Read Books Novel

Sleeping with the Boss

Amber answered and then put it to speaker phone for them all to hear.

“We’re here, Heather. Give us the low down,” Ashley said.

“This is a complete bust. This thong is so uncomfortable. I have to concentrate not to pull it out from between my ass cheeks. Whoever invented it clearly didn’t think straight. I’m going for the full lace panties next. This is too uncomfortable.” She pushed the thong down her legs then sat on the toilet.

“Take it off and throw it in the trash. There is nothing like going bare,” Amber said.

“I can’t do that,” Heather said.

“Why not?” She didn’t know who was talking.

“Because I’m at work.”

They all began chuckling over the phone.

“So, what’s happened?”

“He kept staring at me, but I don’t think he’s interested in me. All of his women are stick thin. I’m never going to be thin. Hold on.” She put the phone down then pulled her thong back up. No one else had entered. She went to the sink, washed her hands then retrieved her phone.

“I’m here,” Heather said. She jumped onto the counter.

“He’s been drooling over you?”

“I think so. His eyes went from my ass to my chest. I’ve never seen him look lost for words.” She looked at her nails as she talked. His gaze had made her wet. She wanted more than his gaze on her body.

“I bet he wants you. Find an excuse to hand your notice in. You’ll find out if he wants you or not. He’ll fight to keep you.”

“I don’t think I can do this. It’s unfair. He’s never shown anything other than respect for me.” Heather hated forcing another person’s hand.

“Do you want to find out if you’d ever have a chance with him or not?”

“Yes.” She’d given up wondering who was speaking. All of her friends cared about her.

“Do this and you can leave with your head held high. Jobs are hard to come by, but you’re more than qualified to get another.”

Heather moaned. “Speaking of jobs, guess who I’ve got in my house as a bloody guest?”



“Your brother?” She knew that was Amber’s voice.

“Yeah. He was waiting for me when I got home last night. He’s moving here and needs a place to crash. I couldn’t believe it. I’m going to want him gone ASAP. I think a few girly nights will send him packing. Are you all in?”

They all murmured their agreement. She checked her watch. “I’ve got to go, guys. I’ll see you soon.”

“Call us with regular updates.”

Heather agreed then shut her phone. She jumped off landing perfectly on her feet. Out of sight of the other employees she moved her thong into place before walking out.

Julian stood at his doorway as she returned.

“Where have you been?” he asked. His tone was filled with annoyance.

“I went to the ladies’ room. Is that a problem?” She folded her arms under her br**sts. His gaze dropped to her chest.

“Get into my office. We need to talk.” He was ordering her around. Annoyed with her response to his interest she followed him inside, shutting the door behind her.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Take a seat.” He leaned against his desk, his arms folded. She saw the muscles in the top part of his arms. The muscles he had always surprised her. He spent a great deal of time behind his desk, yet he was all muscles and gave the presence of a strong, powerful man.

Licking her lips she rubbed her hands down her skirt. They were sweating, and she put it down to the attention directed at her from the man in front of her.

“I need to talk to you about Friday night.”

Friday night? How did he know I was drunk?

“What about Friday?” she asked, her gaze going back to his. His blue eyes held her captive. She couldn’t help but think of the ocean when she stared into his cerulean eyes.

“I know you were no longer on work time and you’re free to do your own thing, but you have to remember you’re a member of my staff.”

“I understand. What does that have to do with Friday?”

“I saw you at the club. You were dancing with your friends.”

Fuck, he saw me.

“I still don’t see what the problem is.” She frowned wondering what she’d done.

“I need you to consider your actions at all times. One of my business associates recognised you. Your dancing and lack of attention could affect me. I’m asking you that next time you consider how you dance and what you’re doing.” He nodded his head smiling at her.

Hell no. He did not just told me to be a stick in the mud because his uptight business buddies wouldn’t approve.

“I wasn’t doing anything wrong, Mr. Goff. What I do on my time is my business.” She stood up from her chair. The difference in their height didn’t help her. At least she wasn’t sitting down to him standing up.

“I understand, Heather, but I’m asking you to consider—”

“Do you have any idea how you’ve insulted me just now?” she asked, cutting him off from talking.

“You’re taking it out of hand,” he said.

“No, you’re taking it out of hand.” She poked his chest, her temper rising at what he’d insinuated. “I was dancing with my friends after work. You were being particularly picky that day, and nothing that I did was good enough. I went out with my friends. I didn’t cause any problems, and yet you’re acting as if I was humping every man on stage.”

He caught her hand pulling her close to his chest. “Every man was drooling over your ass. You were causing a scene.”

“No one was doing anything. I’m single, and if I want to grab the attention of all the men there, then I bloody well will.” She fumed at him. His anger was clear on his face.

“No, you won’t.”

They were so close, their anger making them breathe heavily.

“Yes, I can. You can’t stop me. You’re my boss. Nothing else. If I want men checking out my ass then I’ll let them.” She pushed at his chest to try to pull away. He wouldn’t let her move. His grip tightened around her stopping her from moving.

“If you’re so desperate for male attention, you can have mine.” Before Heather had time to process what was happening, his lips slammed down on hers.
