Read Books Novel

Sleeping with the Boss

She grabbed her purse and jacket. There was no way she’d continue working with what had just happened. Pushing the hair off her face she scowled when she scented her own juice on her fingers.

Julian came out of his office and walked over to her. The office was filling up as she gathered her stuff. She ignored him. The whole interaction had taken twenty minutes tops. She couldn’t believe in twenty minutes she’d managed to orgasm and feel humiliated in the next instant.

“Leave me alone,” she said. She didn’t want the whole office to know what had happened. It was bad enough she felt the evidence between her thighs. He was the biggest man she’d ever been with, and she f**king ached now. She needed a hot bath with salts and some tender loving care. Elijah could leave. She wanted the house to herself.

“Where are you going?” Julian asked.

“Home. I need to get away from here, and you can’t let me leave after what just happened?” She turned to leave. Julian followed her. All the times she’d wanted him to follow before, but this was not one of them.

Typical, he follows on the day when I least bloody want him to.

The elevator was clear. He stood by her side as they rode down. “We need to talk about this,” he said.

She stared straight ahead. “There is nothing to talk about. I’m not on the pill. I’ll go and get one of those morning-after ones. I’m clean. The last guy I slept with was a pig, and I always use condoms. You’re the first one I haven’t.” Heather bit her lip to stop herself from crying. The risks she’d put herself through were ridiculous. She could be pregnant if she didn’t go and get that pill.

“I don’t want you to quit.”

“That’s not your decision. I can’t work with you after this.” The elevator pinged open.

“We need to talk.” He grabbed her elbow to stop her from escaping.

“Not now. I need to go. I don’t know what happened.” She tried to pull out of his hold, but he wouldn’t let her go.

“May I talk to you at your home?” he asked.

Julian being inside her home was the last thing she needed. She shook her head. “I’ll be at work tomorrow. I can’t handle this right now. I’m sorry. I’ve got to go.”

She pulled out of his hold. This time he let her go. Heather walked out of the building feeling like she was on another planet. Her entire day had been f**ked up because he’d started kissing her, and she couldn’t find the willpower to say no to him. Pushing her fingers through her hair, she moved through the throng of people on the street. Living in a city made it easy to get lost. Her phone began to ring. She grabbed it out of her purse and answered without looking who it was.

“Hello,” she said.

“Heather? Are you okay? You don’t sound great.” It was Amber on the other line.

“I’m just great. I mean, how good is a woman supposed to feel after they just f**ked their boss in his office?” Saying the words out loud did nothing to help her in any way. Tears filled her eyes as she thought about what had happened. She was in love with Julian Goff and had been since the moment he offered her the job.

“I’m such a f**king idiot,” she said.

“Listen to me, babe. Go home, and I’m getting off work. I’ll come to you, and we’ll talk about this. Okay?”

Heather wanted to turn her down. Being with her friends wasn’t on her list. She wanted to go home, kick her brother out, then sit and cry for the rest of the night. Preferably cry over a tub of velvety chocolate ice-cream.

“All right. I’m on my way home.”

“I’ll call the others and let them know it is a code three emergency.” Heather closed the phone when Amber was done. She didn’t want to have to deal with everything right now, but her friends were her best option.

She walked all the way home hoping it would clear her head.

Elijah was sat in her sitting room reading through some paperwork when she walked on.

“You’re back early,” he said.

“So. Have you found a job or an apartment yet?” she asked. Her mood deteriorated the longer she had time to think about what happened.

“Someone is in a mood.” She dropped her purse near the door and went straight to the kitchen.

“Do you have a job or apartment yet?” She pulled down a cup for herself ignoring her brother as he leaned against the counter. Heather made herself a cup of tea.

“I’ve got a job. I’m still looking at the apartment problem.”

“Good. I want you gone soon.” She stirred the tea bag with the hot water.

A tear escaped, and she rubbed it out of the way hoping he hadn’t seen it.

“I know we’ve never been close, Heather, but I hoped you’d be able to talk to me about anything,” he said. The relationship she had with her friends was stronger than the one she had with her own brother. She began to laugh.

“I couldn’t come to you if my life counted on it, Elijah. Find an apartment, and leave me the hell alone.” She went to her room leaving him behind.

When her door clicked shut she let the tears fall. Her relationship with her brother had been strained at a young age when her parents chose him for everything. He’d been the rebel but the one people gravitated towards while she’d been the fat, useless one. Her parents loved her. She knew Elijah loved her. The pain was hard to deal with.

She used to wish her relationship with her parents and brother had been better like the ones shown in the movies. Instead, her real family was the three friends she’d made since being a child.

Chapter Five

Amber stopped off home to change before going to the supermarket then on to Heather’s place. She didn’t like the fact Elijah was back. He always made Heather tense. When she called Connie and Ashley for support she’d been shocked to find they were both working nights and wouldn’t be there to help.

She purchased two large tubs of chocolate ice-cream then made her way over to her friend’s. For several minutes she stayed in her car debating on cancelling her friend. Shaking her head, she grabbed her bag then made her way to the door. It was still early in the day. Moments later her nightmare opened the door. His hair was tied round the back. She liked the fact he kept the length of his hair long.

Biting her lip she fought with the desire to stare at the ground. This was the outside world. She didn’t need to do as she was told here.

“I’m here for Heather.”
