.

“Are you hungry? I know I am.”


“Then follow me.”

He took her through to his kitchen, switching on lights as he did.

“I think a BLT is in order.”

“You know what a BLT is?” she asked.

“Take a seat, little lady. I heard your friend order it. I knew I needed one as well, and I get to show off my cooking skills.” He rolled his sleeves up his arms, then grabbed what he needed from the fridge. The grill was turned on to high with the bacon sizzling underneath as he began slicing tomatoes.

“I’m impressed already.”


“I figured you’d have a person to make your tea and cook you dinner. A housekeeper or butler or something.”

“I love my privacy too much. I have a couple of cleaners come in twice a week, but other than that, this place is all mine.” He cut the bread off the loaf then began to assemble the BLT.

He felt her eyes on him, and he liked it. The attention she gave him made him crave more. What would she do if he took off his shirt? He smiled. There would be time for seduction later.

“Here you go. One BLT and a cold beer.” He gave her a plate and a bottle.

“Thank you.”

Julian took the seat next to her and took a bite out of his sandwich. It was perfect.

“Wow, you can cook well.”

“What about you? Do you have kitchen skills?”

“Yes, I’m the best of my friends, so they come to me for food. We also go to Wade’s regularly.”

“I like his place. He’s got style.”

She nodded in agreement taking a bite out of her food. He watched her eat, appreciating her appreciation of food. If he’d cooked a BLT for his other women they’d have given him such a talking to. They’d complain about their size and how he didn’t have a clue what a woman had to do or sacrifice to be a size zero.

“This is brilliant. It has been too long since I had one of these. I can’t wait to see what else you can cook.”

He chuckled. She stood with him as he cleaned away their dishes. “Would you like a tour of the house?” he asked.

“I’d love a tour.”

Julian grabbed another two beers from the fridge, then took her arm as he led her ‘round the house. He showed her his office and library. She asked about the pictures on his walls.

“They’re my family. I couldn’t part with them,” he said.

“Where are your family?” she asked.

“Around. We don’t talk much. These are family photos from a different time.” He looked at a picture of his sister. She was married with three children. She was younger than he. His younger brother was also married.

“Did you always have money?” she asked.

“Yes, we’ve just got more now than before. I’m the oldest, and they don’t appreciate my lifestyle,” he said.


“My sister and brother are both younger than I am, and they’re both married with children. They want me to settle down. They’re tired of seeing my playboy ways.” He smiled thinking about the last argument he had with his father and the topic of responsibility. It was his responsibility as the oldest son to marry and have children. He needed to have an heir to pass on the family business.

“What do you want?” she asked.


“You’ve told me what your family expect, and I guess what the world wants from you, but what do you want?”

No one had ever asked him that. He stood looking at his family pictures wondering what he wanted.

“I don’t have a clue,” he said, honestly.

“Then maybe you need to know what you want before trying to do what everyone else is wanting from you.”

He glanced up at the latest pictures his sister had sent. Did he even want a family?

“Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the house.” He took her up to the bedrooms. She smiled when he showed her the master bedroom.

“Is this the end of the tour?” she asked.

“Not a chance. There is another place I want us to go.” He took her hand leading her down the stairs and towards the back of the house.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked.

“I’m taking you here.” Julian switched on a light. She stared at a beautiful indoor swimming pool. Green potted plants decorated the far corners, and sun lounges lay by the side of the pool. The room looked similar to the type of displays you’d see in glossy magazines advertising getaways for spas.

“Wow, this is yours?” She pulled away from him to walk around the area of the pool.

“This is one of the facilities I had rebuilt when I took on the house.”

“Took on?”

“The house has been part of my family for generations, but my family didn’t like it. They felt it came with too much baggage and left it to go to ruin,” he said.
